Question for those of the left leaning persuasion

I enjoyed reading the responses from the left that chose to play. What i saw was a complete inability to compromise on an issue, even when massive concessions were made in favor of the liberal position. Very indicative of our political landscape and the discourse in our country.
I enjoyed reading the responses from the left that chose to play. What i saw was a complete inability to compromise on an issue, even when massive concessions were made in favor of the liberal position. Very indicative of our political landscape and the discourse in our country.

Which is why it is time for a divorce. Separate land for separate political ideologies.
I disagree with that approach.

People always say that and I don't get it. The divide is so great that there is no peaceful compromise between the left and right. I don't want to live in their world and they don't want to live in mine. Why keep fighting the inevitable?
It's been worse in the past and we survived as a Nation, I don't hear too many on the left advocating for dividing up the Country. GOP gonna go nationally the way they did in California with their immigration hysteria. White Christians just getting used to being a minority and having growing pains.
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Obviously, but what are you gonna do? Pay attention to demographics or just whine about the inevitable?
Bwhahahaha I love it when you bring up demographics without accounting for the number of people who switch parties as they age. I'm sure 2007 can go back over the last 2 years preceding the election and pull about a 1000 of your posts where you said the same dumb shit and ended up losing.
I enjoyed reading the responses from the left that chose to play. What i saw was a complete inability to compromise on an issue, even when massive concessions were made in favor of the liberal position. Very indicative of our political landscape and the discourse in our country.
There are liberals and "leftists" that can compromise, dog.
Exhibit A: Freedom Caucus
I wasn't measuring the Freedom Caucas. I was measuring you and the other board reds. It's funny, not one of you all said yes, even though 3 of the 5 points were exactly what you all have said matter most, the other 2 are GOP initiatives and I even said with a liberal lean. Still, none of you all were ok with a path forward that included compromise. Those on the right that answered were fine with a compromise, including myself.

Coop just doesn't believe in spending money. I bet he is a hoot to be friends with. Ole "T-Rex arms" when the check comes. Or the "I'm gonna go piss before we leave" guy.
Obviously, but what are you gonna do? Pay attention to demographics or just whine about the inevitable?

Bwhahahaha I love it when you bring up demographics without accounting for the number of people who switch parties as they age. I'm sure 2007 can go back over the last 2 years preceding the election and pull about a 1000 of your posts where you said the same dumb shit and ended up losing.

Keyser76 sounds like a broken record, a vegan and a crossfitter all wrapped up in a big ball of wrong.

Democrats need more votes?

Did you look at the 2012 numbers? Only time the GOP wins anymore is during the midterms where they can get elected in districts drawn to favor them. Demographics are way worse for the GOP in the future than for the DNC already. Birthrates are up for legal Hispanics and by being the "deport them all" party, they are less and less likely to vote for the GOP even when they agree on most issues.

Lol, That has nothing to do with the general election, ain't no districts drawn for that. But hey, who am I to do the math and figure out what the demographics portend, I can just read that in the WSJ or from George Wills column, those bastions of the out of touch elites.

Ya'll thought Mitt would win too, and then you threw away the outreach playbook. My ideology has nothing to do with the fact that the demographics are going to be worse for you than last time. Can't win with just the white vote, that isn't ideology that is statistics.

Please explain how they can do that under the current political demographics? Short of shutting down the Government, or is that the plan? make The Prez veto what he has already said he would veto and then try and blame him?

How bout the election results from the last Presidential election? And I could care less if you realize the confederate flag and Ted Nugent are both welcomed by todays GOP base or not. Do you think you guys will pull more Hispanic voters than in 2012? Demographics can be ignored if you imagine there is a silent majority.

I'm a PITT fan, good lord! And Ben Carson overtook Trump in Iowa, the GOP is officially in Bizzarro world. By the time they start trying to campaign for the general election they will have already given every Democratic attack ad the sound bite they needed. I guess the adults in the GOP have given up trying to explain the demographics that sunk Mitt to the GOP base.

I don't like their economic ideas so I'm kind of glad they waste time dwelling on settled social issues and ignore the demographics that spell their doom.

Maybe not but I have a hundred bucks it is a democrat next year. I understand demographics.

Nor in 2010, I'm talking about 2016, when EVERYBODY votes, like 2012.

Good, that will deliver the Hispanic vote in Texas to whoever the GOP nominee is. Send those dreamers back to where they never were! Outreach at it's finest. Demographics, lol.

Genetics and Chromosome science are not the GOP bases forte. Of course it is the Religious wing pushing back, their God doesn't make mistakes. There are pretty concrete scientific explanations for transgenderism and if you take the time to read up about it, the stories are pretty heartbreaking. Who cares, the polls and demographics all point to the demise of the angry white people screaming at reason to get off their lawns. I'm surprised they buy the "theory" of mental illness since the Bible doesn't mention it in favor of demonic possession. Who needs science when a bunch of stories put together years ago explain everything they need to know. Grey areas make their brains hurt.

Who cares, like the birthers who believed Mitt would win in 2012, delusional people who don't have a grasp of how the Demographics are even worse for the GOP this time, they wanna follow trump down the drain, go right ahead. Man is a buffoon who was widely mocked on both sides of the political landscape until he became the darling candidate for the make America White Again crowd.

I don't need to elaborate a thing, I don't do a battle of wits with an unarmed man. But hey, if you think Trump will add to Mitts numbers for Hispanics, women and blacks go ahead and think it, remember that outreach effort after Obama won the second time? There was a reason for it, but Trump trumped it.

They don't want to listen to anyone in their party who understands Demographics.

Old white dudes getting their panties in a bunch over former minority organizations becoming majorities, Demographics gonna rip the GOP a new one with Trump. Imagine if Pelosi was calling Hillarys comments the "definiton of Racism" like Ryan is for Trump. Lol, it'd be funny if it weren't true.

In the end this ruling on immigration is the best thing that could have happened to Hillary, Gonna bring out the Hispanic vote in full force even more than the "self deportation" BS Mitt tried to peddle. Their outreach failed, demographics don't lie, the Trump bump is just a big fish in a little bubble.

Well for one thing I am sure "our own" for you and "our own " for me are entirely different things. Focus the haves on the have nots and stirring up resentment is just a ploy to distract the Rubes from their own economic interest. And for the record, a lot of what is accused on the right as being racism is just really ignorance and fear. Demographics are inevitable but the angry white minority is going to have be shown proof at the polls it would seem.

Freaking idiots confusing any regulations with "They gonna take my guns" are gonna screw the pooch for sane gun owners. I understand demographics and even though I live where it all seems normal to hunt and own guns ain't everybody raised that way. I'd prefer someone other than paranoid rednecks or the NRA to present our case. Otherwise, screech and look stupid to the majority of Americans who support regulations.

Anyone who would vote for Hillary is crazy. Really? Can I vote for the Democratic platform over the GOP platform? I'll vote for Hillary the same reason you will vote for Trump. The smart people left in the GOP know he is a disaster, I see the Mexican border Wall made the GOP platform, that ought to gin up the Hispanic numbers from Mitts totals. Demographics have pretty much made the GOP platform obsolete.

Looks like The Don is right where Mitt was at this point in 2012. Demographics did not change in the RNCs favor though, ignore them at your peril.

WTF? She ain't even ever been indicted. Says more about the endless investigating techniques of the GOP lead committees. Or maybe she didn't do anything that wrong? Mmmmm, The Dems will claim a victory alright, the Don sitting right where Mitt was in the polls in 2012. Demographics, ya'll knew that then forgot it.

Lol, you really just don't have a clue about the demographics these days do you?

I'm sure you imagine everyone not like you is one of those, lol, it's why you got crushed in 12 and will get crushed in 16, demographics ain't going back to the fifties.

The Demographics are impossible for him to overcome. The GOP at least should have learned how polls work after last time. The GOP could have won I think this year if they hadn't created the crazy base that just wants to burn it all down and return to Father Knows Best.

The level of illegal immigrants in the U.S. has steadily dropped since 2008. I assume you are forgetting they were here when W was president? Regardless, it is a losing proposition with Demographics the way it is. Only gonna get worse for the shrinking angry whiny old white guy club on the right.

and I considered Trump a classless buffoon. Now some of them want him to be president, the GOP base just didn't read the post Mitt autopsy report. Demographics is an immovable force.

Let me guess, all those people look like you do. Same mistake Mitt made. Demographics gonna kill Trump.

Well if you look at Romneys demographics and the fact that Trump is doing worse than Romney did with just about every minority category, there just aren't enough angry old white people to carry him. Remember when the Adults in the GOP crunched the numbers and decided an outreach to Hispanics and Blacks was necessary? I don't see Trump bringing in many independents either, at least not the intelligent ones. Just saw a letter yesterday somewhere where about 30 former GOP senators and house members declared Trump unfit for the Presidency. What scares me is how he is already convincing the dimmer members of the Trump train that if he loses the election, it was rigged. I have a lot of friends who think they are gonna be storming the gates if Trump loses because they see Yuuuuuge crowds and everyone they know thinks the same. Of course most of them have never left their small town and don't have a clue how many people live in cities where diversity is championed rather than feared. They are all ready to follow Ted Nugent and get slaughtered by Seal Team 6. All joking aside, that is dangerous rhetoric for Trump to throw around because some of his supporters definitely fall on the Alt right side.

Lol. Paranoid much? Already getting the excuses ready? As in it is only fair if Trump wins? Imagine if you get a Gore type ass ****ing?! Hanging chads anyone? Trump doesn;'t have a chance, demographics already dooming him.

Evidently they grew a sh*t load of older white people since the last election! Demographics don't faze people who have never left their small towns, everybody looks the same. Not sure where they imagine they will make up the differences for Trump that Romney couldn't achieve. Think they had a blueprint back in 2012 but nobody wanted to listen.

Lessons learned? He still doesn't get it that calling the first woman nominee for president a b*tch is likely to alienate women, lol. I thought electing Obama , "twice" was either supposed to destroy the free world or change the gops outreach, seems like neither. Demographics are never going to favor the current GOP. But hey, stick your heads in the sand and pretend you lose because illegals vote and the rest of us are the stupid ones, it has nothing to do with the fact that your message only resonates with frightened people who just noticed they weren't a majority anymore.

Lol, demographics definitely not on your side for that.

They don't even care about GOP policies, their whole identity is wrapped up in MAGA little hands. With his squeaker win and losing the popular vote they better be eyeing the gerrymandering case closely, Demographics ain't on the Nugent crowds side. Meanwhile he is in Europe again, what could go wrong with him on the worlds stage? Wonder who he will push out of the way this time, it won't be Putin that is for sure.
I wasn't measuring the Freedom Caucas. I was measuring you and the other board reds. It's funny, not one of you all said yes, even though 3 of the 5 points were exactly what you all have said matter most, the other 2 are GOP initiatives and I even said with a liberal lean. Still, none of you all were ok with a path forward that included compromise. Those on the right that answered were fine with a compromise, including myself.

Coop just doesn't believe in spending money. I bet he is a hoot to be friends with. Ole "T-Rex arms" when the check comes. Or the "I'm gonna go piss before we leave" guy.
BS. I don't believe in wasting money. I like to spend money. The wall is a stupid, wasteful political point. I am 100% all for tighter border security.
Keyser76 sounds like a broken record, a vegan and a crossfitter all wrapped up in a big ball of wrong.

I didn't have the time or desire to do that but I knew it was there. That's hilarious.
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Whatever you say Cooperstein.
What about my post was so difficult to comprehend?
Your inability to understand it wasn't an ala carte option. Applying that principle, you disagree with everything in it other than what was Dem centric ergo, you were a no.
I wasn't measuring the Freedom Caucas. I was measuring you and the other board reds. It's funny, not one of you all said yes, even though 3 of the 5 points were exactly what you all have said matter most, the other 2 are GOP initiatives and I even said with a liberal lean. Still, none of you all were ok with a path forward that included compromise. Those on the right that answered were fine with a compromise, including myself.

Coop just doesn't believe in spending money. I bet he is a hoot to be friends with. Ole "T-Rex arms" when the check comes. Or the "I'm gonna go piss before we leave" guy.
Ditch that stupid, moneypit wall, then come back with a real border protection plan.
Only because Biff is a proven bullshitter. Before a dollar is spent on the wall, I want to see a benefit analysis done to see if this wall is the best way to do this.
I don't think you understand. There were 5 items listed, no negotiation, no substitutions, you were either for it or against it. Your reasoning in opposition seems solely based on the wall. Is that accurate?

Keep in mind, saying no means Dreamers are gone in 6 months. There is a give and take and compromise. This has been my complaint with the left for over decade. Compromise to you all means the GOP gives in, 100% of the time.

In the last 8 years, can you name some Dem concessions that have been made in the spirit of compromise? I certainly can on the GOP side.
I don't think you understand. There were 5 items listed, no negotiation, no substitutions, you were either for it or against it. Your reasoning in opposition seems solely based on the wall. Is that accurate?

Keep in mind, saying no means Dreamers are gone in 6 months. There is a give and take and compromise. This has been my complaint with the left for over decade. Compromise to you all means the GOP gives in, 100% of the time.

In the last 8 years, can you name some Dem concessions that have been made in the spirit of compromise? I certainly can on the GOP side.
Do the benefit analysis first, then draw up the proposal.
Only because Biff is a proven bullshitter. Before a dollar is spent on the wall, I want to see a benefit analysis done to see if this wall is the best way to do this.
Obama spent more money on the wall than Trump. Under Obama we saw the completion of about 650 miles of physical wall at the U.S. and Mexico border.
I guess bornaneer doesn't give a damn about the victims of crimes that are committed by long as he's not one of them.