Talking about health care, don't overlook long-term care


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2008
Medicare may cover a 100 days. The rest is yours(if you are not on Medicaid). The insurance is expensive as shit. Depends on the age at which you buy the policy. Closer to 65 is near prohibitive.

People are living longer and without coverage, it will eat your assets quicker that you think. Father-in-law passed a couple year ago. He assumed he was fully protected as an UMWA member entitled to total coverage from years of service. Surprise, it provided no coverage. The last couple years, his upkeep in an aged housing facility was $7200 per month. He had been rather frugal and his estate was able to fund the upkeep - otherwise his assets would have been sold to pay the cost. At that rate, the homes have a waiting list to get into the facility. I assumed the UMWA funded facilities in Logan and Mingo County, WV would be cheaper - not one penny discount to UMWA retirees.

This is just a heads up that regardless of age, you should do some research and some latter days planning. Believe me, family care is probably not an option. There are a few people who do this for a living. Take care of someone until death and then move on to the next patient. They want near union scale to provide the service.

Be forewarned.
My mom blew through $650k with in homecare. Now on Medicaid In nursing home.
Its expensive for sure. I have seen some employer provided policies where you lay 15-20 a paycheck and the policy pays your nursing home fees when you need it. It was expensive but i thought it was a nice option to offer.
Its expensive for sure. I have seen some employer provided policies where you lay 15-20 a paycheck and the policy pays your nursing home fees when you need it. It was expensive but i thought it was a nice option to offer.