Revealed: Jim Jordan's FBI 'whistleblowers' were paid by Trump ally and spread J6 conspiracy theories

Well Zac Petkanas, a Democratic communications strategist said so. No doubt he lies for living.

Did Trump pay all 20+ off? Nice try 🤡.
I haven't clicked on the link...if you did was the Trump ally ever named or interviewed, or was the whole story based on another anonymous source? I have found usually, Leftist hit pieces on Trump are never corroborated and almost always are anonymously sourced.

Is that any different? (I refuse to click on links without seeing their source authentication)
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Democrat logic work to ..
Tell big lies then hide the truth
I automatically said to myself after reading the OP's headline ("I'll 100% guarantee it's from some anonymous source") Why did I ever question it?

It's all they have left @roadtrasheer. No way they can stand toe-to-toe with Trump on issues and defeat him. So they lie or make up sh*t and do whatever else they can to smear him and hope something sticks.

It's comical.
Repubs weaponize gov't so that they can complain about Dems 'weaponizing' gov't. lol can't make this stuff up.
Still worried about Trump as Biden destroys America and laughs at mothers who sons have died.
When did they die? You dumbasses think the rest of us don't fact check ya! I thought Obama destroyed America? Is MTG gonna save it when she peels off the red taker states? The GOP is a freaking joke held hostage by the rube base they been grifting off of for years. I ain't worried about Trump, I'm loving you fools have him leading all others! hey, why change what works? lmfao.
When did they die? You dumbasses think the rest of us don't fact check ya! I thought Obama destroyed America? Is MTG gonna save it when she peels off the red taker states? The GOP is a freaking joke held hostage by the rube base they been grifting off of for years. I ain't worried about Trump, I'm loving you fools have him leading all others! hey, why change what works? lmfao.

The open borders nutjobs that fought Trump over the wall and wanted to defund I.C.E. and the Border Patrol can sit this debate out.
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Well actually, you do quite a great job of making this stuff up.
Don't you just admire how Trump used his D.O.J. to spy on the DNC, lie to the FISA courts to illegally obtain the search warrants, then used a fake dossier to make the whole investigation look like it was legit? Then to top things off, he used the DOJ to break into Obama & Biden's private residences and riffle through Michelle & Jill's lingerie drawers looking for dirt on Creepy Joe and Zero. :rolleyes:
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You dumbasses
Who can be any bigger of a dumbass than the dumbasses who voted for THIS creepy dumbass?

Who me?

Yeah YOU!!!!

Fortunately a lot of folks now realize how stupid that vote was, except for the OP who prefers to remain a certified dumbass

The last two presidents have had the two worst approval ratings after 500 days. But as of the 505th day of his presidency, Joe Biden takes the trophy for lowest approval ever.

when you have three or four pollsters showing the lowest numbers for the president of the United States, that is indicative of a president who is in a lot of trouble, at least to where he is standing historically.”
You dumbasses think the rest of us don't fact check ya! I ain't worried about Trump, I'm loving you fools have him leading all others! hey, why change what works? lmfao.
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Remember when Democrats supported Whistleblowers Protection. A thread of one of their stories.

When did they die? You dumbasses think the rest of us don't fact check ya! I thought Obama destroyed America? Is MTG gonna save it when she peels off the red taker states? The GOP is a freaking joke held hostage by the rube base they been grifting off of for years. I ain't worried about Trump, I'm loving you fools have him leading all others! hey, why change what works? lmfao.
Biden laughed at a woman who's son's died. What kind of dumbass does that? You have no idea who I will vote for. Take your liberal marxist fat ass and bend over for Biden.

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