The Bergdahl situation is fascinating


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
We now know that NCIS conducted a full investigation of Bergdahl in 2009. They concluded from computer forensics and interviews with Afghans that Bergdahl deserted and tried to flee to Russia. We also know about the aid he provided to the Taliban. Obama had to know these facts before conducting the trade. But even if you think the trade was ok, Obama's administration held a ceremony at the White House lauding Bergdahl's service. The administration claimed he served with honor and distinction. It was all a lie and just before the election.

Did they not know that these facts would come out? Have they no shame?

On a separate note, the judge in Texas that issued the injunction on Obama's amnesty just ruled that the injunction would continue and was upset that the Obama Administration misled the court (in other words lied to the court).

Does anyone notice a pattern?
What aid did he provide to the Taliban? If there had been any credible evidence of that, a charge of aiding the enemy (Article 104 of the UCMJ) would have been added to the sheet.
Obama routinely overides the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

He operates in a vacuum, the military had no input on this at all. He is the master Machiavellian magician who lies constantly but possesses the cloak of unaccountability which thwarts any and all attempts to hold him accountable for his many, many examples of high crime and treason. On another note, he better hurry up if he really wants to destroy America. Hyperbole in overdrive.
He was charged with misbehavior before the enemy. That sounds like aided to me.

Regardless, the bigger point is that Obama lied as did his administration. Lying is a pattern.
Re: Obama routinely overides the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Are you seriously claiming that no one in the Administration knew of Bergdahl's desertion? That they did not have access to the NCIS report before making the deal? Are you kidding me?
The military chain of command was also strong armed

in an attemp to make the Courts Martial of Bergdahl NOT happen....Basically, the military was being told NOT to court martial him...
Re: The military chain of command was also strong armed

That is exactly right. They did not want this $hit coming out. And the Obama lackeys on this board are claiming that Obama did not know about Bergdahl's desertion. Just like Obama didn't know you couldn't keep your health plan.
No, I'm saying that everyone knew about his situation

and that it was probable grounds for desertion charges which he is now on trial for. But you don't comment on it before his trial. We don;'t leave people behind even deserters. I know the President was briefed by his Joint Chiefs of Staff, those guys don't just roll over for Presidents.
He served with honor and distinction.

Those sad bastards in the White House actually said that with straight faces ............. and the gaggle of usual suspect morons (simply look a thread or two below) just lap it up as always.
Strong armed the military? With what?

Or are you thinking about what they did to Colin Powell?
Re: No, I'm saying that everyone knew about his situation

Let's assume you are correct and that Obama didn't want to leave a soldier behind (rather than wanting to close Gitmo). Why on earth did he and his administration lie through their teeth claiming that he served with honor and distinction and even held a White House ceremony? At a minimum they knew that the military believed he deserted. Why not just stay silent and not have the ceremony? The reason is that Obama wanted the "bump" in public opinion before the election and he didn't give a hoot about the truth.
See, That's my problem "Obama didn't want to leave a soldier behind"

He doesn't govern in a vacuum. And I don't think he got much of a bump, all I read were condemnations of the trade.
Re: See, That's my problem "Obama didn't want to leave a soldier behind"

Obama and his administration lied through their teeth. The sole reason for the White House ceremony was for Obama to get a bump. Is it so hard to admit they lied?
Re: No, I'm saying that everyone knew about his situation

Originally posted by Keyser76:
I know the President was briefed by his Joint Chiefs of Staff, those guys don't just roll over for Presidents.
Are you intentionally doing this or are you legitimately this dense?

Chain of Command, he is above them. They do what he says or they are "resigned".
Re: This again?

The so-called "Obama purge" has been discredited, debunked, and disproven as many times as the birth certificate claim. A foolish consistency truly is the hobgoblin of little minds.
This has always bothered me

Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Chain of Command, he is above them. They do what he says or they are "resigned".
I don't know what the solution is, but having a guy that has never been in the military (this isn't always the case) and certainly hasn't made a career of it has the final say over guys that have.

I don't think I have a better idea because the buck has to stop someplace, but this is bothersome to me. Maybe I'm alone in that thought (certainly wouldn't be the first time).

I've never served in the military, but have spent nearly my whole career supporting them. Even in my role, there are people above making decisions that have absolutely no idea what's going on. So much so that they don't even know the proper questions to ask to get the actual answer they are looking for.

Then you have somebody that won an election and they could conceivably just walk in and clean house without any idea what's really going on, make decisions based on their own whims instead of listening to people that have been doing it for 20-30 years.
Re: No, I'm saying that everyone knew about his situation

Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:
They do what he says or they are "resigned".
So why are they going ahead with the court-martial? Surely Ozbama the Great and Powerful made it clear he just wanted it to go away quietly?
The arrogance of the man

Do you not see that he could give a crap what people think? It is more thumb in the eye from him.
Lol If it is a legal order they do. Like kill Osama!

But hey, add "the military brass is terrified of Obama", to the long list of Bullshit that makes your fantasy keep spinning.
Re: No, I'm saying that everyone knew about his situation

If I had to guess, I would say that due to extreme scrutiny that was placed on this he never directly ordered them not to. He achieved his chief objective of getting the guys out of GITMO and this Bergdahl stuff is the sideshow.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Lol If it is a legal order they do. Like kill Osama!

What fantasy? Who said they were terrified of him? POTUS is the head of the military structure. They work for him. That's not a fantasy.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: No, I'm saying that everyone knew about his situation

Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:
He achieved his chief objective of getting the guys out of GITMO and this Bergdahl stuff is the sideshow.
Good grief.

Everybody … and you were probably one of them ... wanted Bergdahl brought home -- by any means necessary -- until he was.
Well Gee Golly, He can tell em to do whatever he wants!

That ain't the way it works.
Re: No, I'm saying that everyone knew about his situation

Certainly wanted him brought home, but not at this cost. Do we still have record of military men remaining in N.Korea? Did we negotiate their trade for a bomb? Point being some have been left behind when it is their choice not to return. Would still like to talk to them to see why.

If it seems to be a different situation, I would agree. Hostilities have ended.
Re: No, I'm saying that everyone knew about his situation

Not even sure how to respond to this. One thing is clear though, you certainly don't have me figured out.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Well Gee Golly, He can tell em to do whatever he wants!

Well I would love for you to enlighten me from your vast knowledge of the military command structure.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Actually yes he can

You really are not very smart. I know you like to think you are and pretend you are but you aren't.
Re: You can say BS all you want

After all, that's the Know-Nothing Party line.