REVEALED:Trump funneled money intended for kids’ cancer treatment to his own businesses

American Fabius

May 21, 2017
Newly unearthed financial documents show how charity money raised by the Eric Trump Foundation intended for children’s cancer treatment was funneled back into President Donald Trump’s own businesses.

In a detailed report at Forbes, Dan Alexander reveals that the Eric Trump Foundation redirected money raised through its annual charity golf tournament back into Trump’s own businesses.

Even though Eric Trump had originally set up the golf tournament so that all money raised would go directly to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, sources tell Forbes that the elder Trump grew furious that his younger son let his foundation’s charity use the Trump National Golf Course for free.

“In the early years, they weren’t being billed [for the club]–the bills would just disappear,” Ian Gillule, who used to serve as membership and marketing director at Trump National Westchester explains to Forbes. “Mr. Trump had a cow. He flipped. He was like, ‘We’re donating all of this stuff, and there’s no paper trail? No credit?’ And he went nuts. He said, ‘I don’t care if it’s my son or not — everybody gets billed.'”

Because of this, the Eric Trump Foundation had to start paying its own way to hold its annual golf tournament on Trump properties.

Things got really interesting, however, when the Donald J. Trump Foundation made a $100,000 donation to Eric’s foundation to help offset the costs of paying to use the golf course for its annual charity event.

However, Forbes has found that this $100,000 “passed through the Eric Trump Foundation–and wound up in the coffers of Donald Trump’s private businesses.”

Another interesting development is that the costs for hosting the golf tournament have exploded in recent years, going from a mere $59,000 in 2012 to a whopping $322,000 in 2015, the most recent year on record.

“Even if the Eric Trump Foundation had to pay the full rate for literally everything, Forbes couldn’t come up with a plausible path to $322,000 given the parameters of the annual event (a golf outing for about 200 and dinner for perhaps 400 more),” Alexander writes. “Neither could golf tournament experts or the former head golf professional at Trump National Westchester.”

In total, Forbes found that “the Trump Organization received payments for [Trump National’s] use, part of more than $1.2 million that has no documented recipients past the Trump Organization.”

Despite this, Eric Trump still claims that all the money raised for the tournament goes directly to St. Jude Children’s.

“We get to use our assets 100% free of charge,” he tells Forbes.

The whole report is worth reading and can be found here.
your news sources suck...

it's idiots like you that stopped Eric from helping kids with cancer...

THURSDAY, DEC 22, 2016 12:08 PM EST

PALM BEACH, Fla. — One of President-elect Donald Trump’s sons will stop directly raising money for his namesake foundation, saying he worries the donations could be perceived as buying access to his father.

Eric Trump said Wednesday that it pained him to cease soliciting donations for his organization, which he says has raised more than $15 million for children terminally ill with cancer. The foundation came under scrutiny recently after posting an online auction for coffee with his sister Ivanka.

“Fighting childhood cancer is a cause that has been central to my life since I was 21 years old,” Eric Trump told the Associated Press. “It’s an extremely sad day when doing the right thing isn’t the right thing. That said, raising awareness for the cause will be a lifelong mission for me.”

Trump, the younger of the president-elect’s two adult sons, has raised enough money over the last decade to fund a new intensive care unit at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, which provides free medical care for children. But criticism mounted after an invitation offered a hunting trip with Eric or his bother Donald Jr. in exchange for donations of $500,000 or $1 million to a new charity that Eric Trump supports.
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Anyone who supports Dumb Donald after reading this is as big a POS as he is.

Why didn't they name the "sources" Fabius?

How do they know which money went to the charity and which went into Trump's operations?

All of Trump's donations as well as their sources are subject to FEC (Federal election commission) scrutiny. Have those financial records been verified and checked against the charges in this piece?

Why do you think that part of the story is omitted?

You called people who believe this story a POS.

Did you include yourself?
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Anyone who supports Dumb Donald after reading this is as big a POS as he is.
I beg to differ...THE CLINTONS CABAL
Anyone who supports Dumb Donald after reading this is as big a POS as he is.
Ugh....WRONG....A G A I N...go figure..The Clintons Cabal "foundation "...stole MILLIONS from the country of Haiti..but you know..who knew?
sources tell Forbes

This reporter is basing his entire reporting on these "sources", unnamed, unquoted, unattributed, un corroborated.

What's being charged here is illegal, a violation of campaign finance laws. Why wasn't it reported by these "sources" as a crime?

Why is there no FEC investigation into these allegations? The financial records exist, if what is alleged here happened, why isn't someone from the FEC looking into it or at least confirming to the reporter it is a subject of their interest?

Nothing from this reporter or his "sources" about the criminality alleged in this story, or any possibility of a legitimate investigation into it.

Yet, American Fabius believes it 100%, and calls anyone else who supports only the allegations as a "POS".

This reporter is basing his entire reporting on these "sources", unnamed, unquoted, unattributed, un corroborated.

What's being charged here is illegal, a violation of campaign finance laws. Why wasn't it reported by these "sources" as a crime?

Why is there no FEC investigation into these allegations? The financial records exist, if what is alleged here happened, why isn't someone from the FEC looking into it or at least confirming to the reporter it is a subject of their interest?

Nothing from this reporter or his "sources" about the criminality alleged in this story, or any possibility of a legitimate investigation into it.

Yet, American Fabius believes it 100%, and calls anyone else who supports only the allegations as a "POS".


Well, since you brought up "unnamed sources", here's one for you.....


His tweets always come back to bite him, don't they?
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It is fake...

find one story about owebama as a kid...

He was a US President afterall... it shouldn't be that difficult... right ?
Well, since you brought up "unnamed sources", here's one for you.....


His tweets always come back to bite him, don't they?

I'll tell you something about that story MountaineerWV, the follow up done by that digital forensic specialist was way more damaging after the fact than the initial charges.

Did you ever see this? Named sources too!
I'll tell you something about that story MountaineerWV, the follow up done by that digital forensic specialist was way more damaging after the fact than the initial charges.

Did you ever see this? Named sources too!

Should have figured you'd be a "birther". Good grief. And Lincoln's beard was fake!!! I have sources!!!! [thumbsup] guys are claiming "fake news" just hours after a story reveals something negative about your Fuhrer just because of "unnamed sources"......:(
It is fake...

find one story about owebama as a kid...

He was a US President afterall... it shouldn't be that difficult... right ?

I search through my old Kenyan newspapers.......[jumpingsmile]

You guys........just can't give that up.
Should have figured you'd be a "birther". Good grief. And Lincoln's beard was fake!!! I have sources!!!! [thumbsup] guys are claiming "fake news" just hours after a story reveals something negative about your Fuhrer just because of "unnamed sources"......:(

MountaineerWV why didn't Obama sue those folks who produced that video for slander?

Why didn't he refute their serious charges of manipulating a legal live certificate of birth? That's a serious charge of legal fraud.

A Birth certificate is legal binding document, that video alleges his was forged off someone else's born at the same time!

Crickets from him.


If someone accused you of doing that, you'd just let it go?
I search through my old Kenyan newspapers.......[jumpingsmile]

You guys........just can't give that up.

MountaineerWV are the American people as upset with Trump's antics as you and media are?

Why are there not huge demonstrations in the streets demanding his resignation from all of the scurrilous things reported on a daily basis about him and his administration?

What are the masses missing from all of the "saturation" coverage of Trump's malfeasance?
You would have thought the CIA-funded Washington Post would've dug up something after nine months of fake news...

but, no...

Hilliary started the whole Trump/Russia lie the day after SHE LOST...
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You would have thought the CIA-funded Washington Post would've dug something up after nine months of fake news...

but, no...

Hilliary started the whole Trump/Russia lie the day after SHE LOST...

Yep, that's when the first reports surfaced. Before that she was worried if Trump would gracefully accept his defeat. Obama even told us there was no way the Russians could have stolen the election for Trump or anyone else.

Remember this?
MountaineerWV why didn't Obama sue those folks who produced that video for slander?

Why didn't he refute their serious charges of manipulating a legal live certificate of birth? That's a serious charge of legal fraud.

A Birth certificate is legal binding document, that video alleges his was forged off someone else's born at the same time!

Crickets from him.


If someone accused you of doing that, you'd just let it go?

So you are saying that by him not suing these people his birth certificate is fake? Come on, man.
So you are saying that by him not suing these people his birth certificate is fake? Come on, man.

No MountaineerWV I'm simply asking why he didn't sue them for making such a slanderous charge of forgery on a legally binding document?

That is like forging the deed on a house, or the title to an automobile.

It's illegal!

I don't know if his original birth certificate was legal or not, but that devastating video suggests what was offered as his original may not have been authentic and he never defended himself against that serious charge.

Why not?
No MountaineerWV I'm simply asking why he didn't sue them for making such a slanderous charge of forgery on a legally binding document?

That is like forging the deed on a house, or the title to an automobile.

It's illegal!

I don't know if his original birth certificate was legal or not, but that devastating video suggests what was offered as his original may not have been authentic and he never defended himself against that serious charge.

Why not?

I can't answer that for him.......perhaps he thought giving them more time in court is exactly what they want? Perhaps he felt it would give legitimacy to their claim? Or perhaps he didn't give two sh!ts (like me) about their stupid claims?
I can't answer that for him.......perhaps he thought giving them more time in court is exactly what they want? Perhaps he felt it would give legitimacy to their claim? Or perhaps he didn't give two sh!ts (like me) about their stupid claims?

Well if someone made the charge that I forged the deed to my house, I'd sure as Hell force them to prove it.

The title to my car shows me as the legal owner, If I tried to sell it to someone and they claimed it was theirs and I had just forged my name on it I'd sure as Hell make them prove that in court.

I don't have my original birth certificate from Buffalo General Hospital in Buffalo NY, but the copy I got from city Hall sure as hell is stamped and notarized as a duplicate of the original.

If someone claimed my original was a fraud I'd do all in my power to authenticate it or make anyone charging it was a fraud prove their point.

Those folks outright accused Obama of forging his original birth certificate and the digital forensic evidence they presented to make their case went completely unrefuted by him.

That is not how a normal person sure of their legal standing would react to such a serious charge of legal forgery.

Obama acted as if they only accused him of being a member of the choom gang!
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Well if someone made the charge that I forged the deed to my house, I'd sure as Hell force them to prove it.

The title to my car shows me as the legal owner, If I tried to sell it to someone and they claimed it was theirs and I had just forged my name on it I'd sure as Hell make them prove that in court.

I don't have my original birth certificate from Buffalo General Hospital in Buffalo NY, but the copy I got from city Hall sure as hell is stamped and notarized as a duplicate of the original.

If someone claimed my original was a fraud I'd do all in my power to authenticate it or make anyone charging it was a fraud prove their point.

Those folks outright accused Obama of forging his original birth certificate and the digital forensic evidence they presented to make their case went completely unrefuted by him.

That is not how a normal person sure of their legal standing would react to such a serious charge of legal forgery.

Obama acted as if they only accused him of being a member of the choom gang!

If it were me, in your situation you described, I'd not give two sh!ts what people accuse of me. Now, if they accused that I raped a child, sure I'd seek legal hearings on something like that. But as far as them accusing me that I'm not an American citizen....who cares. Nothing I could say would change their minds. If I go to court, and court rules in my favor, people will still think "conspiracy".
If it were me, in your situation you described, I'd not give two sh!ts what people accuse of me. Now, if they accused that I raped a child, sure I'd seek legal hearings on something like that. But as far as them accusing me that I'm not an American citizen....who cares. Nothing I could say would change their minds. If I go to court, and court rules in my favor, people will still think "conspiracy".

I actually think you may be Russian. You sure you weren't born in Kiev? Or maybe on the Kamchatka Peninsula?

Show us your birth certificate MountaineerWV![winking]
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I actually think you may be Russian. You sure you weren't born in Kiev? Or maybe on the Kamchatka Peninsula?

Show us your birth certificate MountaineerWV![winking]

Actually, I was born in Wales, Alaska.......but I can see Russia from my old house.........[winking].....(right, Mrs. Palin?)
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This reporter is basing his entire reporting on these "sources", unnamed, unquoted, unattributed, un corroborated.

What's being charged here is illegal, a violation of campaign finance laws. Why wasn't it reported by these "sources" as a crime?

Why is there no FEC investigation into these allegations? The financial records exist, if what is alleged here happened, why isn't someone from the FEC looking into it or at least confirming to the reporter it is a subject of their interest?

Nothing from this reporter or his "sources" about the criminality alleged in this story, or any possibility of a legitimate investigation into it.

Yet, American Fabius believes it 100%, and calls anyone else who supports only the allegations as a "POS".


Maybe this will help answer your questions.

Actually, I was born in Wales, Alaska.......but I can see Russia from my old house.........[winking].....(right, Mrs. Palin?)

I figured there was some proximity to Russia since you and the rest of the Left are so enamored with them & their supposed control over Trump.
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every time you open your mouth you are an advertisement in favor of abortion. I'm usually against it but in your case I'll make an are way out of your league here missy

too late...he's a full grown adult now who obviously needed a little more pre-natal care and feeding.

Poor guy.

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