So much winning...

What kind of justices would President Kamala Harris appoint?​

The Supreme Court – and our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms – are at stake in this election​

Information on Venezuela's Supreme Court

While being pro-life, that's not my single-issue requirement. Killing deficit spending is. Making the federal government small is. Wiping out 2/3 of DC beauracracy is.

I have no representation, but yet I'm taxed.
I’m good with everything you just listed. Hell, I’m with you. The reality though, protest voting only sees the worst version of what you’re against be elected. I actually believe getting 50% of what I want is better than 0%. And that’s just reality.
I’m good with everything you just listed. Hell, I’m with you. The reality though, protest voting only sees the worst version of what you’re against be elected. I actually believe getting 50% of what I want is better than 0%. And that’s just reality.
I'm still voting Trump just can't stand the way he spends . Like you I agree more with him than most others and his policies was good for us middle class deplorable bastards the 1st go around.
I'm still voting Trump just can't stand the way he spends . Like you I agree more with him than most others and his policies was good for us middle class deplorable bastards the 1st go around.

I don't mind investing in Americans as long as it's a real investment vs buying votes. After how they have been abused with their jobs being shipped overseas, Wasting money on Nation Building instead of killing bad guys and coming home, and foreign aid that's sent overseas that's turns into fraud. But I agree with you we need to get spending under control. There's too much fraud, waste, and abuse. Real audits would expose it. But they need to be conducted by outside groups instead of the Government with access to everything. Probably wouldn't hurt to let the Libertarians do it. Half joking.