Time to cut athletic department costs.


Apr 16, 2011
According to Gee, wvu is facing a 75 mil shortfall and projected steep decline in enrollment of at least 5,000 in next few years. Tuition will be rising. Academics are going to be cut. Time for reality to set in on the bloated, wasteful, over emphasized athletic program. No more mega expensive playpen for over pampered children in men and women's bodies. Time to pay coaches for performance and not like celebrities. Kids aren't going to be able to go to school but by God we'll have state of the art ice baths. Small schools have it right.
The University benefited for YEARS on the backs of students from Jersey and PA. Those students are now staying home. The state of WV does not graduate enough HS students each year to maintain WVU let alone the other 4 year schools in the state. Now Gee 2.0 wants to lower academic standards. It is long past time for the BoG to retire President Bow Tie.
The University benefited for YEARS on the backs of students from Jersey and PA. Those students are now staying home. The state of WV does not graduate enough HS students each year to maintain WVU let alone the other 4 year schools in the state. Now Gee 2.0 wants to lower academic standards. It is long past time for the BoG to retire President Bow Tie.
You are totally wrong and deflecting from the problem and reality
People are catching on to the scam called "higher education."
I tend to agree. However we're talking over 20% of WVU's enrollment. The best investment in the athletic department is to invest in building academics and enrollment instead of football and basketball bloat . Otherwise get used to sparse game attendance,..losing records...and a crappy image.
People are catching on to the scam called "higher education."
That too, but have you went on a tour of downtown Morgantown lately.... Who would want to send their kids to a town that resembles a 3rd world country? Who wants to invest in a town that is actively trying to bring in more homeless drug addicts from around the country so they can give them free narcan, food, never arrest them for doing elicit drugs in broad daylight, etc. The progressive policies that destroyed Portland OR are now in the process of destroying Morgantown. In fact one of their local town counselman, Brian Butcher, is bragging that he wants to see 3 more homeless shelters in Morgantown. Where are all these homeless people coming from? Out of state....they are walking here and bussing here and starting to take over areas of town. Most of the local politicians aren't even locals. They are "progressives" from places like Chicago and New York. One of them just moved on from city counsel and now works for the aclu. Morgantown is on its way down. If the left isnt stopped, people will begin moving in droves, businesses closing, which is already kind of happening. Property value will drop, etc. Sadly I own a house in Morganhole city limits and I'm going to go ahead and put in on the market this summer. It will be hard to find a renter or buyer after a couple more years of the ignorant liberal policies. Gotta make a move now and shut the door in Morgantown.

Needless to say, if I were a parent and went to Morgantown with my kid to tour campus and town, I would cross WVU off the list right away, and I think that is starting to happen and will get worse.
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That too, but have you went on a tour of downtown Morgantown lately.... Who would want to send their kids to a town that resembles a 3rd world country? Who wants to invest in a town that is actively trying to bring in more homeless drug addicts from around the country so they can give them free narcan, food, never arrest them for doing elicit drugs in broad daylight, etc. The progressive policies that destroyed Portland OR are now in the process of destroying Morgantown. In fact one of their local town counselman, Brian Butcher, is bragging that he wants to see 3 more homeless shelters in Morgantown. Where are all these homeless people coming from? Out of state....they are walking here and bussing here and starting to take over areas of town. Most of the local politicians aren't even locals. They are "progressives" from places like Chicago and New York. One of them just moved on from city counsel and now works for the aclu. Morgantown is on its way down. If the left isnt stopped, people will begin moving in droves, businesses closing, which is already kind of happening. Property value will drop, etc. Sadly I own a house in Morganhole city limits and I'm going to go ahead and put in on the market this summer. It will be hard to find a renter or buyer after a couple more years of the ignorant liberal policies. Gotta make a move now and shut the door in Morgantown.

Needless to say, if I were a parent and went to Morgantown with my kid to tour campus and town, I would cross WVU off the list right away, and I think that is starting to happen and will get worse.
Sold the old homestead in First Ward area of Morgantown. Got pennies on the dollar for what value had been a decade ago. Morgantown has been run by university affiliated liberals for a while and the result shows. Coal isn't allowed to be what it was...the state is bleeding is fleeing. Morgantown is there to support the University. If the downward trajectory of the school's attendance and financial position continue then Morgantown 's decay will accelerate. Wvu has to tighten the belt and the endless spending for feel good things for the athletic program is an obvious target for severe reduction. Wvu will never keep pace with the big boys of sport. When you can't put food on the table buying a new sports car won't help.
Get rid of Gee.
Why? Because he is telling the truth or because you need to sniff jock straps? Really. If the university is planning on cutting out degree programs, staff and general resources then the waste and ego in the athletic program needs sliced off.
Why? Because he is telling the truth or because you need to sniff jock straps? Really. If the university is planning on cutting out degree programs, staff and general resources then the waste and ego in the athletic program needs sliced off.
Because he's a woke liberal piece of shit like you.
If THE land grant university for the state of WV is bleeding red ink, I cannot see where gutting the athletic department's budget helps. The Legislature in Charleston and the Board of Governors have some serious questions to pose to Gee.
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They are bleeding because student population is dropping like a stone...spending over budget to include the bs student athlete etc. Whole list of reasons.
Less than half of the student body is from the state now. Over 30% come from Va, Pa, and Md. The remaining 20% or so come from remaining 46 states and foreign countries. A deep dive into wvu budget issues reveal that the costs of big 12 membership has outstripped revenue. Wvu simply doesn't have resources to pretend it is a big boy in modern college athletics.
Thought for sure people claimed you could not negotiate a GOR.

This should be interesting. Amazes me how Huggins has survived these past few years with how things are going.


That too, but have you went on a tour of downtown Morgantown lately.... Who would want to send their kids to a town that resembles a 3rd world country? Who wants to invest in a town that is actively trying to bring in more homeless drug addicts from around the country so they can give them free narcan, food, never arrest them for doing elicit drugs in broad daylight, etc. The progressive policies that destroyed Portland OR are now in the process of destroying Morgantown. In fact one of their local town counselman, Brian Butcher, is bragging that he wants to see 3 more homeless shelters in Morgantown. Where are all these homeless people coming from? Out of state....they are walking here and bussing here and starting to take over areas of town. Most of the local politicians aren't even locals. They are "progressives" from places like Chicago and New York. One of them just moved on from city counsel and now works for the aclu. Morgantown is on its way down. If the left isnt stopped, people will begin moving in droves, businesses closing, which is already kind of happening. Property value will drop, etc. Sadly I own a house in Morganhole city limits and I'm going to go ahead and put in on the market this summer. It will be hard to find a renter or buyer after a couple more years of the ignorant liberal policies. Gotta make a move now and shut the door in Morgantown.

Needless to say, if I were a parent and went to Morgantown with my kid to tour campus and town, I would cross WVU off the list right away, and I think that is starting to happen and will get worse.
You aren't wrong. My daughter is looking at schools. We have visited Ole Miss, Clemson, Auburn, Arkansas, Oklahoma State, UT, (among others) and then I took her to Morgantown (one of the last ones).

I was honestly shocked at how much of a shithole downtown had become. Empty storefronts, dirty, not very well manicured. Even the campus was disappointing. Compared to every other schools we visited it wasn't even close. My daughter and her friends shocked when they saw it in comparison to ACC/SEC schools. We were there with friends from all over the country (alumni) and we were all disappointed in what we saw in comparison.
You aren't wrong. My daughter is looking at schools. We have visited Ole Miss, Clemson, Auburn, Arkansas, Oklahoma State, UT, (among others) and then I took her to Morgantown (one of the last ones).

I was honestly shocked at how much of a shithole downtown had become. Empty storefronts, dirty, not very well manicured. Even the campus was disappointing. Compared to every other schools we visited it wasn't even close. My daughter and her friends shocked when they saw it in comparison to ACC/SEC schools. We were there with friends from all over the country (alumni) and we were all disappointed in what we saw in comparison.
That is definitely a bummer. Morgantown was once a really nice town. It even won awards for best small city a couple years and things were heading a good direction.

Then here comes the progressive left. There were some before the new batch but in recent times Danielle Walker, Danielle Trumble, Brian Butcher, etc. Those moronic losers are totally destroying Morgantown and no one seem to even be trying to stop them. None of them are even from there. They are literally bringing in homeless junkies from other states so they can fill the new ramada inn converted shelter that barely any of them stay in. Brian Butcher wants 3 more shelters. Where will the people come from to fill these shelters? Everywhere but Morgantown.

Anyone wants to see the democrat left policies in action, and the future of Morgantown, WV here ya go...

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Get rid of Gee.
It is way bigger than bowtie. The folks running the town are rabid progressives and they are unhinged. I got to ask one of them a question once, and I nicely asked how all of the out of town homeless drug addicts get here and why they are coming there in droves all of the sudden? The questioned never got answered, but a total unhinged meltdown ensued. So I started asking the junkies themselves. They come to Morgantown because they are invited. They consider it a safe haven. They get free narcan, free everything, and they are above the law there. They can do meth on the sidewalks of high street and they will not go to jail for it. They can shit, they can piss right in front of a 5 year old girl walking down the street and there is 0 consequence. They are on a red carpet there. The left is literally reaching out and brining these folks there on purpose. They are destroying Morgantown, WV city limits. It will never be the same.
One of my daughters just graduated with her BS from a college here in Utah. She is planning to continue onto graduate school. She has visited WVU throughout her life for various functions, games, etc. WVU has the program she wants. She is not even applying, as there are much more attractive college towns in which to live.

I loved Morgantown at one time. Now, not so much.
Morgantown isnt the issue. The issue is drastic cuts at the university which has to include slashing the bloated athletic department .
Morgantown isnt the issue. The issue is drastic cuts at the university which has to include slashing the bloated athletic department .
Its not all Morgantown for sure because WVU is mismanaged too. Somewhere I keep hearing WVU attendance is down and I feel like Morganhole is definitely a part of that.
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Its not all Morgantown for sure because WVU is mismanaged too. Somewhere I keep hearing WVU attendance is down and I feel like Morganhole is definitely a part of that.
College attendance is falling generally. Individualized skill education/training is growing in importance. Liberal arts portions of a college education are not fact knowing history etc is often seen as a waste of time. Hell schools don't even teach cursive anymore. Attendance is dropping at college football games for the same reasons. Half empty stadiums will become the norm. Student athletes are constantly looking for next deal and have become game playing gypsies. Schools will be forced into budget tightening when cable tv sports collapses.
College attendance is falling generally. Individualized skill education/training is growing in importance. Liberal arts portions of a college education are not fact knowing history etc is often seen as a waste of time. Hell schools don't even teach cursive anymore. Attendance is dropping at college football games for the same reasons. Half empty stadiums will become the norm. Student athletes are constantly looking for next deal and have become game playing gypsies. Schools will be forced into budget tightening when cable tv sports collapses.

Honestly other than missing how the sports used to be, I'm ready for colleges to crash and be forced into reality. They have become are liberal indoctrination centers, and that isnt helping people get jobs, its just helping more people become mentally ill. A kid who was raised with some real work ethic but has zero education is way more useful to the world than the average college grad these days.

On a side note when I was at WVU I met a particular gal, she was a WVU soccer player and we became close friends. She took a women's study class, and I watched it infect her mind and ruin her life. It wasnt long before she quit soccer, cut her hair all short, developed resting bitch face and still to this day 25-30 years later she is a miserable human. She still considers herself a feminist activist. It hasnt served her one ounce of goodness. The pictures of her before feminism were probably the last ones she wore a smile. That was my first clue that the feminist movement was fake and not serving woman well at all. College indoctrination... the marxists dont care about feminism, they just want to break up the families. It is what it is....its morning, Im rambling...
Well schools do pump out valuable degree programs like...Diversity...Activism....General Studies...and a whole host of $200,000 degrees in other solid career areas!
That too, but have you went on a tour of downtown Morgantown lately.... Who would want to send their kids to a town that resembles a 3rd world country? Who wants to invest in a town that is actively trying to bring in more homeless drug addicts from around the country so they can give them free narcan, food, never arrest them for doing elicit drugs in broad daylight, etc. The progressive policies that destroyed Portland OR are now in the process of destroying Morgantown. In fact one of their local town counselman, Brian Butcher, is bragging that he wants to see 3 more homeless shelters in Morgantown. Where are all these homeless people coming from? Out of state....they are walking here and bussing here and starting to take over areas of town. Most of the local politicians aren't even locals. They are "progressives" from places like Chicago and New York. One of them just moved on from city counsel and now works for the aclu. Morgantown is on its way down. If the left isnt stopped, people will begin moving in droves, businesses closing, which is already kind of happening. Property value will drop, etc. Sadly I own a house in Morganhole city limits and I'm going to go ahead and put in on the market this summer. It will be hard to find a renter or buyer after a couple more years of the ignorant liberal policies. Gotta make a move now and shut the door in Morgantown.

Needless to say, if I were a parent and went to Morgantown with my kid to tour campus and town, I would cross WVU off the list right away, and I think that is starting to happen and will get worse.
the homeless encampment under the bridge was cleared out in March
the homeless encampment under the bridge was cleared out in March
There are campsites all over the place in and around Morgantown. They clean it up, it comes right back. I think they should have the addresses of every registered democrat in Morgantown so they can go live with the folks who brought them here.
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While I have empathy for my fellow humans, most of these people have placed themselves in this situation by their own bad decisions..There's actually no such thing as a "poor person" in the US...having been in countries who actually have no safety net such as food, clothing, money, shelter,phone,electricity, TV etc...there's no such thing as an obese poor person in the rest of the world
While I have empathy for my fellow humans, most of these people have placed themselves in this situation by their own bad decisions..There's actually no such thing as a "poor person" in the US...having been in countries who actually have no safety net such as food, clothing, money, shelter,phone,electricity, TV etc...there's no such thing as an obese poor person in the rest of the world
Cant disagree with that. To take it further, I believe the situation with these mostly young adults is made worse by enabling. As the one drug counselor said about Portland --these folks are being "loved to death" by the folks who support this. Its not helping them, its hurting.
Its amazing to even think the the REI in Portland OR is closing..... this will be Morgantown if it isnt stopped.

According to Gee, wvu is facing a 75 mil shortfall and projected steep decline in enrollment of at least 5,000 in next few years. Tuition will be rising. Academics are going to be cut. Time for reality to set in on the bloated, wasteful, over emphasized athletic program. No more mega expensive playpen for over pampered children in men and women's bodies. Time to pay coaches for performance and not like celebrities. Kids aren't going to be able to go to school but by God we'll have state of the art ice baths. Small schools have it right.
I understand that the WV Athletic Department doesn't get any money from the WVU General Revenues. It does get a portion of fees that students pay.
Less than half of the student body is from the state now. Over 30% come from Va, Pa, and Md. The remaining 20% or so come from remaining 46 states and foreign countries. A deep dive into wvu budget issues reveal that the costs of big 12 membership has outstripped revenue. Wvu simply doesn't have resources to pretend it is a big boy in modern college athletics.
Root find your post interesting. Could you provide income WVU gets from Big 12 along with the amount of expenses. Thanks, NOVA
While I have empathy for my fellow humans, most of these people have placed themselves in this situation by their own bad decisions..There's actually no such thing as a "poor person" in the US...having been in countries who actually have no safety net such as food, clothing, money, shelter,phone,electricity, TV etc...there's no such thing as an obese poor person in the rest of the world

There’s a lot of addicts, and mentally ill people that are part of the homeless population. It’s mostly on those individual’s families to pick them up and keep them out of homelessness, and not every individual has a good family and also some people are just too far gone. Giving these individuals shelter/food is putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. If you want to curb the explosion of homelessness, there needs to be better access to rehab for addicts, not just rehab for addicts from wealthy families. Mental health is a tricky one, no easy answers to keep schizophrenics, autistics, and the Down syndrome population in a safe and productive environment if their family fails them or dies.
One of my daughters just graduated with her BS from a college here in Utah. She is planning to continue onto graduate school. She has visited WVU throughout her life for various functions, games, etc. WVU has the program she wants. She is not even applying, as there are much more attractive college towns in which to live.

I loved Morgantown at one time. Now, not so much.
Ghost, we have formed an official Utah alumni association. If u have Facebook, check out WvU Alumni Utah or send me ur email if u want on a contact list for watch parties. And nice name!
The utter ignorance of these Morgantown observations is something to behold. Even for Rival standards, truly impressive.
There’s a lot of addicts, and mentally ill people that are part of the homeless population. It’s mostly on those individual’s families to pick them up and keep them out of homelessness, and not every individual has a good family and also some people are just too far gone. Giving these individuals shelter/food is putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. If you want to curb the explosion of homelessness, there needs to be better access to rehab for addicts, not just rehab for addicts from wealthy families. Mental health is a tricky one, no easy answers to keep schizophrenics, autistics, and the Down syndrome population in a safe and productive environment if their family fails them or dies.
What they really need is real life incentive to stay clean and get their shit together. The best place to start is stop enabling them. I think we've tried it long enough to no avail. The problem just gets worse. So now we should dig deep and give the tough love that actually helps people. Sink or swim bitches....its amazing how capable people can suddenly become overnight when they actually have to.....