The radical left never takes a vacation from hating on all things American


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Leftists are destroying our country

Bleaters bleat with approval

LINK: The left's annual hate of Christopher Columbus Day and how they hate all things American

Well, since the radical left never takes a vacation from hating on all things American. Today was their annual hate on Christopher Columbus Day. Now, this was the take from the endearing folks over at Salon. I don't understand the adulation that some Italian-Americans continue to bestow on Christopher Columbus, who, as history demonstrates, was less a hero than a thug exploiting and enslaving indigenous peoples.

Oh, well. A better, more sober assessment comes from Zubair Simonson in the National Catholic Register, who asked, Are we the beneficiaries of his exploration going the Law, a man for having a conviction, ambition and courage?

Or should we blame that man for anything that went wrong afterward, including events far beyond his control or events that he hadn't been there for? Without even trying to consider how his times were different from our own. Well on this 530th anniversary of the day that Columbus landed in the Western Hemisphere, it's a good time to remind everyone that Columbus Day was a progressive idea that came out in the New Deal era.


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