Serious question about the end of times....

I thought only God knew the end time, Matthew 24:36? I thought God was in control, not Obama? You right wingers seem confused.
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I thought only God knew the end time, Matthew 24:36? I thought God was in control, not Obama? You right wingers seem confused.

Isn't a "right-winger" a Republican?

Where in the bloody hell did I ever say I was a Republican?

Can you please link that?
I thought only God knew the end time, Matthew 24:36? I thought God was in control, not Obama? You right wingers seem confused.
So, logic would lead us to the conclusion that she is saying that Obama is God.

She is a loon. It amazes me people keep putting microphones in front of her.
Isn't a "right-winger" a Republican?

Where in the bloody hell did I ever say I was a Republican?

Can you please link that?
Don't get your panties in a wad. I didn't accuse you or anyone of being a Republican. I made a general statement "You right wingers seem confused". I didn't accuse you of being a right winger (although your posts definitely line up with the right). Maybe some of the other posters that lean to the right will provide their insight.
Don't get your panties in a wad. I didn't accuse you or anyone of being a Republican. I made a general statement "You right wingers seem confused". I didn't accuse you of being a right winger (although your posts definitely line up with the right). Maybe some of the other posters that lean to the right will provide their insight.

So I am "conservative" or "right wing" because I don't agree with the non-stop cavalcade of loony, nonsensical domestic (and international) policies from the Liberal sector and spinning the subsequent failures therein?

That's called lucidity, not partisanship. I think some of you people would applaud ANYTHING as long as it come from a particular side of the aisle and I am here to tell you, that reeks of weak-minded (and weak-knee'd) individuals. You know what they say about the weak ...... they won't survive.
So, logic would lead us to the conclusion that she is saying that Obama is God.

She is a loon. It amazes me people keep putting microphones in front of her.
Debbie W-S, Pelosi, and a few others aren't much better. Come to think of it, there seems to be some issues with the common denominator being "woman"
Un-related to your post...thanks to your signature I decided to hide all signatures.