Sept 22, 2022

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Reactions: Snuffy Smif

It's election season. If you are getting a lot of unsolicited text. It could be that your political enemies signed you up. Make sure you save them. It's also against the law to do that.

Just because I know some of you would appreciate the humor.

#PedoHitler and his supporters want to kill Grandma. Spread the word.

Being the world's police is too expensive for us to sustain. However we need a military that can defend you against foreign adversaries. The shit below is being done to destroy that.

Hey John,

Where are all the batteries for those going to be made?

This what happens when the administration doesn't do its job. Also don't allow people to play on your emotions. Don't take the bait.

True story. The list is larger. They're rating on people too. It's bullshit.


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