Rouge One

Kicked ass.
damn good movie Rogue One was...

not many movies where all the actors that had dialogue die...
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I watched it....grew up a Star Wars fan......and this was a very good movie. However, I found it funny how the audience was "shocked" when all the major characters died. Since they were very important for the Rebels, if they'd survived wouldn't they have been in "A New Hope"? So I went in to it pretty much knowing that they were all going to die.

I thought Darth Vader's seen at the end was the part that kicked a$$! He's one bad MoFo!

Funniest part of the movie was when the blind martial arts guy was with the group and about to be taken to Forrest Whitaker's character's place and they went to put a hood over him and he said "are you kidding me, I'm blind"......[roll]

The special effects was also AWESOME! Especially the efforts with the CGI for Tarkin and Leia. Very, VERY well done.

Can't wait for Spring 2018 to get here for Episode VIII....a lot of rumors and spoilers been thrown out there that if true could make this one very interesting.......
I watched it....grew up a Star Wars fan......and this was a very good movie. However, I found it funny how the audience was "shocked" when all the major characters died. Since they were very important for the Rebels, if they'd survived wouldn't they have been in "A New Hope"? So I went in to it pretty much knowing that they were all going to die.

I thought Darth Vader's seen at the end was the part that kicked a$$! He's one bad MoFo!

Funniest part of the movie was when the blind martial arts guy was with the group and about to be taken to Forrest Whitaker's character's place and they went to put a hood over him and he said "are you kidding me, I'm blind"......[roll]

The special effects was also AWESOME! Especially the efforts with the CGI for Tarkin and Leia. Very, VERY well done.

Can't wait for Spring 2018 to get here for Episode VIII....a lot of rumors and spoilers been thrown out there that if true could make this one very interesting.......

“Many Bothans died to bring us this information.”

Now granted they didn't have any Bothans dieing on screen, many did die. I did think one or two people would live, but when they laid out their plan I thought "Well that's a suicide mission, how will they get off the planet?"

Best part for me, aside from Vader going bad ass at the end, was the Hammerhead Corvette ramming the Star Destroyer.
“Many Bothans died to bring us this information.”

Now granted they didn't have any Bothans dieing on screen, many did die. I did think one or two people would live, but when they laid out their plan I thought "Well that's a suicide mission, how will they get off the planet?"

Best part for me, aside from Vader going bad ass at the end, was the Hammerhead Corvette ramming the Star Destroyer.

And it should be noted the Bothans that died, died getting the second Death Star plans. So another Rogue One style movie in the future maybe?
And it should be noted the Bothans that died, died getting the second Death Star plans. So another Rogue One style movie in the future maybe?
I have the feeling they'll find ways to keep adding. Wouldn't be surprised if they started a whole new trilogy after 7/8/9 are done.
I have the feeling they'll find ways to keep adding. Wouldn't be surprised if they started a whole new trilogy after 7/8/9 are done.

Disney's going to ride Star Wars for as long as humanly possible. They've got Han Solo, Yoda and Boba Fett movies in various stages, and my guess is the new actors in the Episodes 7/8/9 will get another "trilogy" to continue on.
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