So we're pretty certain...

So then what you are saying is you support a doctor prioritizing who needs a COVID test and who doesn't since we are in a crisis.
Sure. Docs know more than me about what to do and what not to do for the best strategy to beat a virus.
So then what you are saying is you support a doctor prioritizing who needs a COVID test and who doesn't since we are in a crisis.
But I was more saying that other countries lying about death tolls - while ridiculous and upsetting - take a back seat to the death tolls and spread in my own country. And that’s not American isolationism, that’s just protecting my family with information that’s relevant for our safety.
But I was more saying that other countries lying about death tolls - while ridiculous and upsetting - take a back seat to the death tolls and spread in my own country. And that’s not American isolationism, that’s just protecting my family with information that’s relevant for our safety.

now you are saying you said more previously in spite of saying essentially nothing. Dude, you are relative when you want to be. okay then, but you haven't protected a soul. Chance, location, and your immune system "protected" your family. LOL!
now you are saying you said more previously in spite of saying essentially nothing. Dude, you are relative when you want to be. okay then, but you haven't protected a soul. Chance, location, and your immune system "protected" your family. LOL!
Information plays a part in any strategy. As for the rest of your post, I honestly don’t know what the fvck you’re talking about
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He merely mentioned it was having a positive affect in some cases and you idiots tried to link him with 2 people ODing on fish tank cleaner. Give me a break. You had liberal Governors banning it as a prescribed course of action and the media outright shitting on it, trying to suppress it. And to date, I think it’s the only cocktail combination having a solid impact. How many people died because of the media trying to dissuade and hype the Arizona couple? We can go back and pull posts from members of this board doing the same thing. Wrong!!

Downplaying it? He took the most aggressive COAs at the onset which absolutely had a positive impact. That’s with China lying their ass off. Oh, that’s right, he’s trying to keep a country on the verge of colossal economic destruction calm and provide optimism. Impeach the motherfvcker!! Cuz we gots hearings lined up at the ready!

Supply lines, anyone been denied treatment or the supplies they needed? Just 1? I certainly haven’t read the story, and sure as shit, one of the CHICOMs on here would’ve posted in glee about it.

The liberal left is a danger to this country right now. Period.
There are delusions in this post. Seriously
Let’s see them Chinese talking points.
Hydroxycholorquine (however it’s spelled) is a dangerous drug that is known to cause cardiac arrest. Determining whether or not it is even effective is a long process that needs to be clearly and carefully administered and charted. Finding out if there are massive and deadly side effects is just as important and just as lengthy of a process. I’m all for finding treatment, Jimmy joe joe, my loathing of Trump is no where near the level that I’d root for my family to be in danger when they could be clear. That’s ridiculous. I don’t think jumping all over Trump for floating the notion (“hope”) that a treatment is right around the corner is so bad, or even biased. One: it’s not proven and that makes the use of it dangerous. Two: the only weapon we have against this thing right now is social distancing and everyone everywhere being careful. I think there’s danger of people being too cavalier with this if they think a treatment exists to prevent serious complications.

First H1N1 case was April 15th, by April 30th Obama has issue public health emergency, pressed Congress for funds, and in 6 months a vaccine was ready. WHO didn’t declare a pandemic until June. First US death was April 27th. I don’t see how you can say Trump is crushing it, and Obama didn’t get the bat off his shoulder. The comparison on date to action alone is not accurate.

look, I get that someone somewhere called Trump xenophobic for the China flight ban, and whomever did (I imagine it was Pelosi) is a fool. But the US and SK found their first case of COVID-19 on the same day — same day — they tested 66,000 people within the first week in an aggressive effort to contain and eliminate the threat. It took us 3 weeks to do the same amount of tests. Look at the numbers between the two nations, even per capita, we failed in comparison.

let’s not forget the FACT that Trump was saying it was contained, and was not a worry, no worse than the flu, throughout January and February! Now, I understand you guys ignore his words and only look at his actions, but his words carry weight behind that seal - esp for those trumpet blowers who believe they elected the last true patriot alive. The Florida Governor literally said he issue the stay at home BECAUSE of Trumps change in demeanor. Now either that man is just another lying GOP Governor (which I’ll except), or Trump’s casual attitude at the podium and on Hannity had a very damaging effect on our ability nationwide to step on this thing as fast as we could with the only weapon we had. DeWine did his own thing - to a massive negative response from Trump supporters parroting the same reasons Mr President had flung out to keep the Dow from freaking out. Look at the effect of DeWine’s actions in Ohio (as well as social distancing nationwide), then let’s watch the numbers in FLA over the next couple weeks. Ignore his loud mouth spilling out ego dressed word salads of self aggrandizing if you want, youre healthier for it, but don’t act like a Presidents words don’t matter - esp when you’re part of the “deplorable” outrage with your clinging to “guns and bibles” raging about how our President had the audacity to apologize to other nations. Pick a fvcking lane!!!
Hydroxycholorquine (however it’s spelled) is a dangerous drug that is known to cause cardiac arrest. Determining whether or not it is even effective is a long process that needs to be clearly and carefully administered and charted. Finding out if there are massive and deadly side effects is just as important and just as lengthy of a process. I’m all for finding treatment, Jimmy joe joe, my loathing of Trump is no where near the level that I’d root for my family to be in danger when they could be clear. That’s ridiculous. I don’t think jumping all over Trump for floating the notion (“hope”) that a treatment is right around the corner is so bad, or even biased. One: it’s not proven and that makes the use of it dangerous. Two: the only weapon we have against this thing right now is social distancing and everyone everywhere being careful. I think there’s danger of people being too cavalier with this if they think a treatment exists to prevent serious complications.

First H1N1 case was April 15th, by April 30th Obama has issue public health emergency, pressed Congress for funds, and in 6 months a vaccine was ready. WHO didn’t declare a pandemic until June. First US death was April 27th. I don’t see how you can say Trump is crushing it, and Obama didn’t get the bat off his shoulder. The comparison on date to action alone is not accurate.

look, I get that someone somewhere called Trump xenophobic for the China flight ban, and whomever did (I imagine it was Pelosi) is a fool. But the US and SK found their first case of COVID-19 on the same day — same day — they tested 66,000 people within the first week in an aggressive effort to contain and eliminate the threat. It took us 3 weeks to do the same amount of tests. Look at the numbers between the two nations, even per capita, we failed in comparison.

let’s not forget the FACT that Trump was saying it was contained, and was not a worry, no worse than the flu, throughout January and February! Now, I understand you guys ignore his words and only look at his actions, but his words carry weight behind that seal - esp for those trumpet blowers who believe they elected the last true patriot alive. The Florida Governor literally said he issue the stay at home BECAUSE of Trumps change in demeanor. Now either that man is just another lying GOP Governor (which I’ll except), or Trump’s casual attitude at the podium and on Hannity had a very damaging effect on our ability nationwide to step on this thing as fast as we could with the only weapon we had. DeWine did his own thing - to a massive negative response from Trump supporters parroting the same reasons Mr President had flung out to keep the Dow from freaking out. Look at the effect of DeWine’s actions in Ohio (as well as social distancing nationwide), then let’s watch the numbers in FLA over the next couple weeks. Ignore his loud mouth spilling out ego dressed word salads of self aggrandizing if you want, youre healthier for it, but don’t act like a Presidents words don’t matter - esp when you’re part of the “deplorable” outrage with your clinging to “guns and bibles” raging about how our President had the audacity to apologize to other nations. Pick a fvcking lane!!!
If you got the bug, would you not want to try the hydroxychrloroquinine/Z Pack/Zinc cocktail? There is a reason why so many docs are using it. Not saying it’s the cure all, but there has been reported success. I know I’m expecting it if I get sick and I’ll be pissed if they don’t suggest it or prescribe it.

I think it’s cute that you try to compare FL and OH. First of all, no one goes to fvcking OH. DeWine was what? A week, maybe 2 ahead of FL? Great. FL would’ve had to shut down earlier than anywhere, certainly before social distancing and the lockdowns were a “thing”. FL because of the NY ties was fvcked from jump street. Yea, but DeWine had it figured out.
If you got the bug, would you not want to try the hydroxychrloroquinine/Z Pack/Zinc cocktail? There is a reason why so many docs are using it. Not saying it’s the cure all, but there has been reported success. I know I’m expecting it if I get sick and I’ll be pissed if they don’t suggest it or prescribe it.

I think it’s cute that you try to compare FL and OH. First of all, no one goes to fvcking OH. DeWine was what? A week, maybe 2 ahead of FL? Great. FL would’ve had to shut down earlier than anywhere, certainly before social distancing and the lockdowns were a “thing”. FL because of the NY ties was fvcked from jump street. Yea, but DeWine had it figured out.
Ohio schools were shut down second week in March. Measures were implemented weekly since then. This mattered.

what’s cute? Your obsession for a N.Y. conman millionaire that has been FOS his entire life.
If you got the bug, would you not want to try the hydroxychrloroquinine/Z Pack/Zinc cocktail? There is a reason why so many docs are using it. Not saying it’s the cure all, but there has been reported success. I know I’m expecting it if I get sick and I’ll be pissed if they don’t suggest it or prescribe it.

I think it’s cute that you try to compare FL and OH. First of all, no one goes to fvcking OH. DeWine was what? A week, maybe 2 ahead of FL? Great. FL would’ve had to shut down earlier than anywhere, certainly before social distancing and the lockdowns were a “thing”. FL because of the NY ties was fvcked from jump street. Yea, but DeWine had it figured out.

You are really proud of your stupidity. You boldly display it every single day. LOL!
If you got the bug, would you not want to try the hydroxychrloroquinine/Z Pack/Zinc cocktail? There is a reason why so many docs are using it. Not saying it’s the cure all, but there has been reported success. I know I’m expecting it if I get sick and I’ll be pissed if they don’t suggest it or prescribe it.

I think it’s cute that you try to compare FL and OH. First of all, no one goes to fvcking OH. DeWine was what? A week, maybe 2 ahead of FL? Great. FL would’ve had to shut down earlier than anywhere, certainly before social distancing and the lockdowns were a “thing”. FL because of the NY ties was fvcked from jump street. Yea, but DeWine had it figured out.
And seeing how the drug could literally make it worse- I’m not sure I’d want it administered.

but I’d be happy to have confidence in it as a treatment soon.
Hydroxycholorquine (however it’s spelled) is a dangerous drug that is known to cause cardiac arrest. Determining whether or not it is even effective is a long process that needs to be clearly and carefully administered and charted. Finding out if there are massive and deadly side effects is just as important and just as lengthy of a process. I’m all for finding treatment, Jimmy joe joe, my loathing of Trump is no where near the level that I’d root for my family to be in danger when they could be clear. That’s ridiculous. I don’t think jumping all over Trump for floating the notion (“hope”) that a treatment is right around the corner is so bad, or even biased. One: it’s not proven and that makes the use of it dangerous. Two: the only weapon we have against this thing right now is social distancing and everyone everywhere being careful. I think there’s danger of people being too cavalier with this if they think a treatment exists to prevent serious complications.

First H1N1 case was April 15th, by April 30th Obama has issue public health emergency, pressed Congress for funds, and in 6 months a vaccine was ready. WHO didn’t declare a pandemic until June. First US death was April 27th. I don’t see how you can say Trump is crushing it, and Obama didn’t get the bat off his shoulder. The comparison on date to action alone is not accurate.

look, I get that someone somewhere called Trump xenophobic for the China flight ban, and whomever did (I imagine it was Pelosi) is a fool. But the US and SK found their first case of COVID-19 on the same day — same day — they tested 66,000 people within the first week in an aggressive effort to contain and eliminate the threat. It took us 3 weeks to do the same amount of tests. Look at the numbers between the two nations, even per capita, we failed in comparison.

let’s not forget the FACT that Trump was saying it was contained, and was not a worry, no worse than the flu, throughout January and February! Now, I understand you guys ignore his words and only look at his actions, but his words carry weight behind that seal - esp for those trumpet blowers who believe they elected the last true patriot alive. The Florida Governor literally said he issue the stay at home BECAUSE of Trumps change in demeanor. Now either that man is just another lying GOP Governor (which I’ll except), or Trump’s casual attitude at the podium and on Hannity had a very damaging effect on our ability nationwide to step on this thing as fast as we could with the only weapon we had. DeWine did his own thing - to a massive negative response from Trump supporters parroting the same reasons Mr President had flung out to keep the Dow from freaking out. Look at the effect of DeWine’s actions in Ohio (as well as social distancing nationwide), then let’s watch the numbers in FLA over the next couple weeks. Ignore his loud mouth spilling out ego dressed word salads of self aggrandizing if you want, youre healthier for it, but don’t act like a Presidents words don’t matter - esp when you’re part of the “deplorable” outrage with your clinging to “guns and bibles” raging about how our President had the audacity to apologize to other nations. Pick a fvcking lane!!!
HCL is not a dangerous drug.
I read Dave. Do you? Or do you just lap up the vomit of others for your substance?
I know the drug is not "possibly hurting". What an idiot. Stop reading for confirmation bias and try to actually learn something. Literally thousands of doctors are using the drug to treat this because it is successful. They dont care if you hate Trump or not. They treat patients.
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Hydroxycholoroquine (however it’s spelled) is a dangerous drug that is known to cause cardiac arrest. Determining whether or not it is even effective is a long process that needs to be clearly and carefully administered and charted. Finding out if there are massive and deadly side effects is just as important and just as lengthy of a process.

It has long been out of patent. It's been used since 1955. The bold has been established since before you were born. I can't imagine living your life.
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Watch this video and recall all the lies dave and others have posted on this board for an answer on where they get their lies from. It isn't a secret no matter how many posts they make on here attacking reasonable individuals. There are even more clips of pure lies the Trumpers get their lies from if anyone is interested and some stuff you read on here is parroted almost word for word.

Watch this video and recall all the lies dave and others have posted on this board for an answer on where they get their lies from. It isn't a secret no matter how many posts they make on here attacking reasonable individuals. There are even more clips of pure lies the Trumpers get their lies from if anyone is interested and some stuff you read on here is parroted almost word for word.

Poor bruhard. Cant prove I lied.

Cant even post a video.

Gotta suck losing at life for a loudmouth low intellect fool.
Poor bruhard. Cant prove I lied.

Cant even post a video.

Gotta suck losing at life for a loudmouth low intellect fool.

Can see from your reply that it's CNN commenting on Fox's coverage of something now. Looks like little brother jealous of their place in life to me.
I know the drug is not "possibly hurting". What an idiot. Stop reading for confirmation bias and try to actually learn something. Literally thousands of doctors are using the drug to treat this because it is successful. They dont care if you hate Trump or not. They treat patients.
Heart and vision complications, including sudden cardiac arrest, are side effects of the drug. It’s prescribed to lupus patients, among others, and has never been used to the scale it would be used to treat this virus. Docs feel that it’s safe for a short period, yes, but with patients of what ages? What health history creates additional risk? How can it potentially make complications of COVID-19 worse in some patients?

I have a family history of heart disease. For me, yes, it could possibly hurt my ability to recover from COVID-19 complications. Although, I’m sure the MD over me would know best how to assess and measure the risk, it was my opinion that was asked - and I answered.

Is this drug along with antibiotics the answer for treatment of COVID-19? Maybe it will be. But it’s way too soon to go telling the nation to scream it’s name in the ICU as their condition is deteriorating. Let the docs do their thing, and many see no benefit.
It has long been out of patent. It's been used since 1955. The bold has been established since before you were born. I can't imagine living your life.
Using this drug to treat complications from a novel coronavirus has not been evaluated since 1955. Many patients with COVID-19 have cardiac complications, and the drug has cardiac side effects. Again, the short timeframe of use of the drug makes most docs feel safe in prescribing it, but to whom? A patient in their 70’s with a history of heart disease? What vitals can make administering the drug more risky in a patient?
Bloombloom continuing to show his ass. What a loser
007 with the most he can ever add to a conversation
Heart and vision complications, including sudden cardiac arrest, are side effects of the drug. It’s prescribed to lupus patients, among others, and has never been used to the scale it would be used to treat this virus. Docs feel that it’s safe for a short period, yes, but with patients of what ages? What health history creates additional risk? How can it potentially make complications of COVID-19 worse in some patients?

I have a family history of heart disease. For me, yes, it could possibly hurt my ability to recover from COVID-19 complications. Although, I’m sure the MD over me would know best how to assess and measure the risk, it was my opinion that was asked - and I answered.

Is this drug along with antibiotics the answer for treatment of COVID-19? Maybe it will be. But it’s way too soon to go telling the nation to scream it’s name in the ICU as their condition is deteriorating. Let the docs do their thing, and many see no benefit.
There is literally a 70 year record of side effects. Look up the statistics. They are not prescribing more now and certainly not for longer periods. The side effect argument is stupid. Doctors KNOW this drug and they know who are at a higher risk for side effects and they administer it accordingly.

You are looking for issues where they dont exist because CNN is lying to you again.

You will never informed as long as you continue to make horrible decisions regarding your news.
There is literally a 70 year record of side effects. Look up the statistics. They are not prescribing more now and certainly not for longer periods. The side effect argument is stupid. Doctors KNOW this drug and they know who are at a higher risk for side effects and they administer it accordingly.

You are looking for issues where they dontexist.s

Ole dumb ass bloom apparently doesn't realize that most over medications contain serious side effects.
Heart and vision complications, including sudden cardiac arrest, are side effects of the drug. It’s prescribed to lupus patients, among others, and has never been used to the scale it would be used to treat this virus. Docs feel that it’s safe for a short period, yes, but with patients of what ages? What health history creates additional risk? How can it potentially make complications of COVID-19 worse in some patients?

I have a family history of heart disease. For me, yes, it could possibly hurt my ability to recover from COVID-19 complications. Although, I’m sure the MD over me would know best how to assess and measure the risk, it was my opinion that was asked - and I answered.

Is this drug along with antibiotics the answer for treatment of COVID-19? Maybe it will be. But it’s way too soon to go telling the nation to scream it’s name in the ICU as their condition is deteriorating. Let the docs do their thing, and many see no benefit.

Every drug has side effects, but the rate of side effects for it are worth the risk. And it's prescribed for far more than just Lupis. My Son-in-law had to take it while on a Ravens trip to Africa recently as a proactive approach to prevent Malaria.

However, patients are responding to the cocktail. I know for certain that it's being utilized here, and I know for certain that people that were on vents are now coming off of them. And we have yet to hear of cases where patients prescribed the cocktail are getting worse or dying from it.
Every drug has side effects, but the rate of side effects for it are worth the risk. And it's prescribed for far more than just Lupis. My Son-in-law had to take it while on a Ravens trip to Africa recently as a proactive approach to prevent Malaria.

However, patients are responding to the cocktail. I know for certain that it's being utilized here, and I know for certain that people that were on vents are now coming off of them. And we have yet to hear of cases where patients prescribed the cocktail are getting worse or dying from it.
Lupus, Malaria, rheumatoid arthritis.
There is literally a 70 year record of side effects. Look up the statistics. They are not prescribing more now and certainly not for longer periods. The side effect argument is stupid. Doctors KNOW this drug and they know who are at a higher risk for side effects and they administer it accordingly.

You are looking for issues where they dont exist because CNN is lying to you again.

You will never informed as long as you continue to make horrible decisions regarding your news.
There is nothing definitive on how this drug effects this virus, how it helps or hurts the body’s immune response to COVID-19. After all, we aren’t talking about the effects on healthy patients, or effects on patients whom have been traditionally prescribed the drug.

It won’t take as long as a drug not already approved, but discovering positive/negative effects of this drug on COVID-19 patients will take time. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s just the complicated field of medicine.
Ole dumb ass bloom apparently doesn't realize that most over medications contain serious side effects.
We are discussing side effects as it pertains to patients in the hospitals due to complications of a novel coronavirus that causes respiratory and cardiac issues. Yes, it’s different from you reading the possible side effects on the back of your generous cream box at Walgreens.

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