Saying Rich Rod failed after WVU is just moronic

Rod was the right coach for WVU at that time. Set a team personality that elevated the program profile. Team has been all over the board since then. Discussion of his time at Michigan is a useless waste of time.
I will agree with this. His persona was something of question but the body of work he did here can’t be questioned. Just his ethics..
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Well it seems some of liberal progressive forum dweebs do take offense to the truth...and run to daddy to fix life. Would rather slobber over themselves than be called out. For myself...saying it like it is gets me over 50% comment likes. Know anybody else who comes close to that? What about you? There you go. Have a fine day.
Comment likes are for one cares about them but people like you.

Do they make you feel better in real life?
I'm not sure about joining this conversation, but there is No Way,
No How PricRod is a hero to WV.

If he would have returned to WVU after the embarrassing Pitt debacle, he'd probably be on his way to College Football HOF.

As for when PricRod left WVU
- there is no way he had better than "moderate success" at Arizona
once he took his Hair plugs to Michigan.
You use assclowns a lot. Seems like an obsession with male rear ends. At leadt you are comfortable with that lol.
You didnt answer the getting a like from assclown, bitchgregor or turdboy makes you feel better in real life?
At Michigan a place where it's hard for many coaches to succeed he increased his win total every year.

Went 7-4 against a Big10 schedule probably a little more impressive than Brown's second season at WVU.

If he's given that 4th season he has a BCS Bowl team. Michigan stupidly jumped the gun on firing him. It took him 5 seasons at WVU to actually get it going.

At Arizona he had Two 8 win seasons

One 10 win season

Two 7 win seasons

One losing season.

Going 45-35 at Arizona is like going 45-35 at Wake Forest or Vanderbilt. I lived in Phoenix during his Arizona years, trust me ASU and Arizona are tough places to win at. Why go to Southern Arizona when you can go to Southern California or a Blue Blood like Texas. That area is twice as difficult to recruit to as WVU deals with.

I get hating him because you feel betrayed but saying he failed (like a few select people claim) is silly and an uneducated biased claim. Get over it.

He sucked at Michigan and got deservingly canned. Just a misfire hire in every way. I do agree his time at Arizona was somewhat impressive.
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I'm not sure about joining this conversation, but there is No Way,
No How PricRod is a hero to WV.

If he would have returned to WVU after the embarrassing Pitt debacle, he'd probably be on his way to College Football HOF.

As for when PricRod left WVU
- there is no way he had better than "moderate success" at Arizona
once he took his Hair plugs to Michigan.
If he had stayed there is no guarantee he goes 7-5 or better every year.
Rod would have had white for another year or two and Alston for one. Probably at least 10 wins. Didn’t steward win 9 the following year?4
If he had stayed there is no guarantee he goes 7-5 or better every year.
Yes this is all true.

But Chicken Sht, PricRod would have "faced the music" after the Pittful Pittsburgh loss, his future would have been better then what happened at Michigan, etc.
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I'm surprised that the modicum of improvement Rich Rod brought to Michigan's football record while it was under the cloud of several NCAA violations is receiving so little attention. Rich Rod being fired at Michigan was about much more than his won-loss record. Pete Bigelow of the Ann Arbor News explains it quite well and without rubbing it in. LINK
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Bottom line, is PricRod was never as great that he personally thought he was, at every stop...

As for WVU fans, they bought his Schick - as he desiccated HOF Coach Don Nehlen legacy.
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Bottom line, is PricRod was never as great that he personally thought he was, at every stop...

As for WVU fans, they bought his Schick - as he desiccated HOF Coach Don Nehlen legacy.

He dried out Coach Nehlen's legacy?Impressive feat and I'm stumped as to how that is even physically possible.
Um, PricRod dropped (gutted)
most of Nehlen's roster - while pretending to have "created" Football at West Virginia.

WVU fan base bought it
"hook, line, & sinker".

PricRod did Bill Stewart fit into this?
Bill Stewart was PricRod's #1 recruiter when a recruiting coordinator was basically, in name only.
Bill Stewart was charged with resupplying this decimated roster while keeping PricRod's ego in check.

Hero Bill Stewart.
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Um, PricRod dropped (gutted)
most of Nehlen's roster - while pretending to have "created" Football at West Virginia.

WVU fan base bought it
"hook, line, & sinker".

PricRod did Bill Stewart fit into this?
Bill Stewart was PricRod's #1 recruiter when a recruiting coordinator was basically, in name only.
Bill Stewart was charged with resupplying this decimated roster while keeping PricRod's ego in check.

Hero Bill Stewart.

I am no fan of Rich Rod, especially with how he left the fan base high and dry, but this is revisionist history. Nehlen was a great coach, but after 20 years and an offensive system that was pretty close to RB left, RB right, RB middle, and punt with the occasional RB middle by way of draw play ... the guy needed to move on in 2000. Rich Rod did "gut" the roster, but not maliciously. Rather he wanted to bring in the players that fit his system better. I lack better words, so to quote the movie Moneyball "If we try to play like the Yankees in here, we will lose to the Yankees out there!" That was Rod's mentality when trying to compete in the Big East with Miami. Note the Miami team when RR entered the league had a roster with Andre Johnson, Kellen Winslow, Jeremy Shockey, Willis McGhee, Frank Gore, Vince Wilfork, Jonathan Vilma, and Sean Taylor. Not only NFL players, but pretty damn good ones and not just some role players like some of the others on that same roster. So RR came to WVU and brought a whole new outlook and system which is exactly what WVU needed at the time to try for a Big East championship. RR was a good coach for his time and really brought a system that worked for WVU. Now that was 20 years ago and, like Nehlen, that plan/coaching approach is not likely to get it done anymore just as it failed in Arizona and Mississippi. But that does not distract that he was a good coach despite all his other deficiencies.
I am no fan of Rich Rod, especially with how he left the fan base high and dry, but this is revisionist history. Nehlen was a great coach, but after 20 years and an offensive system that was pretty close to RB left, RB right, RB middle, and punt with the occasional RB middle by way of draw play ... the guy needed to move on in 2000. Rich Rod did "gut" the roster, but not maliciously. Rather he wanted to bring in the players that fit his system better. I lack better words, so to quote the movie Moneyball "If we try to play like the Yankees in here, we will lose to the Yankees out there!" That was Rod's mentality when trying to compete in the Big East with Miami. Note the Miami team when RR entered the league had a roster with Andre Johnson, Kellen Winslow, Jeremy Shockey, Willis McGhee, Frank Gore, Vince Wilfork, Jonathan Vilma, and Sean Taylor. Not only NFL players, but pretty damn good ones and not just some role players like some of the others on that same roster. So RR came to WVU and brought a whole new outlook and system which is exactly what WVU needed at the time to try for a Big East championship. RR was a good coach for his time and really brought a system that worked for WVU. Now that was 20 years ago and, like Nehlen, that plan/coaching approach is not likely to get it done anymore just as it failed in Arizona and Mississippi. But that does not distract that he was a good coach despite all his other deficiencies.
I wouldn't say he failed at Arizona he was just average.
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Hs "increased control" included a pay-for-access option for boosters. The book issue is clearly there.

The other item clearly there is the broadcast rights where not being fully brokered for added income for WVU . The " good ole boy " network was solidly in place adversely affecting WVU 's bottom line.
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Great Article. Great Summary article.

PricRod with his podcast is always on a Public Relations Tour, again - while constantly justifying his actions at every stop/school.

It would be remote to think
that PricRod would ever be a Power 5 head coach again, but stranger things have happened.

As for the reason the title for this Posting, PricRod has been an Epic Failure failure and Millionaire Spoiled Brat.
Great Article. Great Summary article.

PricRod with his podcast is always on a Public Relations Tour, again - while constantly justifying his actions at every stop/school.

It would be remote to think
that PricRod would ever be a Power 5 head coach again, but stranger things have happened.

As for the reason the title for this Posting, PricRod has been an Epic Failure failure and Millionaire Spoiled Brat.
Rich Rod ...WVU'S best coach ever. Period. Only the immature and uninformed children would think otherwise.
Rich Rod ...WVU'S best coach ever. Period. Only the immature and uninformed children would think otherwise.

Not true. He WAS a good coach and did well at WVU during his time. Maybe he could've been had he stayed. However, Nehlen at least played in a MNC caliber game twice. RR never got into the game required to maybe win one despite having an easier path.
Rich Rod
blew his Whad, poem

Believe what you-ALL wish,
but a College Football Hall of Fame, PricRod he Is NOT AND never will be.

usually feeling expressed are from
WV Fans that never lived during the Major Harris years or era.
Rich Rod
blew his Whad, poem

Believe what you-ALL wish,
but a College Football Hall of Fame, PricRod he Is NOT AND never will be.

usually feeling expressed are from
WV Fans that never lived during the Major Harris years or era.
Best coach at WVU period. Nehlen a solid two. Brown hasnt cracked top five at WVU...although he is turning into quite the social justice warrior.

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