So, black player says "N" word....just has to apologize....

So what you are saying is that it would be a double standard if a black person used words like redneck, hillbilly, white trash, etc. and nothing was said or done about it. That happens on a daily basis. The point of the OP was to point out how blacks and whites are held to a completely different standard with these type issues. So yes, he is right, it is a double standard.
WHen I lived in North Carolina if anybody found out I was from West Virginia the word "hillbilly" (or worse) often came up. I would just smile and say "Not everybody is lucky enough to be from West Virginia. I am one of the lucky ones." I found when I took the high road and expressed pride in my native state, people backed off in a hurry. (It was strange when my school system had a work shop on how to teach "Appalachian-Americans" How about that. In the blink of an eye, I became a minority....
This post was edited on 4/7 9:32 AM by BoremanEer
If Harrison would have called Kaminsky white trash, then it would have been a race issue - but he didnt.

Hillbilly and redneck aren't really racial slurs, and if they are your all equally guilty as Harrison, because white folks use those terms against each other very openly. I mean, there's a whole comedy group built around it.

It's a matter of context and intentions.
LOL - Hillbilly and redneck aren't nearly as inflammatory as the n-word.

I know it because we are openly using those phrases but for the other we are just using the first letter.
Had Wisky lost to Kentucky and Kaminsky said the same about Harrison then you know that
1. Holder and dept of Injustice would have had a press briefing and a team of DOI agents swarming Kentucky to sniff out discrimination
2. Obama would have stoked the fire with his usual dividing speech
3. The Sharpton Shakedown would have begun in Lexington no less than 5 minutes after players briefing

If only I could recently recall a White athlete saying the "N" word in "Private" and then being raked over the coals, threatened with his career and have to all kinds of bullchit sensitivity training.......oh we do..........Riley Cooper
We had a man (Donald sterling) who asked his mistress not to bring her black boyfriends to his NBA teams games and was forced to sell his team/company. He said he didn't mind her being with black men, he just didn't want it thrown in his face. Apparently his mistake was attaching black to boyfriends. He meant just boyfriends in general. Somehow I guess that was racial? Pathetic

This post was edited on 4/7 3:21 PM by ThePunish-EER
Don't act surprised. White men are not allowed to be offended. But gays, lesbians, religious fanatics, and people of color use their tendency to be offended as a way to push their agendas down your throat. They don't want tolerance they want acceptance. Which means not only do you have tolerate the things that they do but that you have to like it. If not you're a bigot, racist, homophobe, or womanizer. It's not enough that you let them live their lives as they see fit, you have to tell them how awesome they are.
Now with that being said why should a white guy be offended by "THE N WORD"? it's not a derogatory term toward white people. If anything it shows a lack of intelligence by the person throwing it around. Cracker, honky, snow flake were all better options.
And the fact that I typed the "N" word without aiming it at anyone just part of a statement and was told by the software on this site that I couldn't make a post with "terms deemed offensive" but was allowed to type cracker, honky and other derogatory terms used toward whites kind of just proved my point.
This post was edited on 4/7 3:52 PM by eers1foru