So which immigrants

Did they get their orders from Xi?

Biden White House Gets Media To Spread Nazi-Style Propaganda That Trump Is Hitler​

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@sammyk clapping seal
Because he can't do it by himself?

I actually thought your response was from sammyK. That is who you are now

Thoughts and prayers

Who will help him do it this time, when his numbers are just as low as they were, and will be lower?
Who will help him do it this time, when his numbers are just as low as they were, and will be lower?

Any Republican that tries to shut down the border and start deporting people is going to get the Democrats best shot. Hell some Republicans are on their side. Do you actually think they will be ok with DeSantis or Haley attempting anything? You're not even making sense with any of your complaining. This is going to start a lot of civil unrest either way. I suggest you prepare for it.
Are poisoning the blood of America. Isn’t Donny’s current wife an immigrant ????? Was not his first wife an immigrant. Explain Trumpers. Can’t wait for these explanations
The poisoning of the blood of America is the healthcare system which will be overloaded and overwhelmed. The welfare system which a large percentage will be on for life. The homeless crisis will surge. Local hospitals, local funds, state funds, federal funds will be overwhelmed and not be there for the citizens that pay into it. Then we get to the people that mean harm on everyday citizens, terrorist, criminals, and people up to no good. A big part of people want to have a better life but letting 190 thousand in since the beginning of December you’re going to have a ton of bad apples.
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The poisoning of the blood of America is the healthcare system which will be overloaded and overwhelmed. The welfare system which a large percentage will be on for life. The homeless crisis will surge. Local hospitals, local funds, state funds, federal funds will be overwhelmed and not be there for the citizens that pay into it. Then we get to the people that mean harm on everyday citizens, terrorist, criminals, and people up to no good. A big part of people want to have a better life but letting 190 thousand in since the beginning of December you’re going to have a ton of bad apples.
Donny Hitler
Vhat is 'tis? I have nosink' in common vis dat orange colored Aryan! He Loves Jews, I hate them! He courts Negroids, I despise them! He ask for votes, I kill for them! He worships this Jesus, I detest him! He's a Playboy with a mop of flowing blonde hair, I'm a pervert with flat jet black hair! He vears tailor made suits, I vear military issue uniforms! He vears a disgusting American flag on his lapel, I vear a glorious Swastika on my bicep! I make War, he made peace! 'Vis 'd Jews no less!!!!!!!!

Vhatever do we have in common?????

@sammyk thinks you're both "Dictators" Der Fuerher!

Aw zhat bot is nosink' but a trained stupid American clapping seal! Pay him no attention!!!!!

Well you sure appear to know him well Heil Hitler??????

He's right 'ya know?
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I'm sorry @sammyk ...I know it's late...but I'm laughing my ass off at post #62...mocking Heil Hitler in his "broken German" asking you what he has in common 'vis Trump?

I can't stand it!!!!! [roll]
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The crazy thing is you would never see a Muslim country, China, or Russia have a gross negligence at their borders than far left Marxist that want to destroy the country.
The crazy thing is you would never see a Muslim country, China, or Russia have a gross negligence at their borders than far left Marxist that want to destroy the country.
Thus is so true for two reasons:

1)They'd shoot on sight anyone attempting to illegally enter their country. (leaving too btw)

2) No one is trying to break into any of their sh*t holes anyway, so they don't really have this problem like we do.

I think the time is coming when we will probably have to line our border with armed personnel because we can't keep this up.
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People don't want in those countries..... they want to destroy ours ...
As far as I’m concerned, all immigration should be stopped until we kick out 90% of those that crossed illegally into this country. Then, only those with skills should be allowed into this country after that. I would make sure no Palestinians are allowed in. In fact, I doubt I would allow any immigrants from countries that are hostile to us.
As far as I’m concerned, all immigration should be stopped until we kick out 90% of those that crossed illegally into this country. Then, only those with skills should be allowed into this country after that. I would make sure no Palestinians are allowed in. In fact, I doubt I would allow any immigrants from countries that are hostile to us.
Could be wrong but I believe something like 40% of Americans is on government assistance...
Do as you said and not allow none until that 40% drops down to a manageable number. I realize some truly need the assistance
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Could be wrong but I believe something like 40% of Americans is on government assistance...
Do as you said and not allow none until that 40% drops down to a manageable number. I realize some truly need the assistance
I think that number might be a little high if illegals are backed out
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Could be wrong but I believe something like 40% of Americans is on government assistance...
Do as you said and not allow none until that 40% drops down to a manageable number. I realize some truly need the assistance
I’m not sure if your number is correct, but this what happens when minimum wage hikes are implemented and jobs are shipped overseas. The history that is force fed to us as a success under FDR is actually a failure of American politics. The day the Federal government intervened with wage mandates is the day America began to decay.
I’m not sure if your number is correct, but this what happens when minimum wage hikes are implemented and jobs are shipped overseas. The history that is force fed to us as a success under FDR is actually a failure of American politics. The day the Federal government intervened with wage mandates is the day America began to decay.
FDR did start the socialists ways here . In my opinion the socialists lite that he started worked to help all in this country and didn't destroy the American dream .
People used to have pride and dignity and didn't want government assistance now its a right of passage to adulthood.
People wants government to provide all needs and they will provide the wants .

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