The democrat campaign for 2024 is boring. They can't run on their record 'cause it's shit.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
The democrat camapign for 2024 is boring. It's so 2016.

It's like they just replaced Hillary with Biden.

They can't run on their record because it is shit.

They can't even offer a nifty slogan like build back better because they have shown they can't buildShit.

They can't say the adults are back in charge without being laughed off the stage.

The campaign is boring.

It's basically orange, man, bad using the same attacks from 2016.

They even have the same establishment Republicans, media personalities, and celebrities come on and say the same mean things about Trump.


It's like they can't move on.

And the orange man bad attacks don't even register since we have Trump's 1st term to show all their fear porn never happened.

It's like listening to the next climate scaremonger say in 10 years we will all be dead, again, or the crazy preacher guy down on the corner screaming... the end is coming.

It's boring as hell.