Question for my friends on the left

If I were a betting man I'd say we'll be at war with Russia by end of summer and if "they" perceive that that still isn't enough to keep Biden in office then they'll manufacture a reason to declare Martial Law. I said in 2021 that if we didn't fix the coup in court then that we'd have to shoot our way out of it eventually. I still stand by that.

I understand people being skeptical and this thought process. You can add this Administration definitely doing shit to provoke Russia. However at the end of the day Russia, China, Iran, and Cartels are working together to destroy us. They have been for decades. It wouldn't matter how nice we are to them. The goal has always been to destroy our Constitutional Republic. That doesn't mean we needed to be starting wars or nation building everywhere. However we need some strength and preparation going on right now. Instead the New Democrat Party is assisting them. Need our Libertarian friends to get on board with getting rid of them and meeting half way. If not we are definitely headed to WW3 while dealing with extreme internal Civil Unrest.
Possibly. Then again, eventually we're gonna have to quit saying "next time" and actually follow thru.

Never talk about fight club on the Internet. That's what the far left nut jobs posing as Patriots do. Then they laugh at you when you get a 10 to 20 year sentence.
Possibly. Then again, eventually we're gonna have to quit saying "next time" and actually follow thru.
That would be the time. (declaring Martial Law, canceling an election Trump is setting up to win big) Hope it doesn't come to that.