Senate to take up bill to repeal Obamacare without replacement plan

**** you, healthcare is not a "goody". So hope you are the next good conservative to have their lives ruined due to unforeseen health issues and the ensuing costs, you ****ing self righteous sanctimonious POS.
Anything of value received for no cost would be a 'goody" you stupid bastard. Do you prefer "freeby", you drone POS?
I don't want the GOP to govern...what libtards see as governing is by shouting their agenda down our throats. To me truly governing means both sides having to work together. And that's what will have to happen if/when Obamacare dies or is killed through repeal.
Are we locked into requiring 60 votes to repeal Obamacare? I raised that point when it was passed and became law of the land. Could we ever get 60 votes to repeal. I doubt Dems will ever be below 60 in Senate. Difficult to realize that a shitty bill can be tossed only if we can hold vote "against" bill to be 41 or greater.
McConnel and Ryan are proving to everyone that the GOP alone cannot fix the healthcare issue created by Obamacare and the libtards.
Really? They said they could ... Problem is the GOP, especially in the House, is a herd of cats that Ryan can't control, and the Senate is becoming that way - half of the no votes on this shit sandwich that is repeal and replace are 'moderate' Republicans whose constituents aren't that unhappy with the ACA, and the other are ultra-rightist nutballs who think McConnell's bill is too soft because they want to dismantle not only the ACA but Medicaid and Medicare.
They should have never run on replacing it or repealing it.

Keep it. And when the bubble bursts... and it will, the GOP would stand to make gains that would last over a generation, and Obama's legacy will be set in stone.

They're stupid to want to even fix it. Especially knowing that when the Dems give a free handout, that handout is never going to be taken back.
"He was playing with a firetruck and trying on a cowboy hat as the bill was collapsing and he had no clue," a top Republican told CNN's Jeff Zeleny on Tuesday, mocking the "Made In America" week at the White House.
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I hate to admit it.....but the Republican leadership in this Congress is pathetic. The Democrat leadership is equally as bad. Is this the best we have?

It's a shit show between both parties right now. I'm not sure what to do but try and ride it out and hopefully get some new blood in there soon.
They should have never run on replacing it or repealing it.

Keep it. And when the bubble bursts... and it will, the GOP would stand to make gains that would last over a generation, and Obama's legacy will be set in stone.

They're stupid to want to even fix it. Especially knowing that when the Dems give a free handout, that handout is never going to be taken back.
I am not sure it will ever be fixed. Just throw more and more money at it and it could be improved. But it would be an expensive piece of legislation. Probably the closest to fixing it would be one payer system and just turn your head when budget is prepared. They may be able to make up for it by cutting non-functioning agencies, but they attempt to delete agencies annually only to be restored and given COLA increases to keep agencies in tact.