there is no justice in OUR DoJ... Hilliary is being investigated by her own fan club.

If the Clintons controlled the FBI and the DOJ don't ya think they may have done something to prevent Trumps big win? Seriously, have you ever interacted with the FBI or DOJ? They are hardly landing spots for flaming liberals, or maybe, just maybe, the Donald is a pussy grabbing neophyte who thought he could do as he pleased the law be damned. His tweets sure do show a lack of understanding of how the law works. This is just bullshit for you rubes who will think of anything to make your Trump dreams come true, who cares, this your last gasp, America sees ya;'ll really are deplorable.
So why was Strozyk removed from his position dipshit?
I seem to remember the Prez, describing Comey as tough during the election at one point, bout October I think. He rails against anyone who points out his bullshit and just look at all his lil men on here "Trumpeting" the Trump line.

House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) speaks to FOX News after being cleared by a House ethics panel over an accusation that he revealed classified information. From Friday's broadcast of Special Report:

CATHERINE HERRIDGE, FOX NEWS: After an 8-month review the House ethics panel cleared the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes of revealing classified information while overseeing the Russian investigation.

NUNES: I think it gives people in the United States a scene into how dirty this place can be.

HERRIDGE: Speaking exclusively to FOX News, Nunes said the complaint filed by liberal groups was designed to shut down his investigation that revealed the unmasking, or identification, of Trump campaign associates by President Obama's appointees in foreign intelligence reports.

HERRIDGE: Was the ethics complaint legitimate?

REP. DEVIN NUNES (R-CA): No, I think this was just a clear design by the left working in conjunction with parts of our government to keep information away from me and the House Intelligence Committee.

HERRIDGE: Nunes publicly confirmed for the first time a month-long probe that goes well beyond the Russia case into the surveillance of Americans through the FISA, or the national security courts.

NUNES: I believe we have evidence that there is definitely abuses have occurred.

HERRIDGE: And Nunes pointed to the leaked conversation of the General Mike Flynn with the Russian ambassador and the Congressman said he is unaware of any leak investigation by the FBI or Justice Department.

NUNES: I hate to use the word corrupt, but they've become at least so dirty that who is watching the watchmen? Who is investigating these people? There is no one.

Nunes also said there is still no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

"I think for the most part people thought it had to do with Russia collusion but we have no evidence of Russian collusion between the Trump campaign," Nunes told Herridge.

These new documents released by Judicial Watch show that the Obama State Department's Hillary Clinton records would not be “released to the general public under FOIA.” (2/6)

The new documents released by Judicial Watch also show that Huma Abedin was allowed to take five boxes of “physical files” out of the State Department that include records described as “Muslim Engagement Documents.” (3/6)

The originals of some Clinton docs were retained. For others, there is no indication that a copy was made. The most significant are her personal correspondence & gift binders, which could reflect Clinton Foundation & Clinton Global Initiative ties. (4/6)

We already know the Obama State Department let Hillary Clinton steal and then delete her government emails, which included classified information. But these new records show that was only part of the scandal. (5/6)

These new docs show the Obama StateDept had a deal w/ Clinton to hide her calls logs & schedules, which would be contrary to FOIA & other laws. When are the American ppl going to get an honest investigation of the Clinton crimes? (6/6)
the WHOLE Russia/Trump lie was a plan by the dems to remove him...

it was a power grab...

owebama ran this country with EOs and policy through the DoJ...

Holder, Lynch, Comey and the whole obamagang are/were the most corrupt group of individuals to EVER hold those positions.

'Smoking gun' email reveals Obama DOJ blocked conservative groups ...
Oct 24, 2017 - The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee claims he obtained a “smoking gun” email that proves the Obama Justice Department prevented settlement payouts from going to conservative-leaning organizations, even as liberal groups were awarded money and DOJ officials denied ...

Obama's DOJ slow-walked probe despite national security concerns ...
Oct 17, 2017 - In their recent article in The Hill, John Solomon and Alison Spann reported on the Obama Justice Department's slow-walk investigation of Moscow's “bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin's atomic energy business inside the United States.” Obama ...

Special prosecutor should probe lawless Obama-era DOJ | TheHill
Mar 14, 2017 - Problems at Justice didn't begin with Obama. Both Clinton and Bush had issues. But theObama DOJ professionalized lawlessness to an unseen degree. The Department's politicization under Lynch and especially Holder is dark stain on Justice's storied history. A special prosecutor could begin to restore ...

Judiciary Chair Claims Internal Docs Reveal Obama DOJ 'Slush Fund'
Oct 24, 2017 - Internal U.S. Department of Justice documents confirm the existence of a department “slush fund” under the Obama Administration and that DOJ officials “went out of their way” to exclude conservative groups, the head of the House Judiciary Committee told fellow lawmakers Tuesday.

Dobbs: Obama Justice Dept is the most politically corrupt in U.S. ...
Jul 13, 2017 - Dobbs on the Obama DOJ and Loretta Lynch. FBN's Lou Dobbs on the Obama Justice Department and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch giving the Russian lawyer Donald Trump Jr. met with a waiver into the U.S.. A few thoughts now on what is inarguably the most politically corrupt department in the ...

Obama Administration Enabling Noncitizen Voting; DOJ Conflict of ...
Several well-funded organizations — including the League of Women Voters and the NAACP — are fighting efforts to prevent non-citizens from voting illegally in the upcoming presidential election. And the United States Department of Justice, under the direction of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, is helping ...

Obama DOJ: Handmaiden of Clinton Corruption | Frontpage Mag
Nov 3, 2016 - The Obama Department of Justice has been corruptly aiding and abetting the Democratic Party's presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, to escape legal accountability for her actions. From Attorney General Loretta Lynch on down through the Justice Department's political ranks, the Department has blocked ...

Obama's DOJ granted Russian lawyer access to U.S. - Axios
Jul 13, 2017 - Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian attorney who met with Donald Trump Jr. in June 2016, was initially granted special access into the U.S. by President Obama's Justice Department, according to a report from The Hill. How it happened: Veselnitskaya was granted limited "special immigration parole" by ...

REPORT: Obama DOJ Prosecuted Less Than 1% Of Criminals Who ...
Nov 16, 2017 - Over 100,000 convicted felons attempted to illegally purchase firearms each year during President Barack Obama's eight years in the oval office, and the Obama administration did virtually nothing about it. The Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) only "considered prosecuting" approximately 30 to 40 ...

Bombshell Revelations about Russia and Obama's Department of ...
Oct 17, 2017 - All of this was known before the Obama/Clinton State Department approved the controversial transfer of US uranium assets to Russia. But the Obama/Holder Justice Department did nothing. Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the ...

Corrupt to the core.
Is ANY of what's been posted here in this thread being reported on the main news media? I don't watch them so someone will have to tell me. I doubt it, but can anyone verify?