Guys to be honest - it is rare for ANY reporter to have ALL the facts. But reporters do have sources
(some better than others). Their job is to report and if they seem to go into the tank for one side or
the other their credibility is damaged. So no reporter that I know of would deliberately put something
they know to be inaccurate in a story/column.
On the Dana story there are people clacking all over Morgantown. Very few, if any, (other than President
Gee and AD Lyons) know what the entire picture is.
Having been raised in a newspaper family and experience as a former newspaper reporter, editor-publisher and university Professor of Journalism, I can tell you a reporter better be damned careful about sources. Indeed a normally reliable source might get you out
on a limb at time. You have to be careful about some other motives other than to get you to the truth.
Now back to the Dana thing. It is certainly reasonable to believe that the President and AD have had conversations about
the state of the football program and expectations. Further it is reasonable to believe that the AD has had conversations with the Head Coach about the state of the football program and expectations.
Further, I suggest that those conversations did include thoughts about getting improvement in the program (and I mean on the field wins).
To assume anything less than what's in the last two paragraphs would be to ignore the important role which Mountaineer Football
plays at West Virginia University. Hell, Mountaineer Field at Mylan Puskar Stadium is the second largest city in WV during a football
Now after the examination of what the conversations cover, a reporter/columnist comes to the tricky part - trying to find out
what specifically was said. Indeed only the two folks involved know exactly the words and thoughts expressed and the
standards discussed.
I don't claim to have the "inside scoop" but I believe it's reasonable that the AD has had a "Prayer Meeting" with the head football
coach. In fact, it's not unreasonable to believe there have been several of these. And I believe that as a result of those "Come
to Jesus" discussions, the head coach knows that he needs to make improvements to the overall Mountaineer Football program.
Now it's time to jump off the cliff - I would suggest that the performances in the last four games have not met the standards which the WVU President and the AD want from the Mountaineer Football program. On the other hand, I don't believe that a set number of
wins has been identified. Nonetheless there are rumors (that nasty word again) that such a specific number has been conveyed
to the head coach. I find one number I heard - 9 - to not be reasonable given the record last year.
So what am I suggesting in the rambling mess? That Dana better get this thing in gear with the next five games and win at leas four of them. The Mountaineers better show more discipline, more focus and more fire in the belly or the moving companies in Morgantown could have a lot of business early in the new year.