Going to try to keep this short, but hopefully get my question out. Comments say CFB is becoming a professional organization. What is the key issues that keep CFB from not having the issues (law suits) and salary cap etc. i understand B10/SEC overall influence. But the NFL does not need an antitrust exemption, they are not having lawsuits like this . Why ? What is the structure(s) that are missing that is keeping CFB from becoming regulated and having standards (being able to say “no”) buy a group/committee and that’s the final word. I know there is no players union, is that all? Is this current environment just a product of getting to the professional concept to allow rules to apply without question. Is it because of different state rules, is it private vs public institutions and how money flows through individual institutions? Congress or state legislatures have not had anything to do with the NFL. Is it TV and marketing pushing agendas, they obviously do that now to all the professional leagues, or they would not exist the way they are structured today. What are the major issues that are so complicated that a variety of groups/interests, cannot get behind closed doors and come up with a plan moving forward? Its money driven , but every school is impacted, it’s relative in that school/leagues world, but they are all impacted my the same issues to a degree. Is just about power and who gets to make the final structure decisions. What are the major factors that congress is assumed to have to get involved. Why do schools not just get payed a flat share and then get the extra dollars based on market value based on eyeballs and performance from that prior season ? It would call take care itself and the schools could not argue their share. The NFL does not have these issues . Why is it so hard using a similar structure of oversight and decision making? College football is in a dark gray area now, and it will never go backwards .. never.. so what is the key factors that would structure a solution ? Their only a few I have read on this board that I think can address abd summarize the struggles and needed solution. It’s so frustrating hearing all the problems in isolated segments, instead of how the big picture moving forward is impacted . I would just like a good understanding of what the plan is .. does anyone have any idea ?