Trump = Capital Gains tax

I'll sit and wait for another dumb AF response from you.

Well, well, well now. Over three hours gone by and I see my dumb AF post in #28 still has your arrogant toungue tied and muted?

Guess you don't want to learn about indexing capital gains to initiate capital creation or maybe you're just too stupid AF to explain @moe 's dumb AF post #4?

At any rate I got a good laugh at your economic illiteracy while proving my point made in post #3. I love making you run off with your economically wimp ass tail tucked between your ignorant ass hind quarter.
Unless Daddy backs your losses and covers your interest payments

Of course you have no idea what that's even like do ya "nowhere man"? You haven't even earned your first 1Mil yet have you? Your Daddy certainly tried too but barely managed to keep you fed much less well educated. [winking]

Trump's Pop not only sent him to Wharton, but set him up in business and it appears that investment paid off well as now his Son is the leader of the entire Non Socialist free world and you just work for a Government stipend
Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of knowledge about automotive retailing. Ford is my product, not my employer. Perhaps if you were familiar with working for a profit making entity you wouldn't be so ill informed? At any rate stick to Government work, it's much less demanding for the economically disadvantaged.

Stupid......Ford cuts back, it will trickle down to the dealerships moron. But you sell used cars, so you are probably safe (for now). Has Chris came and talked with you yet?
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Stupid......Ford cuts back, it will trickle down to the dealerships moron. But you sell used cars, so you are probably safe (for now). Has Chris came and talked with you yet?

You are such an ill informed tool it's tragic. Explain how Ford's production scheduling effects staffing decisions at my Dealership?

You can't.

In fact you have no idea what exactly is behind Fords adjustments in sub assemblies, because if you did you'd know it has ZERO impact on the products we currently have wait lists for! Furthermore Dealerships buy only what they can sell. They do not wait for Ford Motor Company to hire sub assembly associates to sell vehicles consumers demand 'ya dolt!

I advised you to stick to your non essential Government assignment. This foray into private enterprise business decisions you've displayed clearly reveals you don't have enough envelopes to lick.
you sell used cars, so you are probably safe (for now)

I will 100% guarantee that 10 year old jalopy you're rolling around in is NOT brand new! I will also 100% guarantee that every unit among the two dozen or so per month I close on have never been previously owned and are BRAND NEW! I will also further stipulate that in probably 90 to 95% of the deals I close with my customers, you CANNOT afford to make the same purchases!

Matter of fact are you still carrying a lien holder on your bucket of bolts or have you finally paid off that rusted out heap after 72 months and 250K miles?
Like a dozen posts, 2-3 direct insults, several loaded questions — couldn’t you have just answered the op’s question?

Hey No where Man, this was the first question in the thread. Can YOU answer it?
Moe, explain how poor folks who have no money allow the Government to take what they don't have and give it to rich folks who already have more money than they do?

@moe said
Great, even more income redistribution from the poor to the rich, no thanks. Trump should look at reducing gov't spending, just a thought.

Typical Leftist economic bullsh1t. How the Hell do poor folks have anything rich folks want or need? [eyeroll]
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Like a dozen posts, 2-3 direct insults, several loaded questions — couldn’t you have just answered the op’s question?
Yes, I can easily answer the question of indexing Capital gains to generate cash flow for business expansions. However no matter how hard you try using the best examples of relative reality you can imagine, you CANNOT explain how income is redistributed from poor people who have very little money and given to rich people who have much more of it.

What @moe said here
Great, even more income redistribution from the poor to the rich, no thanks.

You CANNOT explain that because it is 100% false.

They hate us bc we are allowed to exist & dispute their opinions,

The worst thing you can do to an economically ignorant Leftist is disagree with them. However if you also expose how truly economically ignorant they are, you have committed capital murder against them and you must be either destroyed or permanently silenced. What they will NEVER admit to or allow to stand is their proven ignorance or proven error.
I will 100% guarantee that 10 year old jalopy you're rolling around in is NOT brand new! I will also 100% guarantee that every unit among the two dozen or so per month I close on have never been previously owned and are BRAND NEW! I will also further stipulate that in probably 90 to 95% of the deals I close with my customers, you CANNOT afford to make the same purchases!

Matter of fact are you still carrying a lien holder on your bucket of bolts or have you finally paid off that rusted out heap after 72 months and 250K miles?

Someone's angry. Chris must have been inquiring about your "work". I'll put in a good word for you next time.
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Someone's angry. Chris must have been inquiring about your "work". I'll put in a good word for you next time.

You're such a tool. You're probably asking about Chris Chandler the floor sales Manager at Mall of Georgia Ford where you obviously went looking to try and find my photo (we all pose for photos) so you can harass me you worthless excuse for human existence.

I know Chris very well, speak to him often from my NEW position at another local Ford dealership where I've been for the past six months. Our previous GM Eric Conley was dismissed for reasons I won't go into, and I left MOGF shortly after his departure along with a number of our senior sales staff.

So you see not only are you an ill informed ignorant impotent Leftist, you clearly don't have enough envelopes to lick in your worthless Government non essential job if all you have time to do is search photos on the internet trying to find me just so you can harass me. If you want to know where I'm working because you want to meet personally I can arrange that, but I assure you after our face-to-face meeting you will either become my best friend or you won't be able to make it home that day.
You're such a tool. You're probably asking about Chris Chandler the floor sales Manager at Mall of Georgia Ford where you obviously went looking to try and find my photo (we all pose for photos) so you can harass me you worthless excuse for human existence.

I know Chris very well, speak to him often from my NEW position at another local Ford dealership where I've been for the past six months. Our previous GM Eric Conley was dismissed for reasons I won't go into, and I left MOGF shortly after his departure along with a number of our senior sales staff.

So you see not only are you an ill informed ignorant impotent Leftist, you clearly don't have enough envelopes to lick in your worthless Government non essential job if all you have time to do is search photos on the internet trying to find me just so you can harass me. If you want to know where I'm working because you want to meet personally I can arrange that, but I assure you after our face-to-face meeting you will either become my best friend or you won't be able to make it home that day.

Search of photos? I told you, I am down your way a lot. I happen to know a LOT of people in your field of "work". And if you want to threaten my bodily harm like you did again, then next time I won't speak with will be someone else.......[winking]

Some advice: you may want to lesson your daily hours on the Internet while at work. Just saying. Jobs are hard to find for people your age.
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Kudlow and Moore 2 of the biggest idiots in America. Good call using them to justify Trumps's stupid argument.

Trump should delete the Federal Reserve and Chamber of Commerce...

Indexing capital gains would slash tax bills for investors when selling assets such as stock or real estate by adjusting the original purchase price so no tax is paid on appreciation tied to inflation.

The Bush White House reportedly dropped its capital gains plan amid disagreement among senior officials over whether it was legal.

The change has been a longtime goal of Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, who has said the policy would spur job creation and economic growth because people wouldn’t be taxed on what he’s called “phantom income.”

“It would be a giant economic stimulus for the economy,” said Stephen Moore, a former Trump campaign adviser and a contributor to FreedomWorks, a Washington-based conservative advocacy group. “It would help the stock market and it could unleash hundreds of billions of dollars of new capital for investment.”

The inflation adjustment would amount to a several percentage point tax cut for investors, depending on the type of asset and how long it’s held, according to 2018 estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service.

Corporate stock with dividends held for 10 years would be currently be subject to an effective tax rate of 24.3%. That same holding indexed to inflation would be subject to a 21.4% tax rate, CRS said.
Great, even more income redistribution from the poor to the rich, no thanks. Trump should look at reducing gov't spending, just a thought.

But you leftists love big government. Why would you want it reduced? You can’t have people with money pay for all your free stuff without huge government.
Actually you'd be surprised. With a few taps on my keyboard I can reassemble your entire personal financial portfolio, and based on some key information from your FICO pretty well determine not only which of my "used vehicles" you can't afford, but also what a mess you've made of the rest of your financial budgeting & decision making.

@WVUCOOPER #poor#subprimelender#nonqualifier

No, you can assemble a debt profile from public info and credit bureau info. FICO scores generally assess one's ability to pay for that 2004 Camry with 201000 miles you are about to unload on them. You have no idea about any potential buyers investments, trust funds, stashed cash, and likely their current salary unless they tell you. Of course you could go on the dark web and find a little more info but that would be time consuming in your world and limit your opportunity to sell. So quit saying you can reassemble anyone's entire personal financial portfolio.
Search of photos? I told you, I am down your way a lot. I happen to know a LOT of people in your field of "work". And if you want to threaten my bodily harm like you did again, then next time I won't speak with will be someone else.......[winking]

Some advice: you may want to lesson your daily hours on the Internet while at work. Just saying. Jobs are hard to find for people your age.

If you remember you wimp I offered to fly your scrawny ass down here to Atlanta to meet me? Why didn't you accept my invitation since you're down here so often?

I didn't "threaten" you in my post. Most of the people who know me think I'm a terrific guy. My neighbors Love me, my friends appreciate me, my business associates respect me, my Church brothers Love me along with my Wife of now 37 years.

If you got to know me I'm sure it'd be no different for you. However in that same post I mentioned what would happen if you came down here to Atlanta and said to my face some if the things you spew out on your keyboard.

I don't know what your friends and associates think of you, but I seriously doubt you speak to them as you do to me. No matter, I'm confident if you were brave enough to accept my invitation to meet me here in Atlanta personally as I said we'd either become the best of friends or if you were bold enough to say to my face what you cowardly post on this forum, I assure you I would make certain to dismantle your ability to say another word to me.

So when can I book your flight reservations? I think Delta flies direct to Atlanta from almost anywhere along the east coast? Or let me know next time you're in town and I'll meet you wherever it's convenient for 'ya.
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No, you can assemble a debt profile from public info and credit bureau info. FICO scores generally assess one's ability to pay for that 2004 Camry with 201000 miles you are about to unload on them. You have no idea about any potential buyers investments, trust funds, stashed cash, and likely their current salary unless they tell you. Of course you could go on the dark web and find a little more info but that would be time consuming in your world and limit your opportunity to sell. So quit saying you can reassemble anyone's entire personal financial portfolio.

FICO is for folks who don't have cash to pay for what they're purchasing, and credit underwriters do examine your financial liabilities as well as income when assessing your debt-to-income ratios. Borrowers are usually asking somebody rich to lend them the money they dont have to make their purchase which they promise to repay, unlike the bureaucrats you vote for who confiscate & spend money that's not theirs!

Then they not only don't pay it back, they have the nerve to run up even more debt and then demand more of our money to spend without so much as even a thank you!o_O
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If you remember you wimp I offered to fly your scrawny ass down here to Atlanta to meet me? Why didn't you accept my invitation since you're down here so often?

I didn't "threaten" you in my post. Most of the people who know me think I'm a terrific guy. My neighbors Love me, my friends appreciate me, my business associates respect me, my Church brothers Love me along with my Wife of now 37 years.

If you got to know me I'm sure it'd be no different for you. However in that same post I mentioned what would happen if you came down here to Atlanta and said to my face some if the things you spew out on your keyboard.

I don't know what your friends and associates think of you, but I seriously doubt you speak to them as you do to me. No matter, I'm confident if you were brave enough to accept my invitation to meet me here in Atlanta personally as I said we'd either become the best of friends or if you were bold enough to say to my face what you cowardly post on this forum, I assure you I would make certain to dismantle your ability to say another word to me.

So when can I book your flight reservations? I think Delta flies direct to Atlanta from almost anywhere along the east coast? Or let me know next time you're in town and I'll meet you wherever it's convenient for 'ya.

How do you know we haven't met in the past few months? :popcorn:
I will 100% guarantee that 10 year old jalopy you're rolling around in is NOT brand new! I will also 100% guarantee that every unit among the two dozen or so per month I close on have never been previously owned and are BRAND NEW! I will also further stipulate that in probably 90 to 95% of the deals I close with my customers, you CANNOT afford to make the same purchases!

Matter of fact are you still carrying a lien holder on your bucket of bolts or have you finally paid off that rusted out heap after 72 months and 250K miles?

Anyone who buys a new vehicle is stupid unless it's an unbelievable price and 0% interest so you're robbing the manufacturer, dealer and the finance guy then it would make sense.
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Anyone who buys a new vehicle is stupid unless it's an unbelievable price and 0% interest so you're robbing the manufacturer, dealer and the finance guy then it would make sense.

Matter of fact bulya, 100% of cars on the road right now are "used". They're only brand new until they are driven off the lot.