So here is what is known


Oct 26, 2001
Stick market are at all time highs
Crime is down
Jobs market is still hot
Interest rates are dropping
Inflation continues to remain under control
Gas prices are dropping
Unemployment is still low
US economy better than anyone else in the world in fact it is lapping other countries

So make America great again? What country has it better than America ???? Donny is off his rocker
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Stick market are at all time highs
Crime is down
Jobs market is still hot
Interest rates are dropping
Inflation continues to remain under control
Gas prices are dropping
Unemployment is still low
US economy better than anyone else in the world in fact it is lapping other countries

So make America great again? What country has it better than America ???? Donny is off his rocker
You guys should run on all of that. I’m sure the average American will believe the lies and not their wallet.
Stick market are at all time highs
Crime is down
Jobs market is still hot
Interest rates are dropping
Inflation continues to remain under control
Gas prices are dropping
Unemployment is still low
US economy better than anyone else in the world in fact it is lapping other countries

So make America great again? What country has it better than America ???? Donny is off his rocker
I didn’t know there was a demand for sticks. While everything else is burning to the ground under Biden and Harris, I guess you’ll have some kindling to keep it going if Harris wins.
Stick market are at all time highs
Crime is down
Jobs market is still hot
Interest rates are dropping
Inflation continues to remain under control
Gas prices are dropping
Unemployment is still low
US economy better than anyone else in the world in fact it is lapping other countries

So make America great again? What country has it better than America ???? Donny is off his rocker
LMAO. Delirious.

I'm 100% sure you just post a bunch of bull shit for attention. Congrats.
Stick market are at all time highs
Crime is down
Jobs market is still hot
Interest rates are dropping
Inflation continues to remain under control
Gas prices are dropping
Unemployment is still low
US economy better than anyone else in the world in fact it is lapping other countries

So make America great again? What country has it better than America ???? Donny is off his rocker
So we know you swallow stupid by the bucketfull
The Dems are fixing Donny's mess that's all. Just like Obama fixed GW's mess
Wait, checks notes…..literally everything being talked about fixing occurred during this administration.

You don’t get to break it and then credit for trying to fix it. Put another way, you can’t tout what an excellent job you did in the surgery when the surgery you were doing was on a bullet hole in your leg from your own misfire.

You guys created literally all of this, and now you’re talking about fixing it. What are you fixing? You’ve been saying everything was great the last 3.5 years. Has it been great? Does it need fixing? Like, literally what the hell are you saying?
Stick market are at all time highs
Crime is down
Jobs market is still hot
Interest rates are dropping
Inflation continues to remain under control
Gas prices are dropping
Unemployment is still low
US economy better than anyone else in the world in fact it is lapping other countries

So make America great again? What country has it better than America ???? Donny is off his rocker
Correct. But biff just says sextraffickers are dragging kids over the border and he will protect women. And he spent like no other president before.


We're on the right path now.....
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Correct. But biff just says sextraffickers are dragging kids over the border and he will protect women. And he spent like no other president before.


We're on the right path now.....

I posted numerous posts on the Subject when he was President.

The Trump Administration Is Committed to Combating Human Trafficking and Protecting The Innocent​

DCPD-201700923 - Executive Order 13818-Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption​

This is an urgent humanitarian issue. My administration is committed to leveraging every resource we have to confront this threat, to support the victims and survivors, and to hold traffickers accountable for their heinous crimes.”

Donald J. Trump
President of the United States

COMMITTED TO ERADICATING HUMAN TRAFFICKING: President Trump has signed four bills in recent weeks that demonstrate the bipartisan commitment to end human trafficking.

  • Today, the President is signing the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (S. 1862) which tightens criteria for whether countries are meeting standards for eliminating trafficking.
  • The President signed the Abolish Human Trafficking Act in December, which strengthens programs supporting survivors and resources for combating modern slavery.
  • President Trump signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act, authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking.
  • The President signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (S. 1312), establishing new prevention, prosecution, and collaboration initiative to bring human traffickers to justice.
  • In addition to these efforts, Congress needs to pass legislation that strengthens border security and prevents human trafficking in all forms.
GOVERNMENT-WIDE EFFORT: President Donald J. Trump has dedicated the full resources of his Administration to work towards ending human trafficking.
  • The President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons is working across the United States Government to prosecute traffickers, protect victims, and prevent these crimes before they take place.
  • In one of his first acts in office, President Trump signed an executive order to combat transnational criminal organizations that engage in international trafficking and exploit people.
  • The Administration is fully enforcing our laws to ensure human traffickers receive the full measure of justice they deserve.
  • In FY 2018, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) made 1588 Human Trafficking arrests while identifying and assisting 308 victims of the same heinous crime. ICE-HSI also made over 4,000 criminal arrests for human smuggling violations.
    • 1543 of the 1588 arrests HSI made in FY 2018 for human trafficking were for sex trafficking violations.
  • The new United States Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) negotiated by President Trump includes tough forced-labor provisions.
  • The Department of Labor has led efforts to combat child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking by cataloging goods made with forced labor and child labor and developing tools for companies and other stakeholders to address these abuses in their global supply chains.
  • Reaffirming this Administration’s commitment to abolish modern slavery, President Trump proclaimed January 2019 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
THE HUMAN TRAFFICKING THREAT: The heinous crime of human trafficking is a horrific assault on human dignity that impacts people here in the United States and around the world.
  • There are nearly 25 million victims of human trafficking worldwide.
  • In the United States, more than 8,500 human trafficking cases were reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline last year alone.
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Correct. But biff just says sextraffickers are dragging kids over the border and he will protect women. And he spent like no other president before.


We're on the right path now.....
The right path? You have completely lost your mind. The Biden admin ADMITTED they have lost 300k kids. That doesn't include the ones they murdered at their DNC abortion paloza.
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Correct. But biff just says sextraffickers are dragging kids over the border and he will protect women. And he spent like no other president before.


We're on the right path now.....
If we’re on the right path, why can’t Harris articulate if we’re better off today than when she was elected in 2020? Seems like a pretty glaring indictment.
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The Dems are fixing Donny's mess that's all. Just like Obama fixed GW's mess
So all or most of what you've posted ostensibly has happened under creepy Joe correct? (He is still President correct?)
So why isn't HE your propaganda party's candidate for re-election? 🤔

I fixed America and made it better than anywhere else in the world and they just kicked me to the curb!

Sucks for you huh creepy Joe? :joy:

@sammyk ...can you explain why your worthless party dissed this poor senile man after all he's apparently done for YOU?🫤

@sammyk state of delusion

Yeah, well we kinda figured that out already @sammyk based on your mindless OP. :rolleyes:
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If we’re on the right path, why can’t Harris articulate if we’re better off today than when she was elected in 2020? Seems like a pretty glaring indictment.
Articulate. That’s Rich. The stock market is enough
Stick market are at all time highs
Crime is down
Jobs market is still hot
Interest rates are dropping
Inflation continues to remain under control
Gas prices are dropping
Unemployment is still low
US economy better than anyone else in the world in fact it is lapping other countries

So make America great again? What country has it better than America ???? Donny is off his rocker
China owns over 80% of US farm land.

Articulate. That’s Rich. The stock market is enough
Lol, ok. Let’s say you’re correct. You’re not, but let’s say you are. Why didnt she just say that as her response when asked about things being better?
Articulate. That’s Rich. The stock market is enough
Consumer confidence is the lowest in 50 years. The stock market is the worst indicator within an inflated market. Any first year economic student would know this.