Senate to take up bill to repeal Obamacare without replacement plan

How can anyone with their right mind call the dems obstructionists? Dems have been left out of everything. F'ing no nothing idiot spouting off again. Typical.

It is just more evidence that GOP puts forward policies that are not workable and is only designed to get ignorant fool's emotions raised in order to achieve power. They can't legislate or govern. In addition, they are unable to recognize unpatriotic behavior of their president. Country needs to smarten up.
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Go well for who? This is what most of us on the right were looking for. The simultaneous replace aspect was a bone for the left. You obstructionists couldn't even get on board with that. Now? ACA light is even off the table.
Great! But actually most of Americans want healthcare, go ahead and repeal it, maybe when the rubes start getting kicked off Medicaid they will wake the **** up and qui voting against their own economic interests. But you do admit they can't govern, right? Who blew up their own plan? It wasn't the Democrats, no power, lol.
How can anyone with their right mind call the dems obstructionists? Dems have been left out of everything. F'ing no nothing idiot spouting off again. Typical.

It is just more evidence that GOP puts forward policies that are not workable and is only designed to get ignorant fool's emotions raised in order to achieve power. They can't legislate or govern. In addition, they are unable to recognize unpatriotic behavior of their president. Country needs to smarten up.
36%. We'll see what that really means soon.
How can anyone with their right mind call the dems obstructionists? Dems have been left out of everything. F'ing no nothing idiot spouting off again. Typical.

It is just more evidence that GOP puts forward policies that are not workable and is only designed to get ignorant fool's emotions raised in order to achieve power. They can't legislate or govern. In addition, they are unable to recognize unpatriotic behavior of their president. Country needs to smarten up.
Pretty simple, when the GOP has made massive gains in leadership at all levels running on Repeal and Replace, Shumer and the gang have stated Repeal is off the table. So, they refuse to work with the other side to create an acceptable replacement because they won't even support what the American people clearly want. Obstructionism. It's pretty obvious if you had an ounce of integrity.
How can anyone with their right mind call the dems obstructionists? Dems have been left out of everything. F'ing no nothing idiot spouting off again. Typical.

It is just more evidence that GOP puts forward policies that are not workable and is only designed to get ignorant fool's emotions raised in order to achieve power. They can't legislate or govern. In addition, they are unable to recognize unpatriotic behavior of their president. Country needs to smarten up.
Pretty simple, when the GOP has made massive gains in leadership at all levels running on Repeal and Replace, Shumer and the gang have stated Repeal is off the table. So, they refuse to work with the other side to create an acceptable replacement because they won't even support what the American people clearly want. Obstructionism. It's pretty obvious if you had an ounce of integrity.
If you had an ounce of sense you would see through your own bullshit, It's the Democrats fault the Republican majority can't agree? Your point assumes the GOP base is stupid and doesn't have a clue how it should work when one party controls all three branches. Democrats have stated they would help fix Obamacare, why would they help repeal it? You guys look as dumb as Trump, and he doesn't give a shit about anything except saying looky here! I repealed the horribly failing Obamacare like I promised rather than actually worry about healthcare. Seems the base don't hate it as much now that their boogyman Obama is on permanent vacation. Why doesn't Trump use his leadership and negotiating skills to finesse it through his majority house and senate? lmfao. The GOP controls everything except their party.
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Democrats have stated they would help fix Obamacare, why would they help repeal it?

You can't fix it numbnuts. It's too expensive already, was never affordable, and only throwing more money at it, that we don't have, would be the answer. Affordable Care Act my stinky right foot.
If you had an ounce of sense you would see through your own bullshit, It's the Democrats fault the Republican majority can't agree? Your point assumes the GOP base is stupid and doesn't have a clue how it should work when one party controls all three branches. Democrats have stated they would help fix Obamacare, why would they help repeal it? You guys look as dumb as Trump, and he doesn't give a shit about anything except saying looky here! I repealed the horribly failing Obamacare like I promised rather than actually worry about healthcare. Seems the base don't hate it as much now that their boogyman Obama is on permanent vacation. Why doesn't Trump use his leadership and negotiating skills to finesse it through his majority house and senate? lmfao. The GOP controls everything except their party.
Sooooo, you basically proved my point. Thanks.
You can't fix it numbnuts. It's too expensive already, was never affordable, and only throwing more money at it, that we don't have, would be the answer. Affordable Care Act my stinky right foot.

Aren't the representatives there for the people? Well, do the majority of the people want to keep ACA? The latest Gallup poll had it at 55%.........
Aren't the representatives there for the people? Well, do the majority of the people want to keep ACA? The latest Gallup poll had it at 55%.........

So we're majority rules now, or are they supposed to do the right thing? I agree, let's keep ACA. Let's keep it for 5 more years, or until our money is worthless.
So we're majority rules now, or are they supposed to do the right thing? I agree, let's keep ACA. Let's keep it for 5 more years, or until our money is worthless.

You say it's the wrong thing to do in keeping it, but 55% of Americans say it isn't. Congress is there to represent the citizens........they are not there to do their "own thing" or following their political beliefs. That's how our Founding Fathers wanted it.
I hate to admit it.....but the Republican leadership in this Congress is pathetic. The Democrat leadership is equally as bad. Is this the best we have?
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I hate to admit it.....but the Republican leadership in this Congress is pathetic. The Democrat leadership is equally as bad. Is this the best we have?

I agree to all your sentiments.......and this is exactly why there should be additional amendments to the Constitution overriding the unlimited term limits for Congress.......I say 12 years (2 terms Senate; 6 House) is enough!
You say it's the wrong thing to do in keeping it, but 55% of Americans say it isn't. Congress is there to represent the citizens........they are not there to do their "own thing" or following their political beliefs. That's how our Founding Fathers wanted it.
The basic mindset of the Republican majorities is that healthcare is neither a human right nor a responsibility of the people acting together through their Government. Pretending they actually want healthcare and telling their base how horrible Obamacare is what is screwing them these days as their base believed dumbass when he told them he would provide better than Obamacare healthcare. It was easy to vote for repeal when the shysters knew Obama would veto it, now? some of them get it that people actually do want healthcare, it's hard to govern and even harder when you have a leader as incompetent as Trump. He just wants to sign something and tell the base looky what I did!
The basic mindset of the Republican majorities is that healthcare is neither a human right nor a responsibility of the people acting together through their Government. Pretending they actually want healthcare and telling their base how horrible Obamacare is what is screwing them these days as their base believed dumbass when he told them he would provide better than Obamacare healthcare. It was easy to vote for repeal when the shysters knew Obama would veto it, now? some of them get it that people actually do want healthcare, it's hard to govern and even harder when you have a leader as incompetent as Trump. He just wants to sign something and tell the base looky what I did!

That's the problem with ALL of our politicians today. They are more concerned about their next campaign for reelection than they are running the country. What was designed to be a part-time job, to run our country FOR THE PEOPLE, has turned in to a retirement job with excellent benefits that promotes these politicians to say or do whatever they think will get them reelected, not doing what the PEOPLE WANT.
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I'll give credit to President Obama for his ability to lead the Democrats in Congress during his terms. He had nose rings in every one of them....they were afraid to oppose anything he did.
You can't fix it numbnuts. It's too expensive already, was never affordable, and only throwing more money at it, that we don't have, would be the answer. Affordable Care Act my stinky right foot.
Damn, THE, I thought you were smarter than what you are showing. Do you really give the liberals credit for thinking there are some things the US cannot afford? Do all liberals reason that conservatives are simply against giving more and more? Is it really that we are just here to deprive others of all the goodies that the world has to offer? Is it possible that those on the right don't give a fuk what other people have? THE, of course I appreciate conservatism. I don't give a damn if Dems could have all the goodies available in this wealthy world, but we have to realize someone, sometime must pay for the excess of this generation. I do not think there is a liberal alive who really believes the world can have everything without paying for it. I do believe the world gets into trouble when we get so proficient in tellin lies that we believe our own lies. Every child greater than 5 is denied something in their life. Dems beyond 5 years realize we have to pay for what we want/need. Even the super rich will deprive their kids at some point when there is opportunity for a teachable moment. We teach our kids that there are times when they must rely on themselves. All things are not free and the sooner people come to that realization, the better our world will be.

Who really believes Bru is not smart enough to realize we cannot rely on credit our entire life wherein we never have to pay our debts? I would not say that about some on the left, they obviously have not learned that concept. of paying for what you get. Without that realization, they are just worthless non-contributing POS.
Damn, THE, I thought you were smarter than what you are showing. Do you really give the liberals credit for thinking there are some things the US cannot afford? Do all liberals reason that conservatives are simply against giving more and more? Is it really that we are just here to deprive others of all the goodies that the world has to offer? Is it possible that those on the right don't give a fuk what other people have? THE, of course I appreciate conservatism. I don't give a damn if Dems could have all the goodies available in this wealthy world, but we have to realize someone, sometime must pay for the excess of this generation. I do not think there is a liberal alive who really believes the world can have everything without paying for it. I do believe the world gets into trouble when we get so proficient in tellin lies that we believe our own lies. Every child greater than 5 is denied something in their life. Dems beyond 5 years realize we have to pay for what we want/need. Even the super rich will deprive their kids at some point when there is opportunity for a teachable moment. We teach our kids that there are times when they must rely on themselves. All things are not free and the sooner people come to that realization, the better our world will be.

Who really believes Bru is not smart enough to realize we cannot rely on credit our entire life wherein we never have to pay our debts? I would not say that about some on the left, they obviously have not learned that concept. of paying for what you get. Without that realization, they are just worthless non-contributing POS.
**** you, healthcare is not a "goody". So hope you are the next good conservative to have their lives ruined due to unforeseen health issues and the ensuing costs, you ****ing self righteous sanctimonious POS.
That's the problem with ALL of our politicians today. They are more concerned about their next campaign for reelection than they are running the country. What was designed to be a part-time job, to run our country FOR THE PEOPLE, has turned in to a retirement job with excellent benefits that promotes these politicians to say or do whatever they think will get them reelected, not doing what the PEOPLE WANT.
GOP has been beating this drum for 7 years and you'd think they actually have something substantive by now.
**** you, healthcare is not a "goody". So hope you are the next good conservative to have their lives ruined due to unforeseen health issues and the ensuing costs, you ****ing self righteous sanctimonious POS.

Yeah, I've had this argument with him before. He thinks that it's ok to deny someone with diabetes the right to pay for affordable health insurance, that it's their fault for having diabetes.......
I don't want the GOP to govern...what libtards see as governing is by shouting their agenda down our throats. To me truly governing means both sides having to work together. And that's what will have to happen if/when Obamacare dies or is killed through repeal.
I don't want the GOP to govern...what libtards see as governing is by shouting their agenda down our throats. To me truly governing means both sides having to work together. And that's what will have to happen if/when Obamacare dies or is killed through repeal.

I agree, somewhat. But I would add that their job is to listen to the people, go with the MAJORITY, and see what happens from there. If it's good, great. If it's bad, that's what the people (majority) wanted, work to make it better. Right now, 55% of Americans want health care.....
I agree, somewhat. But I would add that their job is to listen to the people, go with the MAJORITY, and see what happens from there. If it's good, great. If it's bad, that's what the people (majority) wanted, work to make it better. Right now, 55% of Americans want health care.....
55% isn't some sort of super majority...and deer lort I hope we don't start ruling by polls.

McConnel and Ryan are proving to everyone that the GOP alone cannot fix the healthcare issue created by Obamacare and the libtards.
55% isn't some sort of super majority...and deer lort I hope we don't start ruling by polls.

McConnel and Ryan are proving to everyone that the GOP alone cannot fix the healthcare issue created by Obamacare and the libtards.

Do you think the job of our Congress is to listen to the people (majority) or to do what THEY (individually) believe should happen?
Do you think the job of our Congress is to listen to the people (majority) or to do what THEY (individually) believe should happen?
Both...does the individual have enough resources to know what will work or the impact of any given bill/law? We elect them to 'lead'...not take a poll on everything.
Do you think the job of our Congress is to listen to the people (majority) or to do what THEY (individually) believe should happen?
We're concerned with listening to the majority now? Hahahahahaha, I applaud you all for trying new things.
Both...does the individual have enough resources to know what will work or the impact of any given bill/law? We elect them to 'lead'...not take a poll on everything.

No, we elect them to lead BY THE WILL OF THE CITIZENS. They are our voice, this job isn't "theirs" to do whatever they think is best. What makes them experts?
No, we elect them to lead BY THE WILL OF THE CITIZENS. They are our voice, this job isn't "theirs" to do whatever they think is best. What makes them experts?
They have more resource than most citizens that have an opinion.

I'm sure everyone wants a new home, new car, and all kinds of other luxuries...should the government make that happen too?
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The basic mindset of the Republican majorities is that healthcare is neither a human right nor a responsibility of the people acting together through their Government. Pretending they actually want healthcare and telling their base how horrible Obamacare is what is screwing them these days as their base believed dumbass when he told them he would provide better than Obamacare healthcare. It was easy to vote for repeal when the shysters knew Obama would veto it, now? some of them get it that people actually do want healthcare, it's hard to govern and even harder when you have a leader as incompetent as Trump. He just wants to sign something and tell the base looky what I did!
Trump is obviously smarter than the Obamaites and their leader. They still have no comprehension of the damage Obamacare did to our country. Would it please you if Obama spending turns out to be only half of what Trump spends in his eight years. looks like size of debt is what gets the gold???