Republicans have discovered 'the easiest way to unravel democracy': analysis


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV
MAGA is seditious scum and must be opposed at every turn in their efforts to destroy democracy and install their king.

Republicans have discovered 'the easiest way to unravel democracy': analysis

First up is House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who simply said that Trump made a decision and that he stood by whatever decision Trump makes.

"That’s the authoritarian spirit," comments Saletan. "No matter what the leader does, his allies fall in line."

Next Saletan turns his attention to Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who told reporters that Trump had promised to pardon January 6th defendants during the 2024 campaign, so it should be no surprise that he'd follow through on his promises.

"This, too, is the language of autocracy," writes Saletan. "The moral content of the leader’s threat or act is irrelevant. What matters is that he deserves praise for following through on his threats."

Saletan then hammers Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) for saying that because Trump won the 2024 election, the debate over the deadly riot that took place at the Capitol four years earlier was settled.

Saletan, however, says that winning an election does not excuse the president from his duties to uphold the law.

"This is the easiest way to unravel a constitutional democracy: You turn democracy against the constitution, by claiming that an election gave the winner a mandate to suspend or ignore laws," he argues. "In reality, Americans gave Trump no such mandate.Multiple polls have found that they oppose pardons for people convicted of violent crimes on January 6th."
With every strategic dismantling of each pillar of the "deep State" @moe 's big Government erection becomes more and more limp as he grows more and more impotent to stop it.


@moe... pre Trump re-election @moe.... post Trump's landslide re-election

That's not funny atl, I've worked all my life for that "deep State" hard on, and it's downright painful now watching Trump destroy my libido for big government!

Well cheer up @moe ...celibacy after years of getting screwed by big Government can be therapeutic 'ya know? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hang in there 'ol @moe ...I'm just getting started 'ya know...

He's needed that Government vasectomy for a while now DJT!

I know!
MAGA is seditious scum and must be opposed at every turn in their efforts to destroy democracy and install their king.

Republicans have discovered 'the easiest way to unravel democracy': analysis

First up is House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who simply said that Trump made a decision and that he stood by whatever decision Trump makes.

"That’s the authoritarian spirit," comments Saletan. "No matter what the leader does, his allies fall in line."

Next Saletan turns his attention to Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who told reporters that Trump had promised to pardon January 6th defendants during the 2024 campaign, so it should be no surprise that he'd follow through on his promises.

"This, too, is the language of autocracy," writes Saletan. "The moral content of the leader’s threat or act is irrelevant. What matters is that he deserves praise for following through on his threats."

Saletan then hammers Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) for saying that because Trump won the 2024 election, the debate over the deadly riot that took place at the Capitol four years earlier was settled.

Saletan, however, says that winning an election does not excuse the president from his duties to uphold the law.

"This is the easiest way to unravel a constitutional democracy: You turn democracy against the constitution, by claiming that an election gave the winner a mandate to suspend or ignore laws," he argues. "In reality, Americans gave Trump no such mandate.Multiple polls have found that they oppose pardons for people convicted of violent crimes on January 6th."
Wel, Trump is the president. He represents the Republican Party. Therefore, it should come as no surprise. Same when Democrats also supported Biden. Are you really this dumb? lol
Wel, Trump is the president. He represents the Republican Party. Therefore, it should come as no surprise. Same when Democrats also supported Biden. Are you really this dumb? lol
Well let me it put it this way....that emoticon responding to your post #3 in this thread @ThePunish-EER represents nervous laughter attempting to assuage unmistakable hypocritical guilt when it comes to my constant bashing of Trump while overlooking even worse on my side.

Look at 'ol @moe there coming clean and being honest for once in the midst of his advanced stages of TDS! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, guess I broke him?

You're merciless DJT! ;)
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Moe is ill. Like most other leftists, in need of long and intensive psychotherapy.
He's on the verge of a major meltdown over Trump's dizzying barrage of EO's setting up the foundations of his MAGA agenda. If sending 1500 U.S. troops to close that open border wasn't bad enough for him, Trump ending our participation in the sham Green New Deal nearly gave the poor guy coronary artery disease!

Somebody'd better keep an eye on 'ol @moe there...Dude is likely to have a massive stroke or heart attack any day now. :confused:

To think I spent the past 4 years believing my Trump nightmares were over, now they're worse than ever!

Never trust your dreams @moe to Leftists...they'll let you down every time!

He's learning DJT. 😆
He's on the verge of a major meltdown over Trump's dizzying barrage of EO's setting up the foundations of his MAGA agenda. If sending 1500 U.S. troops to close that open border wasn't bad enough for him, Trump ending our participation in the sham Green New Deal nearly gave the poor guy coronary artery disease!

Somebody'd better keep an eye on 'ol @moe there...Dude is likely to have a massive stroke or heart attack any day now. :confused:

To think I spent the past 4 years believing my Trump nightmares were over, now they're worse than ever!

Never trust your dreams @moe to Leftists...they'll let you down every time!

He's learning DJT. 😆
Poor boy is now working 60-plus hours - no more 20-25 hour job.
Thinking of working for tips now since Trump's not going to tax 'em. What else can I do?

Well, you could ask FEMA for 700.00 in emergency relief aid @moe. Better hurry though, cause Trump's talking about shutting down their scam operation too!
Ole moe posting at 5:30 am after bailing out his mom for prostitution
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Ole moe posting at 5:30 am after bailing out his mom for prostitution
I suggest we have pity on that poor guy. Imagine being him...marinated in Leftist ideology (a true believer mind you) and daily watching Trump lay waste to everything made important in his miserable life! Wouldn't YOU be up @ 5:30 am, half drunk, maniacally posting Leftist drivel about Trump to calm your frayed nerves?

Trump has broken him... emphatically shattered his Leftist world into thousands of scattered meaningless fragments. Dude is holding on for dear life now hoping somebody can get close enough to Trump to possibly end his misery.

I'll destroy the entire Left before one of those Democrat/Socialist/Antifa scum whack jobs ever lays a glove on me atl!

That's why @moe is so terrified literally have that Dude laying awake nights passing gas & sweating profusely while he sucks his thumb for comfort. 😆

My mother's not around to nurse me that definitely sucks!

Well Damn @moe , you'd think after 30 years the woman might need a break huh? 😆

That's not funny atl! I'm a child of government, I've never been weaned off the Deep State's tit!

Just Damn! :confused:
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Pardoning J6ers was the right thing to do.
The left can’t afford to give up on the phony J6 narrative they created in their sick attempts to retain power. So they’re doubling down on the lies.
Just like the Russia hoax, the phony impeachments, the phony Trump prosecutions, the plandemic and the stolen election, history will show J6 to be one of the last pathetic gasps of a dying order.
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Pardoning J6ers was the right thing to do.
The left can’t afford to give up on the phony J6 narrative they created in their sick attempts to retain power. So they’re doubling down on the lies.
Just like the Russia hoax, the phony impeachments, the phony Trump prosecutions, the plandemic and the stolen election, history will show J6 to be one of the last pathetic gasps of a dying order.
Wow. Who feeds and takes care of you? do you hear voices? another casualty in Trump's war on truth. sad
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Wel, Trump is the president. He represents the Republican Party. Therefore, it should come as no surprise. Same when Democrats also supported Biden. Are you really this dumb? lol
That person is in total denial of anything a far left Democrat does.
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Wow. Who feeds and takes care of you? do you hear voices? another casualty in Trump's war on truth. sad
@moe I'm surprised you're not more pissed at your own Democrap party lying to you about creepy Joe Biden's ability to run for re-election? Remember we were told he was "at the top of his game" mentally, yet your worthless party unceremoniously dumped him after the 1st Presidential debate for that cacklin' Communist, who then proceeded to get wiped out by the man you bots on the Left love to hate!

Jill is certainly pissed, so are a lot of loyal Leftists who had their money bags tied to creepy Joe Biden's re-election. Even creepy Joe himself is pissed, says he would have easily beaten Trump if he was "allowed" to run again, but your party bosses were having none of it! Pity. Now, you'll never know if he was right?

Instead Dems raised over a billion dollars, then watched the cacklin' Communist Kamala Harris blow through it paying off celebrities and sticking the losing Democap party with a huge deficit not to mention an inglorious defeat. She didn't win one swing State, and practically gave away traditional Democrat voting blocks of Blacks and Hispanics to Trump, who got record numbers of support from both groups who're usually 100% loyal Democrat voters!

Yet here you are still bashing Trump, when it's your own party that's screwed you more than "Orange man bad" ever could! Why's that @moe ? 🤔

As pissed as I am at my party's bumbling losing effort v Trump, I can't get mad at them because I'm still terminally infected with TDS and there's no cure. So why get mad at my folks, they didn't give this sh*t to me?

Yeah, but they promised you they'd figure out a way to get rid of it didn't they? I mean they tried everything... even tried to kill the virus right @moe ?

We're not finished trying to kill him atl, meantime we just haven't come up with a better candidate or better policies yet than his MAGA agenda, and honestly that's what makes my own battle against TDS even more depressing.

That's too bad @moe that sh*t's sure gonna kill 'ya one day...I mean you got it bad my man!

I enjoy making @moe sick to death!

He won't last much longer like this DJT if you keep it up!

Yeah, I know!

You're a masochist DJT! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Trump family never stops profiting off the presidency. Hundreds of congressional repubs and their staff spending a week or so at Trump's Doral resort. The news media is too busy talking about his admin picking and choosing what laws they want to follow and how the constitution is unconstitutional to even report on the latest Trump grift.
Trump family never stops profiting off the presidency. Hundreds of congressional repubs and their staff spending a week or so at Trump's Doral resort. The news media is too busy talking about his admin picking and choosing what laws they want to follow and how the constitution is unconstitutional to even report on the latest Trump grift.
Let me know when you get something right Karen.
Trump family never stops profiting off the presidency. Hundreds of congressional repubs and their staff spending a week or so at Trump's Doral resort. The news media is too busy talking about his admin picking and choosing what laws they want to follow and how the constitution is unconstitutional to even report on the latest Trump grift.
Trump int'l holdings is a multi-billion dollar (revenues) diversified global conglomerate with income streams across a wide spectrum of assets...not the least of which is real estate that produces hundreds of millions in profits to the family enterprise annually.

To suggest Trump needs his political advisors and/or colleagues to generate any semblance of additional income on top of what his multi-billion dollar profit generating enterprises already produce is not only laughable, but the epitome of corporate fiduciary ignorance.

Besides, Trump is working for no pay while the bureaucrats he's invited to his posh Doral resort decide how to reduce or eliminate wasteful spending on their worthless jobs.

I knew that, I was just trolling you Trumpers because I'm miserable, bored, and desperate for attention.

Well cheer up there @moe , maybe they'll figure out a way for you to actually work for the Federal largesse YOU collect? :rolleyes:
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Pretty sure I saw Kennedy's brain worm peeking out his left nostril this morning. As usual can't understand a word he says due to his condition.
MAGA is seditious scum and must be opposed at every turn in their efforts to destroy democracy and install their king.

Republicans have discovered 'the easiest way to unravel democracy': analysis

First up is House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who simply said that Trump made a decision and that he stood by whatever decision Trump makes.

"That’s the authoritarian spirit," comments Saletan. "No matter what the leader does, his allies fall in line."

Next Saletan turns his attention to Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who told reporters that Trump had promised to pardon January 6th defendants during the 2024 campaign, so it should be no surprise that he'd follow through on his promises.

"This, too, is the language of autocracy," writes Saletan. "The moral content of the leader’s threat or act is irrelevant. What matters is that he deserves praise for following through on his threats."

Saletan then hammers Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) for saying that because Trump won the 2024 election, the debate over the deadly riot that took place at the Capitol four years earlier was settled.

Saletan, however, says that winning an election does not excuse the president from his duties to uphold the law.

"This is the easiest way to unravel a constitutional democracy: You turn democracy against the constitution, by claiming that an election gave the winner a mandate to suspend or ignore laws," he argues. "In reality, Americans gave Trump no such mandate.Multiple polls have found that they oppose pardons for people convicted of violent crimes on January 6th."
Not sure what op's point was. Anyhow,

I kind of already said I was wrong and I'm sorry. Here is an official statement:

Holy Shit Trump 2.0 is everything I had hoped Trump 1.0 would be and wasn't. I was wrong.
Pretty sure I saw Kennedy's brain worm peeking out his left nostril this morning. As usual can't understand a word he says due to his condition.
RFK Jr. was firmly ensconced on the Left and actually admired by the Statists on your side until he decided to run on his own against the machine...then God forbid he ultimately backed Trump's candidacy over your hand picked cacklin' Communist puppet? :eek:

Now he's a veritable Pariah on the Democrat/Socialist "enemies list" but we all know anyone who goes against that political orthodoxy is automatically quarantined! Besides, you cannibals eat your own anyway so who's surprised RFK Jr. is almost as despised as "Orange man bad" by you Leviathan Lovers? :rolleyes:

We on the Left don't treat traitors to "the cause" kindly.

Obviously @moe , what most of us can't figure out is why you even turn on your loyal supporters? Like how ya'll dissed Bernie Sanders, and suddenly vanquished creepy Joe Biden even while he was President and "at the top of his game" dutifully following your Leftist directives? 😦

Even blind loyalty its limits atl.
Pretty sure I saw Kennedy's brain worm peeking out his left nostril this morning. As usual can't understand a word he says due to his condition.
Ironically, neither can I understand anything you talk about due to your condition.
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