This is bad

The whole things smells. A Presidential candidate in cahoots with a long-standing enemy. His NSA resigns for lying about it. US Intel says the DNC was hacked by that same enemy and trying to help Trump. That enemy plants fake news all over to help Trump. Trump asks that enemy to release HRC's emails. Yep, nothing to see here.
Actually, he was being facetious when she claimed she couldn't find them, he intimated the russians already had them. It was pretty clear to me, those on the left are dense when it comes to humor, especially since you lost.
Actually, he was being facetious when she claimed she couldn't find them, he intimated the russians already had them. It was pretty clear to me, those on the left are dense when it comes to humor, especially since you lost.

They're still trying to play gotcha politics. Old game on steroids, and it isn't working.
Yes THEY are the ones doing it. lmao

Then why do tell are THEY not calling for the SIGINT leaker's heads like they have Snowden, Manning, etc., in the exact same manner? Is it the leak, or the content of the leak? THEY need to make up their minds.
I was referring to you talking about capturing him and bringing him back before a judge and jury. I was just saying that I wouldn't risk anybody's life for a low level operative like Al Alawki. He wouldn't have any info about planned operations by Al Queda
Which is why Obama had him drone bombed.

I got the blind condom mixed up with KSM, who's at Gitmo, correct? Good place for him. Soldiers are afforded Geneva convention and since the terrorist in Afghanistan or anywhere else do not fight under the flag of a country, they are not due any consideration from the Geneva convention. I would imagine they are not a signee of the convention which would definitely preclude them from any rights. When someone like Al Alawki takes up sides against us in another country, he is fair game. He has no more rights. As far as Bergdahl goes, he walked off his post voluntarily, men searched for him. If they died looking for him, I believe that would be pretty easy to prove, he deserves a prison sentence for getting men killed for desertion of his post.
Like it or not, the men captured in Afghanistan were fighting under the flag of a country. Just because we didn't like the Taliban (even though we loved the hell out of them in the 80s and 90s when they were fighting the Russians) didn't make them illegitimate, and whether the Taliban government was a signatory or not doesn't absolve the US of its obligation as a signatory. Guantanamo will forever be a blot on our history.

As for Bergdahl, the Army has never asserted that anyone died looking for him, regardless of what his former platoon mates said on Fox News. He screwed up monumentally and paid a horrific price for it.
The whole things smells. A Presidential candidate in cahoots with a long-standing enemy. His NSA resigns for lying about it. US Intel says the DNC was hacked by that same enemy and trying to help Trump. That enemy plants fake news all over to help Trump. Trump asks that enemy to release HRC's emails. Yep, nothing to see here.
The bolded things are complete figments of your imagination or just downright laughable but keep lying to yourself and everyone else.
Which is why Obama had him drone bombed.

Like it or not, the men captured in Afghanistan were fighting under the flag of a country. Just because we didn't like the Taliban (even though we loved the hell out of them in the 80s and 90s when they were fighting the Russians) didn't make them illegitimate, and whether the Taliban government was a signatory or not doesn't absolve the US of its obligation as a signatory. Guantanamo will forever be a blot on our history.

As for Bergdahl, the Army has never asserted that anyone died looking for him, regardless of what his former platoon mates said on Fox News. He screwed up monumentally and paid a horrific price for it.

They are not fighters under any flag. They are not a recognized country, they do not recognize Geneva rights either. To have Geneva rights, you have to be a signee, they are not.
Then why do tell are THEY not calling for the SIGINT leaker's heads like they have Snowden, Manning, etc., in the exact same manner? Is it the leak, or the content of the leak? THEY need to make up their minds.

No one released "sigint". They released the fact that Flynn discussed sanctions against Russia before he was in official position, which is a violation of the Logan Act. They didn't disclose classified info. The leak wasn't against the law. Only idiots are now focusing on the leak rather than a deeper investigation which could potentially reveal one of the biggest scandals in this nation's history.

Someone in the thread mentioned that they didn't think Flynn would be prosecuted. I disagree. Violation of the Logan Act carries a potential for both fines and imprisonment. He ultimately might be relieved of all charges in exchange for testimony, but he will be charged.

Some of you need to take a step back for a moment. You are too close to the forest to see the trees. Why would any presidential campaign be in constant communication with intelligence officials from Russia? Has any prior US presidential campaign ever been in contact with another country leading up to an election, with the exception of Iran when they had hostages?
Short answer: yes, regardless of when:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 45 › § 953

But it's doubtful Flynn would be prosecuted for this. Nobody ever has.
Good luck with that one. If they have recordings of Flynn doing any of that....why his his ass not behind bars? My uneducated guess is because they don't have any such evidence. That's probably why the NYT said nothing illegal was done. I'm pretty sure the Bill Clinton had dealings with several Russian officials when he was not President and I don't remember any media meltdown with him..... The NYT did an in-depth story on his dealing but the overall media never made it headline news day after quietly just went away.
Someone in the thread mentioned that they didn't think Flynn would be prosecuted. I disagree. Violation of the Logan Act carries a potential for both fines and imprisonment. He ultimately might be relieved of all charges in exchange for testimony, but he will be charged.
If Flynn violated any laws he should be prosecuted. They have the recordings and they had them before Trump took office. Why did the Obama administration refuse to charge Flynn if they had the goods on him? My guess is because they decided Flynn did not violate the Logan Act.
I'm pretty sure the Bill Clinton had dealings with several Russian officials when he was not President and I don't remember any media meltdown with him.

You clearly don't understand the difference.

" In those calls, which led to Mr. Flynn’s resignation on Monday night, the two men discussed sanctions that the Obama administration imposed on Russia in December."

He will be charged. There is an ongoing investigation that continues.
They are not fighters under any flag. They are not a recognized country, they do not recognize Geneva rights either. To have Geneva rights, you have to be a signee, they are not.
Thank you Vice President Cheney. But you're still wrong. The Convention clearly states that "if one of the belligerents is not a party to the Convention, its provisions shall, nevertheless, remain binding as
between the belligerents who are parties thereto
"-- the status of the Taliban government did not release the US from its obligations to live up to it as a signatory.
Thank you Vice President Cheney. But you're still wrong. The Convention clearly states that "if one of the belligerents is not a party to the Convention, its provisions shall, nevertheless, remain binding as
between the belligerents who are parties thereto
"-- the status of the Taliban government did not release the US from its obligations to live up to it as a signatory.

The taliban and alqeda adhere to the geneva convention? Cutting off heads is not following any convention that I know of.
No one released "sigint". They released the fact that Flynn discussed sanctions against Russia before he was in official position, which is a violation of the Logan Act. They didn't disclose classified info. The leak wasn't against the law. Only idiots are now focusing on the leak rather than a deeper investigation which could potentially reveal one of the biggest scandals in this nation's history.

Someone in the thread mentioned that they didn't think Flynn would be prosecuted. I disagree. Violation of the Logan Act carries a potential for both fines and imprisonment. He ultimately might be relieved of all charges in exchange for testimony, but he will be charged.

Some of you need to take a step back for a moment. You are too close to the forest to see the trees. Why would any presidential campaign be in constant communication with intelligence officials from Russia? Has any prior US presidential campaign ever been in contact with another country leading up to an election, with the exception of Iran when they had hostages?

You have to have a FISA court hearing to authorize listening to an American citizen. You can not release it. Doing both, in this case, may violate law. The release certainly does. By the way, liberals are a foreign government meant to bring down the US as it was formed and meant to be.
Thank you Vice President Cheney. But you're still wrong. The Convention clearly states that "if one of the belligerents is not a party to the Convention, its provisions shall, nevertheless, remain binding as
between the belligerents who are parties thereto
"-- the status of the Taliban government did not release the US from its obligations to live up to it as a signatory.

Both sides disagree on this, there are court ruling probably for both sides. we will not agree on this.
You clearly don't understand the difference.

" In those calls, which led to Mr. Flynn’s resignation on Monday night, the two men discussed sanctions that the Obama administration imposed on Russia in December."

He will be charged. There is an ongoing investigation that continues.
Are you saying that Flynn's intent was to influence the Russians when he talked to their ambassador? And what would he be trying to influence them about since the election was over? If he did, it would seem to be a clear cut violation of the Logan Act. I'm sure they have it on tape if he did. President Obama should have made it public since it happened on his watch.
You have to have a FISA court hearing to authorize listening to an American citizen. You can not release it.

Wrong and wrong.

The very Act you cited gives us the authority to record the phone calls made to a foreign government, regardless if it was a US citizen.

Call up Russia and discuss US sanctions with them and see what happens. [laughing]

The audio tape hasn't been released. No details have been released. The only info that has been released is the fact Flynn did discuss US sanctions with them, which is illegal and is why he resigned.
Is this based on your legal expertise?

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Wrong and wrong.

The very Act you cited gives us the authority to record the phone calls made to a foreign government, regardless if it was a US citizen.

Call up Russia and discuss US sanctions with them and see what happens. [laughing]

The audio tape hasn't been released. No details have been released. The only info that has been released is the fact Flynn did discuss US sanctions with them, which is illegal and is why he resigned.
Releasing the audio to the public has NOTHING do with deciding guilt. The Government already knows what is on the tape and if a crime was committed I'm sure Flynn would have already been charged or will shortly be charged if your assertion of guilt is correct.
§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

So you have proof that Flynn violated that law?
So you have proof that Flynn violated that law?

" In those calls, which led to Mr. Flynn’s resignation on Monday night, the two men discussed sanctions that the Obama administration imposed on Russia in December."

He will be charged. There is an ongoing investigation that continues.

That was enough proof for Flynn to resign.

I have never seen someone so stuck on stupid in my life. "It's" like you are madly in love with Trump and your world will shatter when this investigation is complete and down comes little hands.
That was enough proof for Flynn to resign.

I have never seen someone so stuck on stupid in my life. "It's" like you are madly in love with Trump and your world will shatter when this investigation is complete and down comes little hands.
You are making an assumption that discussing the sanctions violates the Logan Act, and that is not necessarily true. Then you call me names which is comical because you don't even realize how I am abusing your silly logic right now.
You are making an assumption that discussing the sanctions violates the Logan Act, and that is not necessarily true. Then you call me names which is comical because you don't even realize how I am abusing your silly logic right now.

I posted the Logan Act for you. Discussing sanctions with another government, when you are not authorized to discuss those sanctions is clearly a violation of the Logan Act. It is so plain and simple, I won't argue it any more.

The only thing you are abusing is your self respect. Not only are you stupid, you are stubborn. This reminds me of the time you argued with me for over two hours on Design Speed. How did that end?
The whole things smells. A Presidential candidate in cahoots with a long-standing enemy. His NSA resigns for lying about it. US Intel says the DNC was hacked by that same enemy and trying to help Trump. That enemy plants fake news all over to help Trump. Trump asks that enemy to release HRC's emails. Yep, nothing to see here.

I posted the Logan Act for you. Discussing sanctions with another government, when you are not authorized to discuss those sanctions is clearly a violation of the Logan Act. It is so plain and simple, I won't argue it any more.


"with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, "
I posted the Logan Act for you. Discussing sanctions with another government, when you are not authorized to discuss those sanctions is clearly a violation of the Logan Act. It is so plain and simple, I won't argue it any more.

The only thing you are abusing is your self respect. Not only are you stupid, you are stubborn. This reminds me of the time you argued with me for over two hours on Design Speed. How did that end?

The bolded part is information you don't know occured. You should stop arguing it with me because you are talking out your ass.

I remember the time you argued design speed and I admitted I got DS and Posted Speed reversed, but then I proved your claims about design speed were false because there are design exceptions and several instances were posted speed limit exceeds design speed. I had an excuse I was impaired on opoid laced cough syrup. What is your excuse every single day when you are proven wrong?
The bolded part is information you don't know occured. You should stop arguing it with me because you are talking out your ass.
"In those calls, which led to Mr. Flynn’s resignation on Monday night, the two men discussed sanctions that the Obama administration imposed on Russia in December.".

From The NY Times and their source is our intelligence agencies.

The bolded part is information you don't know occured. You should stop arguing it with me because you are talking out your ass.

I had an excuse I was impaired on opoid laced cough syrup.

Wrong and wrong.

The very Act you cited gives us the authority to record the phone calls made to a foreign government, regardless if it was a US citizen.

Call up Russia and discuss US sanctions with them and see what happens. [laughing]

The audio tape hasn't been released. No details have been released. The only info that has been released is the fact Flynn did discuss US sanctions with them, which is illegal and is why he resigned.

You are wrong, to listen to an American citizen requires a petition of the FISA court. Funny, how does anybody know what was discussed when releasing any information is breaking the law?
I posted the Logan Act for you. Discussing sanctions with another government, when you are not authorized to discuss those sanctions is clearly a violation of the Logan Act. It is so plain and simple, I won't argue it any more.

The only thing you are abusing is your self respect. Not only are you stupid, you are stubborn. This reminds me of the time you argued with me for over two hours on Design Speed. How did that end?
Disclosing a private American's conversation from a FISA court required approval is breaking the law. By it's very nature, it is secret. Hopefully, we find out who did it and prosecute them. This wasn't a foreign govt tapping a phone and then releasing the conversation.
You are wrong, to listen to an American citizen requires a petition of the FISA court. Funny, how does anybody know what was discussed when releasing any information is breaking the law?

You are wrong, as usual. You shouldn't attempt to practice law. I hear you suck at dentistry too.

Here is the precedent:

In the time immediately preceding FISA, a number of courts squarely addressed the issue of "warrantless wiretaps". In both United States v. Brown, 484 F.2d 418 (5th Cir. 1973), and United States v. Butenko, 494 F.2d 593 (3rd Cir. 1974), the courts upheld warrantless wiretaps. In Brown, a U.S. citizen's conversation was captured by a wiretap authorized by the Attorney General for foreign intelligence purposes. In Butenko, the court held a wiretap valid if the primary purpose was for gathering foreign intelligence information.

You should give it a shot. Call up Russia and speak with their intelligence officials and see what happens.
Disclosing a private American's conversation from a FISA court required approval is breaking the law. By it's very nature, it is secret. Hopefully, we find out who did it and prosecute them. This wasn't a foreign govt tapping a phone and then releasing the conversation.

The content wasn't disclosed. The topic of the conversation was disclosed. No law was broken by our intelligence community.
You are wrong, as usual. You shouldn't attempt to practice law. I hear you suck at dentistry too.

Here is the precedent:

In the time immediately preceding FISA, a number of courts squarely addressed the issue of "warrantless wiretaps". In both United States v. Brown, 484 F.2d 418 (5th Cir. 1973), and United States v. Butenko, 494 F.2d 593 (3rd Cir. 1974), the courts upheld warrantless wiretaps. In Brown, a U.S. citizen's conversation was captured by a wiretap authorized by the Attorney General for foreign intelligence purposes. In Butenko, the court held a wiretap valid if the primary purpose was for gathering foreign intelligence information.

You should give it a shot. Call up Russia and speak with their intelligence officials and see what happens.

Unlike you, I actually benefit people. Liberals are a drain on human resources that could be put to better use. You would be lucky to have someone as gifted as I am in dentistry as your dentist. I do not discriminate, I give excellent dental care to everyone I see, even liberals.
Unlike you, I actually benefit people. Liberals are a drain on human resources that could be put to better use. You would be lucky to have someone as gifted as I am in dentistry as your dentist. I do not discriminate, I give excellent dental care to everyone I see, even liberals.

Conservatives are a drain on society with their corporate welfare.