Signs of the times

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Largest earthquake in Mexico in over a century, plus an earthquake in Japan.

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Largest earthquake in Mexico in over a century, plus an earthquake in Japan.

tick tock
Locations on the Ring of Fire are having seismic activity? Say it ain't so, Joe.

You sound as ridiculous as the Climate loons trying to equate the hurricanes to global warming which sound as ridiculous as the people who say it's cold here so it must not be happening.
the people who say it's cold here so it must not be happening.

Hey, easy. Most of that is tongue in cheek from me, making fun of the "Your local weather is not an indication of climate change" yet they use it themselves.
It's funny how God always uses these natural events that happen anyway to express His anger. You'd think that God being God, He could come up with something a little more creative rather than stuff that's going to happen anyway.

How about if God make everybody named Ted fall over dead on the same day. Now that would be doing something because that would never happen naturally.

This is like when people have an illness and they pray for it to get better and it gets better and they say God healed them. But people get better from illnesses naturally sometimes. Why not pray to God to do something that isn't going to happen naturally, like praying for an amputated limb to grow back? That would impress people.
It's funny how God always uses these natural events that happen anyway to express His anger. You'd think that God being God, He could come up with something a little more creative rather than stuff that's going to happen anyway.

How about if God make everybody named Ted fall over dead on the same day. Now that would be doing something because that would never happen naturally.

Apparently you've never read Exodus. 10 plagues increasing in their misery and still Egypt didn't grasp the full truth of their situation.
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I do find it odd that a Christian like yourself is having a hard time grasping the times and putting 2 and 2 together.

Correlation does not mean causality. You might be correct, but it's not fact at this point.
You do understand that there is a correlation between warmer sea surface temperature and hurricane activity?
I do in fact. You might even say I've studied meteorology quite a bit. Even spoke to Jim Cantorre back in 05. On a personal note, I lived on the Gulf Coast in 05 and rode out Ivan (04), Cindy, Dennis, and Katrina in 05. Ivan, Cindy, and Dennis all made landfall at the Pensacola area. I watched the eye of Dennis pass over. Ivan was the most destructive for my area, but obviously Katrina did the most damage to N'Awlins.

But I'll post this for you:

Seasons with the most hurricanes, 1851 - Present
Year Number of Hurricanes
2005 15
2010 12
1969 12
1887 11
1950 11
1998 11
1995 11
2012 10
1933 10
1916 10

Seasons with the most major hurricanes, 1851 - Present
Year Number of Major Hurricanes
1950 8
2005 7
1999 6
1996 6
1964 6
1961 6
1955 6
1926 6

I fail to see the correlation in your argument.
Then explain the 10 year drought of landfalling major hurricanes prior to this year in light of global warming.
That's way easy to answer. George Bush went to the cookie jar of his black hating weather machine one too many times and got caught smiting black people in 05. He had to dial it back for fear of a race war, so he turned the weather machine off. Obama couldn't figure out how to target white people, and with Bannen's help, Trump is clearly going after Immigrants and Jews.

Whatever engineer that designed it put some failsafes in it for Republican voters.
Correlation does not mean causality. You might be correct, but it's not fact at this point.

No, it's not fact yet, but at some point the probability of all of these "coincidences" that line up with Biblical prophecy leave the realm of improbable and enter into the realm of certainty.

Wars and rumors of wars that involve just about every country on the planet.
The seas roiling all over the world. Famines and droughts as well as mass scale flooding all over the world. The western US is on fire. Earthquakes all over the place. The 'Great Sign' of Revelation following the most witnessed even in world history, an eclipse that traversed the entire width of the largest most influential gentile nation in history. The serious threat of nuclear war not seen since the Cuban Missile crisis. That is A LOT of coincidences. And all of this coming at the end of the most eventful century in the history of mankind.
I do in fact. You might even say I've studied meteorology quite a bit. Even spoke to Jim Cantorre back in 05. On a personal note, I lived on the Gulf Coast in 05 and rode out Ivan (04), Cindy, Dennis, and Katrina in 05. Ivan, Cindy, and Dennis all made landfall at the Pensacola area. I watched the eye of Dennis pass over. Ivan was the most destructive for my area, but obviously Katrina did the most damage to N'Awlins.

I do in fact. You might even say I've studied meteorology quite a bit. Even spoke to Jim Cantorre back in 05. On a personal note, I lived on the Gulf Coast in 05 and rode out Ivan (04), Cindy, Dennis, and Katrina in 05. Ivan, Cindy, and Dennis all made landfall at the Pensacola area. I watched the eye of Dennis pass over. Ivan was the most destructive for my area, but obviously Katrina did the most damage to N'Awlins.

But I'll post this for you:

Seasons with the most hurricanes, 1851 - Present
Year Number of Hurricanes
2005 15
2010 12
1969 12
1887 11
1950 11
1998 11
1995 11
2012 10
1933 10
1916 10

Seasons with the most major hurricanes, 1851 - Present
Year Number of Major Hurricanes
1950 8
2005 7
1999 6
1996 6
1964 6
1961 6
1955 6
1926 6

I fail to see the correlation in your argument.

"Therefore, we conclude that despite statistical correlations between SST and Atlantic hurricane activity in recent decades, it is premature to conclude that human activity–and particularly greenhouse warming–has already caused a detectable change in Atlantic hurricane activity." - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
"Therefore, we conclude that despite statistical correlations between SST and Atlantic hurricane activity in recent decades, it is premature to conclude that human activity–and particularly greenhouse warming–has already caused a detectable change in Atlantic hurricane activity." - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Did you happen to read what you just copy/pasted?
Did you happen to read what you just copy/pasted?

It's true that we can't say there's been any detectable change. And it's true that we can't say that any given storm is caused by global warming or whatever else. But it's also true that a warmer climate is positively correlated with more turbulent weather including bigger storms. That's not controversial You can look that one up if you like.
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Then you didn't comprehend it.

Translation: Our models are wrong, we don't know why.

Dayum, you really went astray. That's not what they said at all. No surprise you didn't understand it.

You do understand that there is a correlation between warmer sea surface temperature and hurricane activity?

"Therefore, we conclude that despite statistical correlations between SST and Atlantic hurricane activity in recent decades, it is premature to conclude that human activity–and particularly greenhouse warming–has already caused a detectable change in Atlantic hurricane activity." - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
I'll even concede and acknowledge that it should be getting worse as warmer water fuels these storms. Not sure why the data is not corresponding to the models. Maybe it has something to do with the birth location in Africa having changes that are impacting their ability to develop in a corresponding manner. I don't know, and they don't either.
It's true that we can't say there's been any detectable change. And it's true that we can't say that any given storm is caused by global warming or whatever else. But it's also true that a warmer climate is positively correlated with more turbulent weather including bigger storms. That's not controversial You can look that one up if you like.

Yet the data doesn't match this hypothesis. Go figure, I thought ya'll were smart(not really).
I heard about an hour ago that their stock was at an 18 year low. I didn't hear a thing about being compromised, but I easily could have missed it. ugh
Seriously? The largest data breach in US history. Something like 137 million people.
I heard about an hour ago that their stock was at an 18 year low. I didn't hear a thing about being compromised, but I easily could have missed it. ugh
You can hit that website up and it will tell you if you were, or "might" (eyeroll) have been, or you're in the clear. They also are offering 1 free year of credit coverage.

BTW, I saw 3 senior execs of the company unloaded some shares after the breach, but before the news was made public.
Yet the data doesn't match this hypothesis. Go figure, I thought ya'll were smart(not really).

I don't know that it would be called a hypothesis. It's more like simple reasoning. Of if you do call it a hypothesis then there's neither data to confirm or refute it at this point.

Even aside from the temperature of the planet there is a lot of variability involved. Even if the temperature of the planet stayed the same the number and intensity of storms would vary.
So there's not a direct correlation. Make up your mind.

There's a correlation. I don't know what you mean by "direct correlation."

If a coin is 50-50 and you flip it 10 times and then you alter it so that it comes up heads 51% of the time and tails 49% of the time that doesn't necessarily mean the next 10 flips will have more heads than the last 10 flips did when it was 50-50.