Tommy Tuberville, Village Idiot, Applauds Alabama IVF Ruling Before Finding Out He Has No Idea What It Actually Does

Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump's presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high.........

The TCJA doubled the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child and made the credit available to more middle-income families.

We estimate the ten-year cost of the legislation and executive actions President Trump signed into law was about $8.4 trillion, with interest.

“Of the $8.4 trillion President Trump added to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders, $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and $2.3 trillion from spending increases, with the remaining executive orders having costs and savings that largely offset each other,
Make all roads privately owned. Toll roads. For profit.

Also, end government subsidies to auto industry. Too much wasteful spending. Force auto industry to trim the fat they employ currently.
They're doing that already because of unaffordable unfunded mandates. Matter of fact all private businesses MUST constantly cut fat and trim waste in order to remain profitable. Guess who never worries about that? Bureaucracies. Why not? They don't have to worry about generating "profits", just making sure they waste enough idle money to assure at least a 10% request for an increase over the previous year's baseline funding. :rolleyes:
Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump's presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high.........

The TCJA doubled the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child and made the credit available to more middle-income families.

We estimate the ten-year cost of the legislation and executive actions President Trump signed into law was about $8.4 trillion, with interest.

“Of the $8.4 trillion President Trump added to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders, $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and $2.3 trillion from spending increases, with the remaining executive orders having costs and savings that largely offset each other,
If you didn't I'm sorry I took it that you did . And yes most who mention ghetto assume it's black . I who live In WV know that ghetto is not black . .... not to mention I work 9 months a year in NJ in the ghetto like as in cambden and Patterson and Newark and most shitholes...
I'm still waiting to see you call Airport "racist" for his comment. :joy:
When Trump is re-elected by a landslide, he will privatize as much and as many Government services as practical. That includes Schools, Agriculture, Land management, Commerce, Energy, Arts, Sciences, and any other non essential Government agency that can easily and more efficiently be serviced by a profit driven private sector entity. The only ones who will be squealing like stuck pigs at turning government spending into profits for folks providing non essential services will be the incompetent bureaucrats who for the first time in their worthless careers will have to compete for and justify the dollars they request to fund their otherwise useless jobs. :rolleyes:
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This sure looks like less government.

Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump's presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high.........

The TCJA doubled the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child and made the credit available to more middle-income families.

We estimate the ten-year cost of the legislation and executive actions President Trump signed into law was about $8.4 trillion, with interest.

“Of the $8.4 trillion President Trumpadded to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders, $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and $2.3 trillion from spending increases, with the remaining executive orders having costs and savings that largely offset each other,
Trump want to fire thousands of Government workers, Liberals preparing to fight back if he wins.


Former President Donald Trump has plans to radically reshape the federal government if he returns to the White House, from promising to deport millions of immigrants in the U.S. illegally to firing tens of thousands of government workers. Liberal organizations in Washington are backing President Joe Biden and say they expect Trump to lose. But they're quietly trying to install roadblocks just in case.

Point made, point proven.


  1. The African Development Foundation, which funds African agriculture, infrastructure and community development projects with grants.
  2. The Appalachian Regional Commission, which funds projects meant to bolster businesses, education, culture and economic development in Appalachia.
  3. The Chemical Safety Board, which investigates accidents in the chemical industry and makes safety recommendations.
  4. The Corporation for National and Community Service, which houses several public service organizations, including AmeriCorps.
  5. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funds public television and radio stations including PBS and NPR.
  6. The Delta Regional Authority, which funds businesses and infrastructure in the Mississippi River Delta region.
  7. The Denali Commission, which supports utilities and infrastructure in Alaska.
  8. The Institute of Museum and Library Services, which funds U.S. museums and libraries with grants.
  9. The Inter-American Foundation, which provides financial aid to Latin America and the Caribbean.
  10. The U.S. Trade and Development Agency, which provides U.S. goods and services for foreign development projects.
  11. The Legal Services Corporation, which provides civil legal aid for low-income Americans.
  12. The National Endowment for the Arts, which funds American artists and projects through grants.
  13. The National Endowment for the Humanities, which funds American scholarship through grants.
  14. The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, which funds community development project throughout the U.S.
  15. The Northern Border Regional Commission, which supports economic development in poor areas near the Canadian border.
  16. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation, which helps provide private U.S. capital to foreign development projects.
  17. The United States Institute of Peace, which aims to promote world peace through conflict resolution, training programs and scholarship.
  18. The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, which coordinates efforts to fight homelessness among nearly 20 federal agencies.
  19. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, a prominent think tank studying international affairs and foreign policy.
*editor's note
This list is not comprehensive. It's only what Leftist media chooses to cherry pick in order to build resistance to Trump's privatization initiatives. His proposals also include a long list of alphabet soup agencies that represent hundreds of billions of wasted taxpayer dollars that can be more efficiently and more practically delivered through private services operating on a different model at less expense to taxpayers because they will face competition for their requested dollars.
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When Trump is re-elected by a landslide, he will privatize as much and as many Government services as practical. That includes Schools, Agriculture, Land management, Commerce, Energy, Arts, Sciences, and any other non essential Government agency that can easily and more efficiently be serviced by a profit driven private sector entity. The only ones who will be squealing like stuck pigs at turning government spending into profits for folks providing non essential services will be the incompetent bureaucrats who for the first time in their worthless careers will have to compete for and justify the dollars they produce that fund their otherwise useless jobs. :rolleyes:
Trump want to fire thousands of Government workers, Liberals preparing to fight back if he wins.


Former President Donald Trump has plans to radically reshape the federal government if he returns to the White House, from promising to deport millions of immigrants in the U.S. illegally to firing tens of thousands of government workers. Liberal organizations in Washington are backing President Joe Biden and say they expect Trump to lose. But they're quietly trying to install roadblocks just in case.

Point made, point proven.
Much of Trump's plans to reduce waste, fraud, abuse, duplicative unneeded outdated services and thus Trillions in annual deficits are drawn from this comprehensive year's long study on Government waste.

Read here how as much as 4 trillion dollars in needless Government waste, fraud and abuse can easily be eliminated simply by smart management of the taxpayer's hard earned money. Know this, Government only derives what it spends from the taxpayers. The rest of what it wastes they either borrow or simply print into our expensive unaffordable deficits.

Citizens against Government waste releases 4 trillion in prime waste cutting reccomendations

Here are the facts:

  • Prime Cuts has been published annually since 1993 and addresses every area of government spending.
  • Total savings from Prime Cuts 2023 are $402.3 billion in the first year and $4 trillion over five years.
  • There are 543 recommendations from bipartisan and nonpartisan sources, including the Government Accountability Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the budgets of former Presidents Trump and Obama.
  • Since CAGW’s inception in 1984, implementation of the group’s recommendations has helped save taxpayers more than $2.4 trillion.
Prime Cuts 2023 includes the following recommendations:

  • Reduce Medicare improper payments by 50 percent, which would save $23.4 billion over five years.
  • Eliminate Community Development Block Grants (CDBGs), which would save $16.5 billion over five years.
  • Sell excess federal property and reform leasing practices, saving $15 billion over five years.
  • Eliminate the sugar, dairy, and peanut programs, which would collectively save $6.4 billion over five years.
  • Eliminate funding for the alternate engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, saving $2.9 billion over five years.
  • Eliminate the Market Access Program (MAP), a corporate welfare program that funnels taxpayer dollars to large, profitable corporations and trade associations, saving $878 million over five years.
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Much of Trump's plans to reduce waste, fraud, abuse, duplicative unneeded outdated services and thus Trillions in annual deficits are drawn from this comprehensive year's long study on Government waste.

Read here how as much as 4 trillion dollars in needless Government waste, fraud and abuse can easily be eliminated simply by smart management of the taxpayer's hard earned money. Know this, Government only derives what it spends from the taxpayers. The rest of what it wastes they either borrow or simply print into our expensive unaffordable deficits.

Citizens against Government waste releases 4 trillion in prime waste cutting reccomendations

Here are the facts:

  • Prime Cuts has been published annually since 1993 and addresses every area of government spending.
  • Total savings from Prime Cuts 2023 are $402.3 billion in the first year and $4 trillion over five years.
  • There are 543 recommendations from bipartisan and nonpartisan sources, including the Government Accountability Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the budgets of former Presidents Trump and Obama.
  • Since CAGW’s inception in 1984, implementation of the group’s recommendations has helped save taxpayers more than $2.4 trillion.
Prime Cuts 2023 includes the following recommendations:

  • Reduce Medicare improper payments by 50 percent, which would save $23.4 billion over five years.
  • Eliminate Community Development Block Grants (CDBGs), which would save $16.5 billion over five years.
  • Sell excess federal property and reform leasing practices, saving $15 billion over five years.
  • Eliminate the sugar, dairy, and peanut programs, which would collectively save $6.4 billion over five years.
  • Eliminate funding for the alternate engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, saving $2.9 billion over five years.
  • Eliminate the Market Access Program (MAP), a corporate welfare program that funnels taxpayer dollars to large, profitable corporations and trade associations, saving $878 million over five years.
I notice you didn't mention Trump's budget proposals to cut the rates of growth in discretionary deficit spending that were pronounced "dead on arrival" in '17 by your spending unconscious friends on the Left. Why not?

I also notice you skipped right over
how his initiatives to force a bi-partisan vote on a balanced budget ammendment were fought every step of the way by the same deficit builders in Congress who opposed his discretionary spending cuts. Why's that?

You also did not link your source nor point out that the largest tax cuts in history he did manage to get passed for the folks who pay the tax bills brought in "record revenues" to the treasury and if those same spending ghouls in Congress who actually appropriate the dollars had been more fiscally responsible we could have made a serious dent in those deficits you tried to blame only on Trump? Why did you not mention that?

As I'm sure you're aware, Presidents can only propose spending, and sign the spending bills. Trump's attempts to address our deficits got no help from either side honestly, but the majority of the opposition to his honest attempts to at least slow the rates of growth in our red ink were ALWAYS met with resistance from your friends on the Left and you never mentioned that. How convenient of you!

I'll put you down being in full support when he's reelected of both his next attempts to propse wasteful cuts in discretionary spending, cuts in needless outdated programs, as well as making it a law that we spend no more than we take in of the taxpayer's hard earned money? He'll also call for permanent tax cuts so we can bring in even more revenue to begin paying down these massive deficits by growing the economy instead of just printing money that adds to inflation which in fact is killing economic growth as well as adding to these unpaid debts. Can I count on your full support for all that from Trump after his historic re-election? I'm not holding my breath.

I'm sure you'll forget to support him on all of that too once he's reelected. Or maybe you just may be another one of those Leftist malcontents who will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into fiscal accountability while you accuse him of being the Father of Satan himself for even proposing spending no more than we taxpayer's send in which currently is damn near 2 trillion dollars a year! I know, I know, that STILL isn't enough for some of you Leftist blood suckers. Wonder why you never mention them in any of your one sided Trump attacks?

*(btw, when offering articles backing your positions it's a decent courtesy to your readers to post your sources so your readers understand what's backing your positions and you're not just another garden variety plagiarist like that half brain dead corpse who was installed in '20 as our current grossly fiscally irresponsible steward whom you also forgot to mention in your one sided Trump diatribe)

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I notice you didn't mention Trump's budget proposals to cut the rates of growth in discretionary deficit spending that were pronounced "dead on arrival" in '17 by your spending unconscious friends on the Left. Why not?

I also notice you skipped right over
how his initiatives to force a bi-partisan vote on a balanced budget ammendment were fought every step of the way by the same deficit builders in Congress who opposed his discretionary spending cuts. Why's that?

You also did not link your source nor point out that the largest tax cuts in history he did manage to get passed for the folks who pay the tax bills brought in "record revenues" to the treasury and if those same spending ghouls in Congress who actually appropriate the dollars had been more fiscally responsible we could have made a serious dent in those deficits you tried to blame only on Trump? Why did you not mention that?

As I'm sure you're aware, Presidents can only propose spending, and sign the spending bills. Trump's attempts to address our deficits got no help from either side honestly, but the majority of the opposition to his honest attempts to at least slow the rates of growth in our red ink were ALWAYS met with resistance from your friends on the Left and you never mentioned that. How convenient of you!

I'll put you down being in full support when he's reelected of both his next attempts to propse wasteful cuts in discretionary spending, cuts in needless outdated programs, as well as making it a law that we spend no more than we take in of the taxpayer's hard earned money? He'll also call for permanent tax cuts so we can bring in even more revenue to begin paying down these massive deficits by growing the economy instead of just printing money that adds to inflation which in fact is killing economic growth as well as adding to these unpaid debts. Can I count on your full support for all that from Trump after his historic re-election? I'm not holding my breath.

I'm sure you'll forget to support him on all of that too once he's reelected. Or maybe you just may be another one of those Leftist malcontents who will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into fiscal accountability while you accuse him of being the Father of Satan himself for even proposing spending no more than we taxpayer's send in which currently is damn near 2 trillion dollars a year! I know, I know, that STILL isn't enough for some of you Leftist blood suckers. Wonder why you never mention them in any of your one sided Trump attacks?

*(btw, when offering articles backing your positions it's a decent courtesy to your readers to post your sources so your readers understand what's backing your positions and you're not just another garden variety plagiarist like that half brain dead corpse who was installed in '20 as our current grossly fiscally irresponsible steward whom you also forgot to mention in your one sided Trump diatribe)

Same things said in 2015-16 campaign trail. And deficit increased. We shall see.

Are you denying the deficit increased $8 trillion during his term? Are you denying that he increased child tax credit that you oppose? Are you denying he added millions to farm subsidies that you oppose?
Same things said in 2015-16 campaign trail. And deficit increased. We shall see.

Are you denying the deficit increased $8 trillion during his term? Are you denying that he increased child tax credit that you oppose? Are you denying he added millions to farm subsidies that you oppose?
No. I am saying YOU are disingenuous denying his overall attempts to cut wasteful spending. Presidents propose spending. Congress disposes the dollars. Didn't your government educators teach you that?
Are you denying that he increased child tax credit that you oppose? Are you denying he added millions to farm subsidies that you oppose?
Allowing parents to keep more of what they earn is not spending! That's just more Leftist brainwashing from you. Tax cuts are simply revenues Uncle Sam doesn't confiscate from taxpayers, and ironically they almost always lead to increases in revenues to the treasury. Congress simply spends the extra, then complains the deficits are caused by the tax cuts!

As I pointed out ITT, Trump proposed cutting farm subsidies as well as taxing China more for importing US farm goods to make up for those subsidized cuts. He also favored reductions in needless regulations and taxes hampering our Farmers from making a decent return on their profits particularly since they were competing against Foreign subsidies from other Socialist sh*t holes.


Tax cuts are not to blame for the demographic and benefit‐formula‐fueled growth in mandatory spending. Periodic tax cuts have kept revenue as a share of the economy flat rather than increasing while spending growth remains on a consistent upward path.



President Donald Trump's 2020 budget on Monday proposed a 15 percent cut for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, calling its subsidies to farmers "overly generous" at a time when they are going through the worst crisis in decades because of depressed commodity prices and Trump's trade tariffs.
No. I am saying YOU are disingenuous denying his overall attempts to cut wasteful spending. Presidents propose spending. Congress disposes the dollars. Didn't your government educators teach you that?
Presidents either sign or veto, correct? Did he veto their budgets? Congress appropriates the spending, YES. But the POTUS has the authority to veto, and Congress has the ability to override. So tell me, how many Trump vetoes on the Congressional budget during his 4 years?

EDIT: I've not denied anything. I want fiscal responsibility. Neither candidate has a track record to sway my opinion. Is below not accurate?

To balance the federal budget, government revenue must meet or exceed government spending. That's happened only twice in the past half-century: President Lyndon Johnson did it in 1969, and President Bill Clinton from 1998 to 2001.
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Someone, fact check this data. Pretty interesting.




Since World War 2​

  • Ten of the last eleven recessions have begun under Republican Presidents
  • Since WW2, The US Economy has been in a recession for nearly 10 times as many months under Republican Presidents versus Democratic Presidents (113 months vs 11 months)
  • More than twice as many jobs are created per year under Democratic Presidents than Republican Presidents (2.1 million jobs/year under Democratic Presidents versus 828,000 jobs/year under Republican Presidents.)
  • Budget deficits as a percentage of GDP under Republican Presidents are collectively 9% higher than under Democratic Presidents

Since 1961​

  • GDP growth has been 44% higher under Democratic Presidents.
  • Business Investment Growth has been 132% higher under Democratic Presidents.
  • Unemployment has been 5% higher under Republican Presidents.
  • Average increase in weekly earnings have been positive under Democratic Presidents and negative under Republican Presidents

Job Growth​

Democratic Presidents have helped create 43.8 million more jobs than Republican Presidents, and on year-to-year basis jobs have grown more than twice as fast under Democratic Presidents as under Republican Presidents.
  • Total jobs created under Democratic Presidents: 76,948,000
  • Total jobs created under Republican Presidents: 33,132,000
  • Average yearly growth in jobs under Democratic Presidents: 2,080,000
  • Average yearly growth in jobs under Republican Presidents: 828,000

GDP Growth​

Real Gross Domestic Product growth under Democratic Presidents has been 44% higher than during Republican Presidents.
  • Average GDP growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 3.46%
  • Average GDP growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.4%

Business Investment Growth​

Real business investment growth under Democratic Presidents has been 132% higher than under Republican Presidents.
  • Average growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 6.53%
  • Average growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.82%

Federal Budget Deficits​

Federal budget deficits as a percentage of GDP under Republican Presidents are collectively 9% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Democratic Presidents' deficits averaged 2.46% of GDP per year
  • Republican Presidents' deficits averaged 2.69% of GDP per year


Unemployment under Republican Presidents has been 5% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Average unemployment per year during Democratic Presidents: 5.76%
  • Average unemployment per year during Republican Presidents: 6.07%

Growth In Spending​

Federal Spending has increased 221% faster under Republican Presidents than under Democratic Presidents
  • Democratic Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $38.2 billion per year
  • Republican Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $122.6 billion per year

Balance of Trade​

Trade deficits under Republican Presidents have been 15% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Total trade deficit under Democratic Administrations (in millions): $7,013,688
  • Total trade deficit under Republican Administrations (in millions): $8,065,847
Presidents either sign or veto, correct? Did he veto their budgets?
No. However they refused to pass his budget cuts. It works both ways. When we get veto proof majorities of Republicans in Congress who will eagerly sign the President's proposed spending reductions, will you be there supporting them?

Tell me more lies. Go away.
Someone, fact check this data. Pretty interesting.




Since World War 2​

  • Ten of the last eleven recessions have begun under Republican Presidents
  • Since WW2, The US Economy has been in a recession for nearly 10 times as many months under Republican Presidents versus Democratic Presidents (113 months vs 11 months)
  • More than twice as many jobs are created per year under Democratic Presidents than Republican Presidents (2.1 million jobs/year under Democratic Presidents versus 828,000 jobs/year under Republican Presidents.)
  • Budget deficits as a percentage of GDP under Republican Presidents are collectively 9% higher than under Democratic Presidents

Since 1961​

  • GDP growth has been 44% higher under Democratic Presidents.
  • Business Investment Growth has been 132% higher under Democratic Presidents.
  • Unemployment has been 5% higher under Republican Presidents.
  • Average increase in weekly earnings have been positive under Democratic Presidents and negative under Republican Presidents

Job Growth​

Democratic Presidents have helped create 43.8 million more jobs than Republican Presidents, and on year-to-year basis jobs have grown more than twice as fast under Democratic Presidents as under Republican Presidents.
  • Total jobs created under Democratic Presidents: 76,948,000
  • Total jobs created under Republican Presidents: 33,132,000
  • Average yearly growth in jobs under Democratic Presidents: 2,080,000
  • Average yearly growth in jobs under Republican Presidents: 828,000

GDP Growth​

Real Gross Domestic Product growth under Democratic Presidents has been 44% higher than during Republican Presidents.
  • Average GDP growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 3.46%
  • Average GDP growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.4%

Business Investment Growth​

Real business investment growth under Democratic Presidents has been 132% higher than under Republican Presidents.
  • Average growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 6.53%
  • Average growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.82%

Federal Budget Deficits​

Federal budget deficits as a percentage of GDP under Republican Presidents are collectively 9% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Democratic Presidents' deficits averaged 2.46% of GDP per year
  • Republican Presidents' deficits averaged 2.69% of GDP per year


Unemployment under Republican Presidents has been 5% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Average unemployment per year during Democratic Presidents: 5.76%
  • Average unemployment per year during Republican Presidents: 6.07%

Growth In Spending​

Federal Spending has increased 221% faster under Republican Presidents than under Democratic Presidents
  • Democratic Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $38.2 billion per year
  • Republican Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $122.6 billion per year

Balance of Trade​

Trade deficits under Republican Presidents have been 15% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Total trade deficit under Democratic Administrations (in millions): $7,013,688
  • Total trade deficit under Republican Administrations (in millions): $8,065,847
Link your source! 😒
No. However they refused to pass his budget cuts. It works both ways. When we get veto proof majorities of Republicans in Congress who will eagerly sign the President's proposed spending reductions, will you be there supporting them?

Tell me more lies. Go away.
I haven't told any lies. You have laid the blame on Congress. Yet, he CHOSE NOT TO VETO ONE BUDGET BILL. Why not? Because he approved them ALL.
I haven't told any lies. You have laid the blame on Congress. Yet, he CHOSE NOT TO VETO ONE BUDGET BILL. Why not? Because he approved them ALL.
Correct. That's true he did sign deficit spending Congress passed into Law. Are you saying he shouldn't have done that and you supported the budget cuts he did propose instead?

Tell me more lies. You're very adept at subterfuge. Please stop posting me. I can't stand your duplicitous, disingenuous, and demonstrably dishonest posting. Just go away, knew you'd get on my last Negro nerves the minute I mistakenly got sucked into your vortex of forked tongued dichotomy. I won't be responding to your one sided Trump diatribes anymore. Vote for Biden, he's a much better choice for what you actually advocate. 🤨

Good bye.
Last edited:
No. However they refused to pass his budget cuts. It works both ways. When we get veto proof majorities of Republicans in Congress who will eagerly sign the President's proposed spending reductions, will you be there supporting them?

Tell me more lies. Go away.
Interesting figures, since the House is the appropriations starting place.....(Are these "lies" as well?)

2017=19: 194 (D) 241 (R)

So, during his first two years in office, he has the majority in the House.....where the budget starts. And the deficit had already increased by $3.5 trillion prior to Covid and the Democrats taking control of the House in 2019.
Interesting figures, since the House is the appropriations starting place.....(Are these "lies" as well?)

2017=19: 194 (D) 241 (R)

So, during his first two years in office, he has the majority in the House.....where the budget starts. And the deficit had already increased by $3.5 trillion prior to Covid and the Democrats taking control of the House in 2019.
Those majorities weren't "VETO proof". There weren't enough Republicans to override Democrat threats to VETO Trump's proposed spending cuts. He HAS to sign budgets passed by Congress into Law, so he signed compromised legislation that included fewer cuts than he proposed and more deficit spending than he wanted.

No more responses from me to you. You nauseate me. Off to Church for forgiveness and redemption from my Sin engaging your dishonesty.
Someone, fact check this data. Pretty interesting.




Since World War 2​

  • Ten of the last eleven recessions have begun under Republican Presidents
  • Since WW2, The US Economy has been in a recession for nearly 10 times as many months under Republican Presidents versus Democratic Presidents (113 months vs 11 months)
  • More than twice as many jobs are created per year under Democratic Presidents than Republican Presidents (2.1 million jobs/year under Democratic Presidents versus 828,000 jobs/year under Republican Presidents.)
  • Budget deficits as a percentage of GDP under Republican Presidents are collectively 9% higher than under Democratic Presidents

Since 1961​

  • GDP growth has been 44% higher under Democratic Presidents.
  • Business Investment Growth has been 132% higher under Democratic Presidents.
  • Unemployment has been 5% higher under Republican Presidents.
  • Average increase in weekly earnings have been positive under Democratic Presidents and negative under Republican Presidents

Job Growth​

Democratic Presidents have helped create 43.8 million more jobs than Republican Presidents, and on year-to-year basis jobs have grown more than twice as fast under Democratic Presidents as under Republican Presidents.
  • Total jobs created under Democratic Presidents: 76,948,000
  • Total jobs created under Republican Presidents: 33,132,000
  • Average yearly growth in jobs under Democratic Presidents: 2,080,000
  • Average yearly growth in jobs under Republican Presidents: 828,000

GDP Growth​

Real Gross Domestic Product growth under Democratic Presidents has been 44% higher than during Republican Presidents.
  • Average GDP growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 3.46%
  • Average GDP growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.4%

Business Investment Growth​

Real business investment growth under Democratic Presidents has been 132% higher than under Republican Presidents.
  • Average growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 6.53%
  • Average growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.82%

Federal Budget Deficits​

Federal budget deficits as a percentage of GDP under Republican Presidents are collectively 9% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Democratic Presidents' deficits averaged 2.46% of GDP per year
  • Republican Presidents' deficits averaged 2.69% of GDP per year


Unemployment under Republican Presidents has been 5% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Average unemployment per year during Democratic Presidents: 5.76%
  • Average unemployment per year during Republican Presidents: 6.07%

Growth In Spending​

Federal Spending has increased 221% faster under Republican Presidents than under Democratic Presidents
  • Democratic Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $38.2 billion per year
  • Republican Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $122.6 billion per year

Balance of Trade​

Trade deficits under Republican Presidents have been 15% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Total trade deficit under Democratic Administrations (in millions): $7,013,688
  • Total trade deficit under Republican Administrations (in millions): $8,065,847
Nobody???????? Hello??????????
Correct. That's true he did sign deficit spending Congress passed into Law. Are you saying he shouldn't have done that and you supported the budget cuts he did propose instead?

Tell me more lies. You're very adept at subterfuge. Please stop posting me. I can't stand your duplicitous, disingenuous, and demonstrably dishonest posting. Just go away, knew you'd get on my last Negro nerves the minute I mistakenly got sucked into your vortex of forked tongued dichotomy. I won't be responding to your one sided Trump diatribes anymore. Vote for Biden, he's a much better choice what you actually advocate. 🤨

Good bye.
So you are agreeing, he lied. He had an overwhelming majority (55%) in the House from 2017-19 and could not balance the budget? And instead, added trillions to it.
ust go away, knew you'd get on my last Negro nerves the minute I mistakenly got sucked into your vortex of forked tongued dichotomy. I won't be responding to your one sided Trump diatribes anymore.

Good bye.
What is it you tell the others who don't reply to you??????? Like Eagle, Moe, etc? What's the word you use......?????? :joy:

I'm sorry I hurt your Trump love affair, but he is NOT a fiscal conservative. And it's been proven with FACTS.
What is it you tell the others who don't reply to you??????? Like Eagle, Moe, etc? What's the word you use......?????? :joy:

I'm sorry I hurt your Trump love affair, but he is NOT a fiscal conservative. And it's been proven with FACTS.
You do not support his efforts to cut spending and taxes so vote for Democrats and Biden. We will bury you!🤣

Now I'm off to Church to Pray for our leaders (including Biden and Godless Democrats) You should get to Church too, confess your Sins and ask for forgiveness.
You do not support his efforts to cut spending and taxes so vote for Democrats and Biden. We will bury you!🤣

Now I'm off to Church to Pray for our leaders (including Biden and Godless Democrats) You should get to Church too, confess your Sins and ask for forgiveness.
Because he has no efforts to do so, and never has. PROVEN track record.

If a college football coach gets the job on the preface that he's going to install a run-n-shoot offense, pass happy.......gets the job, hires the coaches to put in the system, recruits the players to run it.....and in his first two years he runs the ball 80% of the time in the wishbone.........what would you call that coach? A LIAR? A FRAUD?

EDIT: "Bury you"? At this point, I almost hope Trump wins so that all the items I have saved that he said he will do can be proven wrong in 2028. Just like I have shown in this thread from his first term. :joy: Either way, not going to hurt my feelings.
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Those majorities weren't "VETO proof". There weren't enough Republicans to override Democrat threats to VETO Trump's proposed spending cuts. He HAS to sign budgets passed by Congress into Law, so he signed compromised legislation that included fewer cuts than he proposed and more deficit spending than he wanted.

No more responses from me to you. You nauseate me. Off to Church for forgiveness and redemption from my Sin engaging your dishonesty.
No. He could have vetoed. He signed them because he approved of them.

Edit: can you show me Trump spoke out against the 2017 and 2018 budgets before he “reluctantly” signed them? He’s not the type to do something he’s against without saying something. So I’m sure you’ll have no issue in finding where he spoke against what he ultimately signed and approved.

FY 2017 Budget (in billions)
Department Obama Budget Trump Budget Enacted Spent
Defense Dept. $523.9 $546.6 $516.1 $523.2
Education $69.4 $63.6 $68.0 $66.9
Energy $30.2 $27.7 $37.8 $30.2
NNSA $12.9 $12.5 $12.9 $12.8
Health $77.9 $72.4 $73.5 $87.1
Homeland $40.6 $44.1 $42.4 $42.4
HUD $38.0 $33.6 $38.8 $34.0
NASA $18.3 $19.2 $19.7 $19.7
State $37.8 $35.4 $36.6 $38.7
VA $75.1 $74.5 $75.1 $74.4
All Other Departments $135.9 $131.9 $128.9 $169.3
Subtotal $1,065.2 $1,080.5 $1,070.0 $1,085.9
Emergency Funding $84.2 $101.8 $101.8 $133.2
Total Discretionary $1,149.4 $1,182.3 $1,171.8 $1,219.1

President Trump submitted a budget amendment on March 16, 2017. It asked Congress to appropriate an additional $30 billion for the Department of Defense and enact non-defense discretionary reductions of $18 billion.6

On April 30, 2017, Congressional leaders agreed on a budget. The Senate and House approved the spending bill in May 2017.7 It appropriated $1.1 trillion in discretionary spending. Congress added $101.8 billion in emergency funding. The Republican-led Congress spent more than Democrat Obama.
How many reading this thread will join Trump after he's reelected as President in support of his original call for a Balanced Budget ammendment to the Constitution assuring Congress can no longer spend beyond what taxpayers send into the US treasury unless passed by super majorities in both chambers?

The Administration supports passage of H.J. Res. 2, referring to the States for ratification a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The amendment would require that Federal Government outlays not exceed receipts in any year unless authorized by legislation passed by three-fifths of the House and Senate. The amendment would impose similar supermajority requirements for legislation increasing the limit on Government debt held by the public, and would require any legislation increasing revenues to be approved by majority roll-call votes.


In his Fiscal Year 2018 and 2019 budget proposals, President Donald J. Trump proposed trillions of dollars in spending reductions to non-defense programs that would reduce our deficits and debt, while ensuring that our military has the resources it needs to keep our Nation safe. These reductions eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse, and abolish numerous programs that have failed to deliver promised outcomes to the American people.

So by "like" acclamation vote to this post, who will be joining the 47th President of the United States as he once again attempts to correct generations of fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement while we also join in his overall efforts to MAGA? Let's see those "likes" pile up! 😉

*If you plan to vote for creepy Joe Biden, don't bother responding we already know what losers you are. 🤫
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In response to an analogy earlier ITT about proposals to reduce non discretionary spending in Trump's budgets offered to a recalcitrant Congress, can any knowledgeable football fans offer the name of any Head Coach anywhere in America who needs a vote from his staff, administrators at his schools or even fans to set up whatever type of Offense he wants to run? Can you imagine the howls of "Dictator" from our deficit spending averse Congressional bloodsuckers if Trump had just ordered that his serious budget proposals to cut wasteful discretionary spending be followed exactly as he proposed?

For better or for worse the President needs Congressional approval to get his proposed budgets passed into Legislation he can sign. No football Coach needs such authorization to get his Offensive plans enacted. What he says goes. I'd imagine Trump wouldn't mind that same authority, but in a Congress of 435 voting members roughly half of whom hate his guts, it just doesn't work that way. Still he can get a lot done through his power to Veto, but getting them over ridden almost never happens unless the other side fears going against his wishes means they'd lose their jobs.
Will he walk the talk........🍿

He didn't in 2017......2018........2019........2020

$8.4 trillion added to debt
Will he walk the talk........🍿

He didn't in 2017......2018........2019........2020

$8.4 trillion added to debt
How much of that was COVID related? How much is due to govt required payments? I agree that govt spends too much. Economy stopped from covid and Mnunchin felt govt had to provide money to get people to shut their business down. Totally devastating to us. Should levy tariffs on China to help fill our coffers cause they released it
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How much of that was COVID related? How much is due to govt required payments? I agree that govt spends too much. Economy stopped from covid and Mnunchin felt govt had to provide money to get people to shut their business down. Totally devastating to us. Should levy tariffs on China to help fill our coffers cause they released it
$3.2 Trillion (give or take a few million).......

Here's breakdown:

$3.6 trillion: CARES Act, Response and Relief Act, Other Covid bills

$4.8 trillion: tax cuts and spending laws
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