So who's lying, Comey or Lynch? looks like McCabe, Comey & Lynch...

Both. Lynch directed Comey early on that Hillary would not be indicted. Comey knew that nothing, regardless of what was found, was ever going to happen to Hillary.
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WASHINGTON — The Justice Department inspector general delivered to Congress on Friday a highly critical report that accused Andrew G. McCabe, the former F.B.I. deputy director, of repeatedly misleading investigators.

The inspector general said that when investigators asked whether he had instructed aides to provide information in October 2016 to a reporter with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. McCabe said he did not authorize the disclosure and did not know who did.

But Mr. McCabe did approve the F.B.I.’s contact with the reporter, according to the review.

The inspector general also concluded that Mr. McCabe’s disclosure of the existence of the ongoing investigation in the manner described in the report violated media policy of the F.B.I. and Justice Department and constituted misconduct.
BTW, we still don't have ONE McCabe text message...

not a one...
L. O. L.

Comey admitted in his book that his actions were influenced by who was ahead in the polls. This book certainly didn't help his moral high ground. He should quote a poem.
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L. O. L.

Comey admitted in his book that his actions were influenced by who was ahead in the polls. This book certainly didn't help his moral high ground. He should quote a poem.

I called him a "weasel" early on, and I haven't changed my mind that was a perfect nickname for him. His book just confirms my Wisdom!

"The Weasel"

Strzok, Page, and Ohr's have turned IG witness. Only explanation for their continued employment.

Maybe avoiding some significant jail time too? I hear Leavenworth is very pretty this time of year.
Both of them...their lips are moving.
The lying corrupted MUSLIM GAY LOVING, CHRISTIAN MURDERING, CONSTITUTION STOMPING FORMER "ADMINISTRATION" WAS ALL FULL OF PEDOFILE SATAN WORSHIPPING TRAITORS!! They NEVER...EVER had the best intentions for the citizens of the,matter what they spin! There's also "dirt on Kerry as well..He'll go down as well!! I want them ALL to twist in the breeze!! Just like any "pyramid" you have to start at the base to get to "the point".

The lying corrupted MUSLIM GAY LOVING, CHRISTIAN MURDERING, CONSTITUTION STOMPING FORMER "ADMINISTRATION" WAS ALL FULL OF PEDOFILE SATAN WORSHIPPING TRAITORS!! They NEVER...EVER had the best intentions for the citizens of the,matter what they spin! There's also "dirt on Kerry as well..He'll go down as well!! I want them ALL to twist in the breeze!! Just like any "pyramid" you have to start at the base to get to "the point".
The lying corrupted MUSLIM GAY LOVING, CHRISTIAN MURDERING, CONSTITUTION STOMPING FORMER "ADMINISTRATION" WAS ALL FULL OF PEDOFILE SATAN WORSHIPPING TRAITORS!! They NEVER...EVER had the best intentions for the citizens of the,matter what they spin! There's also "dirt on Kerry as well..He'll go down as well!! I want them ALL to twist in the breeze!! Just like any "pyramid" you have to start at the base to get to "the point".

They will lie on each other to cover the lies they told for each other lying about each other's lies. Then lie that they lied about their lies!

Yup.....there is NO WAY we'd be hearing about ANY of this under a Clinton DOJ. It was all designed to work, and just as easily be swept under a nice swamp soaked rug.

They never figured on the American people upsetting their freshly baked apple turnover.

It wasn't the Russians who screwed up the rigged election, it was the American people!
Was he misleading whom when he reported PADAG(Primary appointed AG) called McCabe to suggest(advise) that FBI should not be investigating Clinton Charities right before election? McCabe inquired if he was being" told to discontinue a valid investigation". McCabe withdrew and field officers discontinued their investigation at that time. Too hot to risk career?