The "Alt Right" movement?

Left wing Salon Media normalizes pedophilia. Where is the outrage for that?
It's a stupid tactic.
It's like she's trying to out-Trump Trump. She'll never do that. To me, you just run an ad with Trump's own words overtop of each other. You can start with him saying he's not going to deport people, but then play all of the clips behind that in which he said that he was.

I totally understand the hatred for Hillary ... I'll never for the life of me understand the support for Trump. It can't be because you agree with his policies and his plans because he doesn't have any, and any that he has mentioned he's backed off of, then said again, then said no, etc.
He has plans for the economy and no one else running understood the absolute need to stimulate an economy for survival. John probably knew what needed to be done, but did not see the need to get involved in the national politics. He would have been the ideal VP, but apparently would not make sacrifice for the nation after all he already invested.

Trump said stuff to win primaries which he probably would not have done any way other than how he did it. Now he will not allow himself to get back in the middle. He would be crucified by everybody he kicked in primaries. He doesn't take criticism well and too quick to strike back. But, he could still give economy a kick in the ass.

Hillary is a socialist and will run up the debt while making with the socialist programs. She will have to give more than she gets to prove what a great person she is. And, she will be the third black president. Nothing intended more than she will have to seek balance by making alike.
And BTW, I'm not saying conservatives have to, or even should vote Clinton. I'm fine if others want to vote 3rd party, sit it out, whatevs. I just hope they realize that the hate wing of the party is out in full force and they need to be shouted down, shamed and then ignored.
Which party are you advising? Any reasonable person could ascribe that logic to any party. For starters..... I don't remember any such talk like that coming from Hillary Clinton back in 2008 when her campaign cohorts started the Obama birther nonsense.
Which party are you advising? Any reasonable person could ascribe that logic to any party. For starters..... I don't remember any such talk like that coming from Hillary Clinton back in 2008 when her campaign cohorts started the Obama birther nonsense.
Nonsense that Trump was still parroting in the last 12 months.
Hillary is a socialist and will run up the debt while making with the socialist programs. She will have to give more than she gets to prove what a great person she is. And, she will be the third black president. Nothing intended more than she will have to seek balance by making alike.
Trump's plan is to run up the debt

And BTW, I'm not saying conservatives have to, or even should vote Clinton. I'm fine if others want to vote 3rd party, sit it out, whatevs. I just hope they realize that the hate wing of the party is out in full force and they need to be shouted down, shamed and then ignored.
So, the only thing that would satisfy you is for a Hillary victory and sometime pitt this Alt group with BLM. May I further assume that BLM victory would be required in the skirmish?
It's a stupid tactic.
It's like she's trying to out-Trump Trump. She'll never do that. To me, you just run an ad with Trump's own words overtop of each other. You can start with him saying he's not going to deport people, but then play all of the clips behind that in which he said that he was.

I totally understand the hatred for Hillary ... I'll never for the life of me understand the support for Trump. It can't be because you agree with his policies and his plans because he doesn't have any, and any that he has mentioned he's backed off of, then said again, then said no, etc.

She can't out "Trump" Trump, which is what she wants to do it seems. The speech yesterday smacks of desperation at keeping minorities away from even thinking about voting for Trump.

I can't understand how moderates, who claim to be appalled by Trump and his comments can turn around and even consider voting for Hillary considering her actions, while a viable 3rd party candidate waits in the wings.
Trump's plan is to run up the debt
You are wrong. Been waiting years to use that phrase. Trump will use the Debt to stimulate growth in the economy to grow out of deficits and then pay down debt. By end of his first term, I predict the National Debt will be smaller the day he leaves office than the day he takes office. A net reduction of the debt in a Trump term.
She can't out "Trump" Trump, which is what she wants to do it seems. The speech yesterday smacks of desperation at keeping minorities away from even thinking about voting for Trump.

I can't understand how moderates, who claim to be appalled by Trump and his comments can turn around and even consider voting for Hillary considering her actions, while a viable 3rd party candidate waits in the wings.


What will be interesting to me, if Johnson happens to actually make it, will be the watch what happens with the rhetoric around his decisions. A lot of people won't know what to do and may actually have to think and decide for themselves if they like the idea or not. Right now we have a decent part of the population that is either going to be completely for, or totally against, anything a president does simply based on the letter after their name. What happens when that letter isn't an R or a D?

What will be interesting to me, if Johnson happens to actually make it, will be the watch what happens with the rhetoric around his decisions. A lot of people won't know what to do and may actually have to think and decide for themselves if they like the idea or not. Right now we have a decent part of the population that is either going to be completely for, or totally against, anything a president does simply based on the letter after their name. What happens when that letter isn't an R or a D?
In your lifetime? How damned long are you planning on living?
So, the only thing that would satisfy you is for a Hillary victory and sometime pitt this Alt group with BLM. May I further assume that BLM victory would be required in the skirmish?
I honestly don't have a clue what you are asking with this post? BLM is not part of the alt right.
You are wrong. Been waiting years to use that phrase. Trump will use the Debt to stimulate growth in the economy to grow out of deficits and then pay down debt. By end of his first term, I predict the National Debt will be smaller the day he leaves office than the day he takes office. A net reduction of the debt in a Trump term.
Good luck
I honestly don't have a clue what you are asking with this post? BLM is not part of the alt right.
I cannot help you then. When two groups are pitted, it is commonly understood to be one group against the other group. It was not suggested to have a love fest between Alt and BLM.
Good luck
Would probably need a little luck to reverse a 70 year trend, but The Donald will do it with good sound economic policy and tax cuts produce jobs and removal from welfare rolls. After deficits are removed, don't "invest" in new programs. We are on our way. When deficits are removed, old money will get back in game. Sound familiar?
LOL..I also recall several of Trump's competition saying that his economic plan was faulty. Then again, they too are establishment losers.
One or two from primaries would be good economic bets. John K being one. Not sure I remember a second. Hillary's continuation of Obama's sucking economy is just plain wrong.