no not necessarily, but it should go back to what it was founded on including not fighting foreign wars and not getting entangled in foreign alliances
just a few examples
Quincy Adams: "But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy."
George Washington: "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world"
Our founding fathers were right to try to limit government as much as possible and to no try to dominate the world, I'm not sure why conservatives disagree with this now. I guess its the whole "We got power now why shouldn't we use it" idea.
For a totally nerdy reference it was very Isildur of them. Once they became the most dominant country in the world instead of staying a small limited power government they tried to wield that power to recreate the whole world in their image, which is exactly what the founding fathers warned against.
Also **** Alexander Hamilton for his views of central banking.
Sound great. The rest of the World isn't going to comply though.