RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard endorse Trump/Vance

The Huffington Post is dutifully lying as a member of the propaganda media, claiming that I went to Russia in 2022 in their attempt to lend credibility to Hillary Clinton’s lie that I am a “Russian asset”. If it had ever been in the interests of our country for me to visit Russia, then I would have — but the truth is, I've never been to Russia (unlike Hillary Clinton, Biden and so many others). But that won’t stop them from spreading this and other lies intended to destroy their political opponents.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal​

Kamala Harris claims to uphold the rule of law, as she and the Democrat elite undermine the rule of law, weaponizing our judicial system against Trump, with new indictments filed today. Their abuse of power is endless. They will stop at nothing to try to destroy President Trump and put him behind bars.

Kamala Harris and the propaganda media are trying to portray her as the “freedom” warrior. It’s a complete sham — the Harris-Biden administration spent the last 3.5 years strong-arming social media companies to censor free speech. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for 4 more years of tyranny and abuse of power.

I am an old-school environmentalist -- a lover and protector of nature. The Democrats obsess about counting CO2, while neglecting urgent issues such as the chemicals in our food, soil, and water. Ironically, many carbon-motivated environmental policies actually harm the environment. Offshore wind damages marine animals, especially whales. Mining for lithium, coltran, silver, copper, rare earths etc. to make batteries is laying waste to vast ecosystems. I have found to my surprise that many people on the Trump team, including President Trump himself, care about the same environmental issues I do. Furthermore, these issues can help to unify our nation -- because almost everyone wants clean air, water, food, and soil. Almost everyone values thriving ecosystems and wildlife. Environment was a unifying issue in the 1960s, supported by Democrats and Republicans alike. I am committed to reviving that consensus in the next Trump administration.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti admitted recently that the true motivation behind introducing the Green New Deal is to overhaul the “entire economy.”

AOC’s Chief of Staff Admits the Green New Deal Is Not about Climate Change​


A longtime former California Democratic legislative leader announced Wednesday she no longer "recognize[s her] party," while noting she still considers many of its historical figures, including former President John F. Kennedy, her "heroes."

Longtime California Dem leader says 'adios' to her party and registers with GOP because 'I've had enough'​

Gloria Romero, a longtime top California Democrat, is now a Trump-supporting Republican​


Why not just educate people how propaganda works? Rhetorical. We know why you wouldn't want to do that.

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