BREAKING - PunchBowl is reporting: Senate briefing on Trump rally shooting just concluded. Top lines, per 2 senators on the call:—The shooter visited the rally site a few days in advance to scope it out—62 mins elapsed between the time the shooter was photographed as being suspicious and when he fired the shots—20 mins elapsed between the time he was spotted by snipers & when he fired the shots—FBI Director Wray said there’s no known foreign nexus but no established motive as of now. Shooter used encrypted comms and had little to no social media presence

3:00 — Assassin under suspicion when range finder sets off metal detector.

5:45 — counter-sniper spots assassin on roof. Radios it in.

6:02-6:04 — They still allow Trump to take the stage

6:11 — after enjoying seven minutes to set up his shot, assassin brandishes rifle at cop.

Seconds later — assassin gets off 8 shots at Trump before he’s shot.

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I just got off a briefing with the Secret Service and FBI. I am appalled to learn that the Secret Service knew about a threat prior to President Trump walking on stage.

I have no confidence in the leadership of Director Cheatle and believe it is in the best interest of our nation if she steps down from her position.
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The reason that the Biden administration is flailing in the aftermath of Trump’s assassination attempt is because they fully expected him to be dead or seriously incapacitated right now.

In response to the very public and gruesome assassination, they were hoping for and expecting massive protests, counter-protests, and the inevitable riots that would follow (they would make sure of that one way or the other) to sow confusion, doubt, dismay, discord, division, and to distract from the events of that day while providing them with an excuse to crack down hard on Trump supporters.

It’s no different than any other color revolution like we’ve seen them deploy in places like Ukraine and elsewhere, but rather than an attempt to replace the existing power structure, this particular version was an attempt to maintain the existing power structure and expand it.

By a centimeter or less and the grace of God, they failed.

Breaking anonymous insider testimony on the Trump shooter incident. This will eventually be submitted to the Congressional tip line. In the meanwhile, it’s yours too! The people deserve to know!

My person has access to the PA State Police, Butler County Sheriffs, and Butler PD.

Now let’s begin.

1. The water tower is still very much in play.

2. The state police are usually allocated to events such as the Trump rally.

3. Secret Service told the State Police not to show up.

4. All SERT tech (Strategic emergency response team) would have been leveraged by the State Police that were disinvited.

5. Tech for State SERT also includes drones, bombs, and snipers. So state was not allocated, and local police were only allocated to traffic control.

6. If SERT is the normal unit to provide permitted security and tech, how did the Secret Service intend to augment without them?

7. Only four state police were permitted onsite. Near to local police restricted to crowd / vehicular traffic.

8. State Sert would normally be on the roof. (But secret service told them not to show up.)

9. Sheriffs department is suggesting someone fell off the roof and broke both ankles. But has not yet confirmed this…

10. Butler Sheriff is largely corrupt.

Many are questioning his messaging on MSM.

NEW: Sources tell me DHS Secretary Mayorkas is stonewalling the release of this DHS IG report, which would include any security failures or perhaps involvement by the Secret Service on January 6.For 2 years, the Biden White House, Democrats in Congress, and the media have attacked DHS IG Joseph Cuffari, who discovered that all of the texts belonging to roughly two dozen Secret Service officials including the head of USSS related to Jan 6 had been deleted at the end of January 2021--under the Biden regime.Cuffari sought a criminal investigation into the purge of the messages--which occurred AFTER Democrats notified each federal agency to preserve all records and documents for Jan 6.Instead, the J6 Committee and Biden White House started to smear Cuffari, claiming he failed to notify Congress about the missing texts--which is not true.Cuffari today announced an inquiry into the Secret Service for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.