THERE WILL BE JUSTICE... Trump DOJ to investigate the stolen 2020 election.

Resign then. You have no buisness working in Government if you are that mentally ill.

Federal employees feeling ‘dread,’ experiencing ‘PTSD’ over Trump return to the White House: Report​

'We are in a dystopian hellscape,' one federal worker told CNN​


I want to tell you the VERY FIRST THING that President Trump needs to do to fix our nation's military.

On the morning after the inauguration balls, he needs to have Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, report to the Oval Office, and Trump needs to tell him this while the General stands at attention:

"General, on August 9, 2022, as the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, you signed a memo directing racial and gender quotas for USAF officer accessions. This was a blatantly racist, sexist, unconstitutional and un-American act, and by all rights your military career should have ended on that very day. The United States military is not and never will be again a place of racism and sexism. Competency and combat effectiveness must be our watchwords. In my administration racists and sexists like you will no longer be tolerated. Given your distinguished combat service, I will grant you the courtesy of allowing you to resign as CJCS. I expect to see your resignation on my desk by the end of the business day. If I do not receive it by such time, I will publicly announce that you have been relieved for cause. Good day General."