So the death total for the first battle in the trump civil war is 4...

I agree. Violent protesters should be called out regardless of which side. I also listened to part of the Laura Ingraham (spelling?) Angle on the drive home. One of her guests talked about the majority of the protesters yesterday being peaceful.
What Cp and the rest fail to realize is that they have just as much (actually more) culpability than anyone on the right for what's going on in the county these days.
One Karen who finally got to meet the manager and 3 people who dropped dead from a heart attack. Two I assume from physical exertion and/or stress and one who *checks notes* ...tazed himself.

You honestly can’t make this shit up.
Antifa in red/white/blue disguise....
How many officers were killed by BLM activists in 2020 and what were their names?
Officer Dorn, many more were hurt and maimed for life. But Black Lives Matter as black on black crime is still going strong. What a joke

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