Schiff crying about the memo was glorious

Now we will see

The House Intelligence Committee on Monday evening voted to make public a GOP-crafted memo alleging what some Republicans say are “shocking” surveillance abuses at the Department of Justice.
Now we will see
Not just the memo, not supposedly just the evidence, but also to the minutes of the meeting they just had. That will be interesting!

Here @countryroads89 , your last chance before they start spilling the beans. Remember the DOJ being so critical of releasing the memo last week, that it would damage.. blah, blah, blah. Not a peep today after seeing it yesterday.

Let that sink in real well, or it's going to be a rough ride.
And before the libtards start repeating Schiffs lies and crying about transparency the house intel committee voted to make Schiffs spin memo available to the whole house which begins thr process of potentially declassification and release. I know everyone trusts Schiff to be thorough and balanced in his nuh uh memo.
Here @countryroads89 , your last chance before they start spilling the beans. Remember the DOJ being so critical of releasing the memo last week, that it would damage.. blah, blah, blah. Not a peep today after seeing it yesterday.

Let that sink in real well, or it's going to be a rough ride.
Both Wray and Rosenstein were at the White House today.
He has seen no evidence of shenanigans at the FBI or DOJ but he and he alone has seen clear evidence of collusion.

I see evidence of drug and alcohol abuse.
His eyes were pretty "enhanced" ,and the guy over his left shoulder was in "obvious" distress!! Damn,I'm loving this. I've heard there's "100" that are headed for the "employment Gallo's" 40 for now followed by 60...The 45th IS draining the swamp!! Big League !!
Lol, How many times have you all fallen for the BS? Maybe this time it'll pan out. Cause, heck, it makes more sense that the entire FBI and DOJ are corrupt rather than think Trump was in over his head and didn't have a clue what was legal and what wasn't. I mean, remember what the emails from the lovers were gonna prove? Rubes ain't squawking about them anymore, it's on to the holy memo. Louie Ghomert? really? lmfao.
Lol, How many times have you all fallen for the BS? Maybe this time it'll pan out. Cause, heck, it makes more sense that the entire FBI and DOJ are corrupt rather than think Trump was in over his head and didn't have a clue what was legal and what wasn't. I mean, remember what the emails from the lovers were gonna prove? Rubes ain't squawking about them anymore, it's on to the holy memo. Louie Ghomert? really? lmfao.
Who ever said the entire FBI or DOJ is corrupt? Stick to your talking points and mention rubes a few time and maybe nobody will notice you are the idiot.
“I think we should disclose all this stuff. It’s the best disinfectant. Accountability, transparency -- for the sake of the reputation of our institutions.”
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