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That's a fair enough point, certainly in some of the more high profile races Trump backed candidates lost key races, but he still backed hundreds of other candidates and I believe out of the total only around a dozen or so actually lost their races?

Trump is a lightening rod no question, but a lightening rod also conducts electricity. I still don't see any Democrats on the horizon who can beat him, and he remains THE driving force inside the GOP while radical Leftists are on the verge of destroying what's Left of the Democrat party.

However we shall see?
Those 100s of other candidates? They were in R+15 and greater districts. In the competitive spaces where we should’ve won, and didn’t, it was a direct result of moderates rebuking Trump aligned candidates. Not retaking the Senate was a massive kick in the balls. I’d rather have the Senate than the House. You control the courts if you own the Senate. The Dems literally pushed Trump candidates in the primaries and their strategy worked.
Those 100s of other candidates? They were in R+15 and greater districts. In the competitive spaces where we should’ve won, and didn’t, it was a direct result of moderates rebuking Trump aligned candidates. Not retaking the Senate was a massive kick in the balls. I’d rather have the Senate than the House. You control the courts if you own the Senate. The Dems literally pushed Trump candidates in the primaries and their strategy worked.
I'm afraid you're correct. I don't believe Desantis can win the nomination vs Trump if there is a large field running for the nomination. If it was just Trump vs Desantis Ron D would have a real good shot.
@DvlDog4WVU is usually pretty spot on in his analysis, and he's got it pegged about right here, however I disagree Trump's defeat in the general by any candidate Dems run is assured. A candidate's political viability in the major parties typically is driven by how enthusiastically that candidate can motivate their base supporters. Trump has not lost much if any support among his base supporters, in fact an argument could be made he's solidified that support among his GOP base voters.

On the other hand, whomever the Dems decide to run against Trump (assuming he gets the GOP nomination) has to first energize the Dem base. As I mentioned earlier, the far Left has seized control of that worthless party, and I just don't see how their base enthusiastically turns out for anyone who's not a far Left loon. @DvlDog4WVU is correct that many so called "swing" voters are turned off by Trump, but those same voters are also turned off by what they've seen of the far Left's handling of this current administration, which was sold as "moderate" and "bridge building" but is more polarizing than any in recent memory.

Most polls clearly show swing voters aren't buying into the Biden administration's embracing of far Left policies, and as a result I don't think those voters will warm up to any far Left radical the Dems decide to run against Trump once they dump ineffective and incompetent Biden. Trump is unique in American politics by his ability to drive deep passions on both extremes (Left and Right). I just think because of that it's going to take an unusually skilled politician or perhaps even a non politician to satiate enough voters straddling the middle beat him.
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@DvlDog4WVU is usually pretty spot on in his analysis, and he's got it pegged about right here, however I disagree Trump's defeat in the general by any candidate Dems run is assured. A candidate's political viability in the major parties typically is driven by how enthusiastically that candidate can motive their base supporters. Trump has not lost much if any support among his base supporters, in fact an argument could be made he's solidified that support among his GOP base.

On the other hand, whomever the Dems decide to run against Trump (assuming he gets the GOP nomination) has to first energize the Dem base. As I mentioned earlier, the far Left has seized control of that worthless party, and I just don't see how their base enthusiastically turns out for anyone who's not a far Left loon. @DvlDog4WVU is correct that many so called "swing" voters are turned off by Trump, but those same voters are also turned off by what they've seen of the far Left's handling of this current administration, which was sold as "moderate" and "bridge building" but is more polarizing than any in recent memory.

Most polls clearly show swing voters aren't buying into the Biden administration's embracing of far Left policies, and as a result I don't think those voters will warm up to any far Left radical the Dems decide to run against Trump once they dump ineffective and incompetent Biden. Trump is unique in American politics by his ability to drive deep passions on both extremes (Left and Right). I just think because of that it's going to take an unusually skilled politician or perhaps even a non politician to satiate enough voters straddling the middle beat him.
I’m just skeptical of the polls, motivations of them, how they’re worded, etc. to drive strategy within the GOP. The election denial narrative pushed by the Dems is real and has been successful. Compare that to the “leftist loons” narrative and in the minds of the middle, it’s 6 of 1 and half dozen of the other. Maybe Trump can catch lightning in a bottle a second time, I’m just extremely skeptical. He didn’t win the first time with a mandate though, it’s hard to imagine the left being able to engage at the level they did in 2020 with both candidates securing more votes than did Obama. It’s crazy to think about to be honest.

At the end of the day, I’ll vote for whoever the GOP nomination is, but I’m definitely concerned if it’s Trump. He’s the same age Biden is, and if Biden doesn’t run, you’d have to think the Dems will pull the cognition thread they’re conveniently ignoring right now.
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I’m just skeptical of the polls, motivations of them, how they’re worded, etc. to drive strategy within the GOP. The election denial narrative pushed by the Dems is real and has been successful. Compare that to the “leftist loons” narrative and in the minds of the middle, it’s 6 of 1 and half dozen of the other. Maybe Trump can catch lightning in a bottle a second time, I’m just extremely skeptical. He didn’t win the first time with a mandate though, it’s hard to imagine the left being able to engage at the level they did in 2020 with both candidates securing more votes than did Obama. It’s crazy to think about to be honest.

At the end of the day, I’ll vote for whoever the GOP nomination is, but I’m definitely concerned if it’s Trump. He’s the same age Biden is, and if Biden doesn’t run, you’d have to think the Dems will pull the cognition thread they’re conveniently ignoring right now.
I don't disagree with that, my only beef with what you're laying out here is I just can't see a typical Democrat Leftist beating Trump. Without the Left's base energized, Trump easily beats anyone else they may try to scam us with. He doesn't have to win ALL of the centrists, just enough to support his already motivated base.

I take the same view of the media you do, however I don't think Trump is as unpopular as most of the legacy media projects him to be!
If Trump wins the nomination, he will not win the general.

With the right Vice President and a new strategy of collecting ballots he could. No other Republican can win it on their own. Especially an Establishment type. Any Republican who thinks that an Establishment type will win is delusional.
With the right Vice President and a new strategy of collecting ballots he could. No other Republican can win it on their own. Especially an Establishment type. Any Republican who thinks that an Establishment type will win is delusional.
Of everyone, in the general, I think DeSantis, Nikki Haley, or Larry Hogan are the only potentials. Hogan won’t get through the Primary and will likely have the most support from the establishment. People like Pence and Cheney have zero shot. DeSantis is the only one I think gives us the best chance. Trump and Roe v Wade created a lot of Blue, No Matter Who.
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Of everyone, in the general, I think DeSantis, Nikki Haley, or Larry Hogan are the only potentials. Hogan won’t get through the Primary and will likely have the most support from the establishment. People like Pence and Cheney have zero shot. DeSantis is the only one I think gives us the best chance. Trump and Roe v Wade created a lot of Blue, No Matter Who.
I know you can't trust polls, but as things stand now DeSantis is nowhere near Trump in GOP preference polls. You can't run in the general until or unless you win the party's nomination! DeSantis has a long way to go to beat Trump among GOP primary voters. He is also firmly Pro-Life!
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Of everyone, in the general, I think DeSantis, Nikki Haley, or Larry Hogan are the only potentials. Hogan won’t get through the Primary and will likely have the most support from the establishment. People like Pence and Cheney have zero shot. DeSantis is the only one I think gives us the best chance. Trump and Roe v Wade created a lot of Blue, No Matter Who.

Trump will beat Nikki Haley in South Carolina. Not sure why you even bring her up. She isn't winning shit. I guarantee that.
Trump will beat Nikki Haley in South Carolina. Not sure why you even bring her up. She isn't winning shit. I guarantee that.
I said she’d be good in the general. I want to win the WhiteHouse, I’m not locked into McGovern like idealism. Winning is all that matters and I don’t believe Trump can win.
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I said she’d be good in the general. I want to win the WhiteHouse, I’m not locked into McGovern like idealism. Winning is all that matters and I don’t believe Trump can win.

He lost the last election because of ballot harvesting and mail in voting. It didn't lose because he was hated like the media plays it.

Not sure why you think Haley would be good.
He lost the last election because of ballot harvesting and mail in voting. It didn't lose because he was hated like the media plays it.

Not sure why you think Haley would be good.
He lost the last election because he was polarizing as hell and was hated to the point of energizing the opposition unlike anything we’ve ever seen from an engagement perspective. His post election antics cost us the 22 midterm elections. He’s also 79 years old. If he wants to stay in the fight and take grenades to insulate electable candidates from his toxicity, that’s a strategy I can get behind. If he wins the primaries, it’s possible his being on the ballet could cost us a referendum on the down ballets.
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He lost the last election because he was polarizing as hell and was hated to the point of energizing the opposition unlike anything we’ve ever seen from an engagement perspective. His post election antics cost us the 22 midterm elections. He’s also 79 years old. If he wants to stay in the fight and take grenades to insulate electable candidates from his toxicity, that’s a strategy I can get behind. If he wins the primaries, it’s possible his being on the ballet could cost us a referendum on the down ballets.
He is very toxic to moderates.
People who don't keep up with actual news such as the debunked Russian story and the lab leaks . People who only catch bits and pieces or just read headlines. Add in he is 79 a active 79 but still 79 .... he could use his platform to open people's eyes to many things that would drain the swamp and as you say take the grenade....
I'm going to push back on you a bit over this, although I think a lot of what you said here is correct. You can't win unless you secure your base first. In this respect Trump is clearly the titular head of the GOP. @SoCo correctly pointed out in another post the GOP establishment hates his guts, but Trump's appeal to voters (particularly among base GOP voters) is anti-establishment, which includes GOP king makers.

Beyond what you correctly pointed out about the country being primarily in the middle, it still also leans center/right IMO. Meanwhile the Democrat party establishment is under the complete control and is in fact prisoner of far Left radicals! They no where near represent where the majority of the country is...even if they tact Right as most Democrats try to do in order to win in the general election (like you said Clinton and Biden did). Democrats in order to win therefore have to lie about their true agenda, and it will take an anti-establishment type opposition candidate like Trump or even DeSantis to expose the far Left radical agenda.

Trump still lights up a room. No one can attract a crowd and fire them up like he does. Despite how popular DeSantis undoubtedly is, he doesn't have the crowd appeal Trump carries, and his conservative bonafides still are questioned by some in GOP circles (falsely imo btw) particularly among GOP primary base voters. I personally think he'd (DeSantis) be a fabulous candidate, but I also do not think he carries enough weight to beat Trump head-to-head for the GOP nomination. Unless he can win the GOP nomination, he won't get a chance to run against whoever puppet the Democrats settle on. I don't think Biden runs again.

So while I think Trump has some work to do, like disciplining his message and staying away from the personal insults & invectives...I still think he's the candidate to beat both for the GOP nomination and in the general. The more radical a candidate Dems pick and then try to hide, the easier Trump wins those folks in the middle you correctly pointed out any candidate also must win in order to win the Presidency.
To be clear, I wasn't limiting "the establishment" to just the GOP.

It is everything. The GOP, the Dems, the bureaucracy, FBI, the entrenched media. Outsiders, especially brazen outspoken outsiders, are not welcome to crash their party. There is too much money and power at stake for anyone to upset the stranglehold they have.

Drain the Swamp, although very true, a great idea, and something everyone should support, was the dumbest thing Trump ever said. The Swamp circled the wagons and the last 7 years has provided one example after another of the establishment protecting itself.
He lost the last election because he was polarizing as hell and was hated to the point of energizing the opposition unlike anything we’ve ever seen from an engagement perspective. His post election antics cost us the 22 midterm elections. He’s also 79 years old. If he wants to stay in the fight and take grenades to insulate electable candidates from his toxicity, that’s a strategy I can get behind. If he wins the primaries, it’s possible his being on the ballet could cost us a referendum on the down ballets.

Covid-19 changing the way we voted is why he lost. Nobody was anymore motivated or engaged than before.

I get it. You don't like him. But he's going to win the nomination.
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He lost the last election because he was polarizing as hell and was hated to the point of energizing the opposition unlike anything we’ve ever seen from an engagement perspective. His post election antics cost us the 22 midterm elections. He’s also 79 years old. If he wants to stay in the fight and take grenades to insulate electable candidates from his toxicity, that’s a strategy I can get behind. If he wins the primaries, it’s possible his being on the ballet could cost us a referendum on the down ballets.
You don't think the media had anything to do with Biden winning the 2020 election?

Trump is Trump. We all know his strengths and weaknesses. The 2020 election likely has a different outcome if the Biden corruption ring wasn't covered up by the establishment.

The standard set was disseminating false information constitutes election interference. Some of our own politicians and media members wanted to sanction Russia and worse for their involvement in the 2016 election. Well, by definition, the FBI, media and establishment's dissemination of their version of the laptop/corruption story constitutes interference. Funny how everyone looks the other way, isn't it?
You don't think the media had anything to do with Biden winning the 2020 election?

Trump is Trump. We all know his strengths and weaknesses. The 2020 election likely has a different outcome if the Biden corruption ring wasn't covered up by the establishment.

The standard set was disseminating false information constitutes election interference. Some of our own politicians and media members wanted to sanction Russia and worse for their involvement in the 2016 election. Well, by definition, the FBI, media and establishment's dissemination of their version of the laptop/corruption story constitutes interference. Funny how everyone looks the other way, isn't it?
Media, fbi and many other government agencies had everything to do with it .... people still believe the Russian collusion story and China did all they could to stop the coronavirus and masks work ....
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To be clear, I wasn't limiting "the establishment" to just the GOP.

It is everything. The GOP, the Dems, the bureaucracy, FBI, the entrenched media. Outsiders, especially brazen outspoken outsiders, are not welcome to crash their party. There is too much money and power at stake for anyone to upset the stranglehold they have.

Drain the Swamp, although very true, a great idea, and something everyone should support, was the dumbest thing Trump ever said. The Swamp circled the wagons and the last 7 years has provided one example after another of the establishment protecting itself.
Not arguable. We are indeed mired in the intricately woven and diabolically constraining web of the swamp. However Trump's appeal is to break that up and they thought they had disposed of him after 2020. Nope.

They're still trying, but so far everything they've tried has come back to blow up in their faces. Not sure if he wins again to take another swipe at 'em, but he has my vote to try. Or we'll give someone else the chance.
You don't think the media had anything to do with Biden winning the 2020 election?
I think they had everything to do with it. Why were they so motivated to see change? Did it have anything to do with Trump going to war with them? Mocking them?

To be clear, I’m in 100% agreement with Trump. I’ve never seen a group of people so enamored with the smell of their own ass than DC and NY media.
Trump is Trump. We all know his strengths and weaknesses. The 2020 election likely has a different outcome if the Biden corruption ring wasn't covered up by the establishment.
We’ll never know. I don’t know that it would’ve made that much of a difference, but it’s possible. I mean, take PA for example. John Fetterman just won there. There is zero reason he should’ve won. That was insane.
The standard set was disseminating false information constitutes election interference. Some of our own politicians and media members wanted to sanction Russia and worse for their involvement in the 2016 election. Well, by definition, the FBI, media and establishment's dissemination of their version of the laptop/corruption story constitutes interference. Funny how everyone looks the other way, isn't it?
No argument from me.
Covid-19 changing the way we voted is why he lost. Nobody was anymore motivated or engaged than before.

I get it. You don't like him. But he's going to win the nomination.
I love his policies. I didn’t like him, but I don’t vote based on who I like. I vote Policy and electability. Being idealistic and losing is still losing. Winning is all that matters. I want the candidate who has the best shot of winning in the general. Period.

I’ll not vote for him in the Primary, but I’ll happily vote for him in the general if he’s the candidate. I’ll even stump for him.
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This threads prediction's. Shewwww.
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