Shocking! Putin offers to bail trump out......

Trust me Amerika, I your friend. I good guy. We build good relationship. Your media fake news. Don't believe them. Trump good guy too. He not collude with us. Ridiculous.
Trust me Amerika, I your friend. I good guy. We build good relationship. Your media fake news. Don't believe them. Trump good guy too. He not collude with us. Ridiculous.
That's like Obama doing what is in the best interest of the US. We know how all that crap turned out for the ole US of A.
Putin has never lied, our media, they LIE! I tell you! LIE!!!!!!

And I knew it wouldn't take no time before someone uses as their rebuttal "but Obama (did this or that)......."
Hilarious! Has to be embarrassing for many in the GOP. Certainly embarrassing to the country. maybe Tass can provide a record of the meeting since they are the only journalists allowed. #clusterfuk

We don't need Putin, we already have McMaster and Tillerson. They were in the meeting. The Wash Post sources were not. As McMaster said, and he is beyond reproach, what Trump said was WHOLLY APPROPRIATE.

I trust McMaster more than all the media in the U.S. combined.
Yeah, This administration is like a breath of fresh after Obamas weekly scandals, lmfao, how do you type this shit with a straight face?
If the media had called MoaObama on all his anti American acts, you would ahve had the same thing with him. The media is just dishonest and it shows.
Yeah, This administration is like a breath of fresh after Obamas weekly scandals, lmfao, how do you type this shit with a straight face?
The Obama admin and acts were so popular with the real Americans, that the dems kept control of both Houses, governorships, state legislatures... Oh, that's right, real Americans voted the commies out.
The Obama admin and acts were so popular with the real Americans, that the dems kept control of both Houses, governorships, state legislatures... Oh, that's right, real Americans voted the commies out.
"Real Americans"????? Unbelievable! What exactly makes an American real?
Anti-American acts?
Full of them, ACA, Iran, Beghazi were nobody did the American thing and lifted a finger, raised taxes so business couldn't flourish, hated America, EPA, legislate by fiat.
Hilarious! Has to be embarrassing for many in the GOP. Certainly embarrassing to the country. maybe Tass can provide a record of the meeting since they are the only journalists allowed. #clusterfuk

  1. So let's see. Trump has not been tied to Russia's meddling whatsoever. But the American press keeps trying to make it so, peeing into the wind.
  2. Putin does meddle. Anything to make us look bad, he will do.
  3. Putin offers to make America look bad, trolling Congress.
  4. Doc and several other libs jumps in with both feet.
Is it really that win at all costs? Same WaPo reporter reports that Obama admin leaked the NAME of CIA station chief, and they get a pass. Obama says he'll be more flexible after the election, and he gets a pass.

There's no more smoke than any other administration. I'm starting to think doc and moe are Russians themselves.
"Real Americans"????? Unbelievable! What exactly makes an American real?
People who believe in capitalism, the form of govt that gave us the greatest country ever known to man. People who didn't vote for socialist like Obama, Hilliary and Sanders.
"Real Americans"????? Unbelievable! What exactly makes an American real?

I won't call Obama unAmerican, I will call him dangerously naive that has put this country in grave danger, both economically and internationally. I think that was part of his plan to weaken America across the globe since he blames America for much of the world's problems.
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People who believe in capitalism, the form of govt that gave us the greatest country ever known to man. People who didn't vote for socialist like Obama, Hilliary and Sanders.
So it's capitalism over the Constitution?
I won't call Obama unAmerican, I will call him dangerously naive that has put this country in grave danger, both economically and internationally. I think that was part of his plan to weaken America across the globe since he blames America for much of the world's problems.
At least you show respect. Not for Obama, but for what American truly is at it's core.
I won't call Obama unAmerican, I will call him dangerously naive that has put this country in grave danger, both economically and internationally. I think that was part of his plan to weaken America across the globe since he blames America for much of the world's problems.
lol, look up naïve in the Washington dictionary and I bet they have Trumps picture, Obama ain't got a nickle in this dime
So it's capitalism over the Constitution?

Liberals, like yourself, hate the intent of the constitution. No where in the constitution does it say anything that you are entitled to the hard work of others. Life, except for the unborn, liberty and happiness which was the pursuit of property. In England, only nobility was allowed to own property and that is where some of the people make a mistake about that phrase.
I won't call Obama unAmerican, I will call him dangerously naive that has put this country in grave danger, both economically and internationally. I think that was part of his plan to weaken America across the globe since he blames America for much of the world's problems.
That's like saying Hilliary was recklessly negligent but shouldn't be prosecuted. He was unAmerican with his teachable moments.
Liberals, like yourself, hate the intent of the constitution. No where in the constitution does it say anything that you are entitled to the hard work of others. Life, except for the unborn, liberty and happiness which was the pursuit of property. In England, only nobility was allowed to own property and that is where some of the people make a mistake about that phrase.
No where in the Constitution does it say capitalism should be law of the land either. And the Constitution might not say anything about some people being entitled to the hard work of others....but many of the signers of that document owned was literally the practice of gaining personal benefit off the hard work of others now wasn't it?
Liberals, like yourself, hate the intent of the constitution. No where in the constitution does it say anything that you are entitled to the hard work of others. Life, except for the unborn, liberty and happiness which was the pursuit of property. In England, only nobility was allowed to own property and that is where some of the people make a mistake about that phrase.
And you haven't a clue what I hate. Stop acting like you know everything. And you hate elitests?
And you haven't a clue what I hate. Stop acting like you know everything. And you hate elitests?

Those that think that they know what to spend your hard earned money better than the person who earned it.
No where in the Constitution does it say capitalism should be law of the land either. And the Constitution might not say anything about some people being entitled to the hard work of others....but many of the signers of that document owned was literally the practice of gaining personal benefit off the hard work of others now wasn't it?
Yes, many did own slaves and it was a real problem for them as they tried to make it illegal and not the law of the land. We ended up fighting a war over it and people, mainly libs, who think these "things" we are going through right now are game changers, are just off their collective rocker, The civil war, WW1, WW2 were much bigger and so was Watergate. By the way, I don't mind reasonable taxation and money spent to help people, I hate politicians who have feathered their bed with a dependent constituency with my tax dollars.
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Those that think that they know what to spend your hard earned money on better than the person who earned it.
Those that spend our tax dollars are elected individuals, and taxes are collected for the greater good. With elected representation in Congress, those tax revenues are used to make the nation as great as it can be. You support the military? Space exploration? These things are funded by those tax revenues as well. Maybe we have different ideas about who to elect (based on their ideas of how to make our nation better), but we both believe in tax revenues being used to fund initiatives that make the nation better.
Those that spend our tax dollars are elected individuals, and taxes are collected for the greater good. With elected representation in Congress, those tax revenues are used to make the nation as great as it can be. You support the military? Space exploration? These things are funded by those tax revenues as well. Maybe we have different ideas about who to elect (based on their ideas of how to make our nation better), but we both believe in tax revenues being used to fund initiatives that make the nation better.

Welfare to generation after generation does not make the country better, ti makes those people worse. There's only one thing the Federal govt is charged with, to protect it's citizens. Not help promote the promiscuity of inner city women.
Yes, many did own slaves and it was a real problem for them as they tried to make it illegal and not the law of the land. We ended up fighting a war over it and people, mainly libs, who think these "things" we are going through right now are game changers, are just off their collective rocker, The civil war, WW1, WW2 were much bigger and so was Watergate. By the way, I don't mind reasonable taxation and money spent to help people, I hate politicians who have feathered their bed with a dependent constituency with my tax dollars.
And now that's well said! I agree. So, let's shift our focus more on those representatives (on both sides) that have exploited tax revenues to enhance their personal wealth and increase their personal political capital, instead of aligning good Americans that have different perspectives against each other.
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lol, look up naïve in the Washington dictionary and I bet they have Trumps picture, Obama ain't got a nickle in this dime

Obama has done more damage to America than any President in my lifetime including Jimmy Carter and that is saying a lot.
Do you think liberals don't earn their money?

Yes, I think they do, they can volunteer to give the govt more to help whomever they want. They just need to keep their mouths shut about I'm not paying enough when it amounts to about 40% tax barcket since I'm an S corp and am taxed out the wazoo.
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Welfare to generation after generation does not make the country better, ti makes those people worse. There's only one thing the Federal govt is charged with, to protect it's citizens. Not help promote the promiscuity of inner city women.
I believe in programs that aid people in making their lives better, but totally against programs that allow for assistance that isn't temporary. If the program doesn't help you get to a place of self reliance, then it's simply not an effective program, imo.
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And now that's well said! I agree. So, let's shift our focus more on those representatives (on both sides) that have exploited tax revenues to enhance their personal wealth and increase their personal political capital, instead of aligning good Americans that have different perspectives against each other.

I think that govt should be a part time job. Two months in the winter, 1 month in the fall. We would get all the govt we needed. Money would be given back to the states and that money would be better spent. Shrimp running on a treadmill is just one bad example of our govt waste.
Yes, I think they do, they can volunteer to give the govt more to help whomever they want. They just need to keep their mouths shut about I'm not paying enough when it amounts to about 40% tax barcket since I'm an S corp and am taxed out the wazoo.
I agree taxes are too high, and would support a more comprehensive evaluation of how tax revenues are being wasted. Although I believe in programs you probably do not, I think there is way too much waste in probably every facet of government expenditures. We are a very wealthy nation, and if tax revenues were spent more efficiently, taxes could be lowered substantially. I liked Trump's spend better attitude, but it seems he's only interested in cutting programs I care about.
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Whatever happened to rugged individualism?
It doesn't win wars, or protect our boarders, or educate our children, or prosecute crime, or protect our environment, or provide liscencing protection, or negotiate trade deals, or protect worker rights, or........
I think that govt should be a part time job. Two months in the winter, 1 month in the fall. We would get all the govt we needed. Money would be given back to the states and that money would be better spent. Shrimp running on a treadmill is just one bad example of our govt waste.
Very similar to my father's approach to what needs to change. He believed in it being a service, not a career.....makes perfect sense
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It doesn't win wars, or protect our boarders, or educate our children, or prosecute crime, or protect our environment, or provide liscencing protection, or negotiate trade deals, or protect worker rights, or........

It sure seemed to work the first 200 years of this country's existence perfectly fine.