This is why Biden is going to lose the election: Steve Forbes


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

Biden out of touch with America. Also out of touch with reality.

He's never been the sharpest crayon in the box but now he's lost his mind.

Everything Biden touches turns to shit.

Biden out of touch with America. Also out of touch with reality.

He's never been the sharpest crayon in the box but now he's lost his mind.

Everything Biden touches turns to shit.
I resent that!

Why creepy Joe? Everyone can already see you've got nothing but sh*t for brains! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I don't "lie"...Hell I'm just trying to remember if it even happened?

Yeah we noticed you can't keep track of various "versions" of the same bogus stories 'ya creep!
Oh, no wait...that was when I was marching in the Civil rights I remember!!!!

Stop lying.... 😏
What??? You mean to tell me I wasn't the smartest guy in my Graduating class?

Not even close 'ya brain dead liar....try bottom half!!!!

Oh good Lord I forgot how I cheated on my finals just to get a "C"!

Figures...and you're STILL dumb as a box of rocks! 😒
Because they're all rotten and corrupt to the core! This is just another in a long line of reasons we need to completely gut the's turned into nothing but a swamp full of political operatives for the Democrat party. :mad:
Not just Democrats!
Biden as a career politician has been on both sides of nearly every event which affects the vote outcome. He attempts to be on the favorite side to gather the most popular group of voters. In this case of Israel/Hamas he attempts to capture both sides at the same time simply to secure the vote. He claims to support Israel to get that vote while withholding weapons and monetary support to get the Anti-Israel vote. It is past time for Americans to step up and reject worthless Joe Biden and erect his "Worse President Ever" statue at the head of his grave...
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Biden as a career politician has been on both sides of nearly every event which affects the vote outcome. He attempts to be on the favorite side to gather the most popular group of voters. In this case of Israel/Hamas he attempts to capture both sides at the same time simply to secure the vote. He claims to support Israel to get that vote while withholding weapons and monetary support to get the Anti-Israel vote. It is past time for Americans to step up and reject worthless Joe Biden and erect his "Worse President Ever" statue at the head of his grave...
Hey...I resent that!!!!!

Face it creepy Joe...not only are you incompetent, you're unarguably delusional! No one likes you. Wonder why not?

Maybe it's because I can't even remember who or where I am half the time huh?

Maybe, but you've never had any trouble remembering your creepiness have 'ya creepy Joe? :rolleyes:
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