Trump = Capital Gains tax

Trump should delete the Federal Reserve and Chamber of Commerce...

Indexing capital gains would slash tax bills for investors when selling assets such as stock or real estate by adjusting the original purchase price so no tax is paid on appreciation tied to inflation.

The Bush White House reportedly dropped its capital gains plan amid disagreement among senior officials over whether it was legal.

The change has been a longtime goal of Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, who has said the policy would spur job creation and economic growth because people wouldn’t be taxed on what he’s called “phantom income.”

“It would be a giant economic stimulus for the economy,” said Stephen Moore, a former Trump campaign adviser and a contributor to FreedomWorks, a Washington-based conservative advocacy group. “It would help the stock market and it could unleash hundreds of billions of dollars of new capital for investment.”

The inflation adjustment would amount to a several percentage point tax cut for investors, depending on the type of asset and how long it’s held, according to 2018 estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service.

Corporate stock with dividends held for 10 years would be currently be subject to an effective tax rate of 24.3%. That same holding indexed to inflation would be subject to a 21.4% tax rate, CRS said.
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Trump should delete the Federal Reserve and Chamber of Commerce...

Indexing capital gains would slash tax bills for investors when selling assets such as stock or real estate by adjusting the original purchase price so no tax is paid on appreciation tied to inflation.

The Bush White House reportedly dropped its capital gains plan amid disagreement among senior officials over whether it was legal.

The change has been a longtime goal of Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, who has said the policy would spur job creation and economic growth because people wouldn’t be taxed on what he’s called “phantom income.”

“It would be a giant economic stimulus for the economy,” said Stephen Moore, a former Trump campaign adviser and a contributor to FreedomWorks, a Washington-based conservative advocacy group. “It would help the stock market and it could unleash hundreds of billions of dollars of new capital for investment.”

The inflation adjustment would amount to a several percentage point tax cut for investors, depending on the type of asset and how long it’s held, according to 2018 estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service.

Corporate stock with dividends held for 10 years would be currently be subject to an effective tax rate of 24.3%. That same holding indexed to inflation would be subject to a 21.4% tax rate, CRS said.

No one on the Left of course understands any of this because on matters involving Capitalism & economics, folks on the Left are functionally illiterate.

Government schools. [winking]
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Great, even more income redistribution from the poor to the rich, no thanks. Trump should look at reducing gov't spending, just a thought.

Moe, explain how poor folks who have no money allow the Government to take what they don't have and give it to rich folks who already have more money than they do?
Born is an out and proud populist, not a conservative. ie, he's a Trumper.
I admit.......I do support our President......the one that won the election. And....I will support our next one......regardless of who wins.
No one on the Left of course understands any of this because on matters involving Capitalism & economics, folks on the Left are functionally illiterate.

Government schools. [winking]

Explain how it works. I'll sit and wait for another dumb AF response from you.
Everyone know that experts in budgets, economies, taxes and finances work on used car lots. :joy::joy::joy:

Ford cut a bunch of jobs....are we sure he's still there? I mean, with his constant posting on the Internet I can imagine his bosses aren't happy with the amount of time he's out selling used vehicles........I know they aren't........[winking]
No one on the Left of course understands any of this because on matters involving Capitalism & economics, folks on the Left are functionally illiterate.

Government schools. [winking]
lol, I know trickle down didn't work in Kansas, but then I ain't no stable genius. What is the difference between being illiterate and being functionally illiterate? lmfao.
lol, I know trickle down didn't work in Kansas, but then I ain't no stable genius. What is the difference between being illiterate and being functionally illiterate? lmfao.

The very fact you have to ask that Keyser is immutable proof of your functional illiteracy.
Explain how it works. I'll sit and wait for another dumb AF response from you.

Even if I could help you understand it, it would be an exercise in futility. You still believe the current economic boom we're enjoying which includes energy independence for the fist time in decades is as good as it's been for the past 8 years. [eyeroll]

I can't draw blood from a stone.
Ford cut a bunch of jobs....are we sure he's still there? I mean, with his constant posting on the Internet I can imagine his bosses aren't happy with the amount of time he's out selling used vehicles........I know they aren't........[winking]

Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of knowledge about automotive retailing. Ford is my product, not my employer. Perhaps if you were familiar with working for a profit making entity you wouldn't be so ill informed? At any rate stick to Government work, it's much less demanding for the economically disadvantaged.
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You are in a FAR minority.

The only thing more amusing to me is how irritating you all grow of posts you assiduously pay no attention to? I find that incredibly amusing if not outright comical. You can't be bothered to respond to any simple question I ask of you to define your positions, yet you make it a point to comment on how pointless it is to even comment on anything I'm posting. [eyeroll]

Amusingly dishonest brilliance.
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Explain how it works. I'll sit and wait for another dumb AF response from you.

I'll make a deal with you...

If you can explain @moe's post in #4 (taking money from poor people to give to rich does that work?) then I'll happily explain @WVU82 's post #2 on (how indexing capital gains would help investors selling assets to generate investment capital which funds business expansions and future economic growth).

You go first.
How many of you Leftists posting in this thread agree with moe's post #4, that money is taken from poor people and given to the rich?

How about YOU @Boomboom521 some help for moe explaining his far Left economic bulsh1t you obviously don't agree with?
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How about you @Keyser76? Can you put some "functional literacy" to moe's post #4 in this thread and explain how money is taken from poor people and given to the rich? Is he economically illiterate or are YOU because 'ya can't explain what the Hell he's talking about?
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like watching a dog chasing his tail amused?

Hey Barr...annonymous sources reported you too don't have a clue. They refused to identify themselves for fear of being discovered to be as clueless as you are.
Business challenge question for the first "literate" Leftist who can correctly answer AND explain their correct answer.

*note: all of the answers are correct, but only one choice is the most correct. See if you can pick which one and explain it?

Question: In a profit driven enterprise starting by first raising capital, then operating profitably and ultimately growing, what is the most desired outcome of the venture?

A) Paying back your investors?
B) Generating profits, and operating profitably?
C) growing the business product and expanding the customer base?

Again, all are desireable objectives but only one is the most positive outcome if you're operating a business. Which one of you "economically literate" Leftists can honestly answer this correctly or is brave enough to also qualify what makes your answer correct?

I'll laugh at you all the longer this goes unanswered or reading your worthless attempts to explain your incorrect responses.
(Oh btw, don't bother to "Google" it, their algorithms are all anti-Capitalist) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Thank the "energy force" relativism doesn't govern business balance sheets. Nope, those are strictly and absoulte hard numbers unaffected by what "could be"? [winking]
Except when building the Taj Mahal Casino, or an airline or university with your name on it.
Never answered the question, btw

Relatively speaking, it's because you can't. It's OK though, I wonder what's like to live in "no where land"? [laughing]

He's a real nowhere Man, sitting in his nowhere land......
Except when building the Taj Mahal Casino, or an airline or university with your name on it.

Oh contraire my relative friend. In order to build one must show a business plan with hard numbers covering construction costs before funding. No plan, no $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! [smoke]
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Everyone know that experts in budgets, economies, taxes and finances work on used car lots. :joy::joy::joy:

Actually you'd be surprised. With a few taps on my keyboard I can reassemble your entire personal financial portfolio, and based on some key information from your FICO pretty well determine not only which of my "used vehicles" you can't afford, but also what a mess you've made of the rest of your financial budgeting & decision making.

@WVUCOOPER #poor#subprimelender#nonqualifier