Here are the 60 Texas House Republicans who voted to impeach Ken Paxton.
Remember their names during primary season.
Gary VanDeaver
Keith Bell
Cole Hefner
Jay Dean
Cody Harris
Trent Ashby
Kyle Kacal
Angelia Orr
John Raney
Will Metcalf
Stan Gerdes
Ernest Bailes
Ellen Troxclair
Terry M. Wilson
Dade Phelan
Greg Bonnen
Cody Thane Vasut
Jacey Jetton
Gary Gates
Ryan Guillen
Todd Hunter
Justin Holland
Janie Lopez
J.M. Lozano
John Kuempel
Andrew S. Murr
Brad Buckley
Hugh D. Shine
DeWayne Burns
Glenn Rogers
Frederick Frazier
Reggie Smith
Ben Bumgarner
Lynn Stucky
Kronda Thimesch
Matt Shaheen
Jeff Leach
David Spiller
James Frank
Stan Lambert
Drew Darby
Brooks Landgraf
Dustin Burrows
Carl Tepper
Stan Kitzman
Ken King
Candy Noble
Stephanie Klick
David Cook
Craig Goldman
Giovanni Capriglione
Charlie Geren
Jared Patterson
Morgan Meyer
Angie Chen Button
John Lujan
Steve Allison
Briscoe Cain
Mano DeAyala
Lacey Hull