Private sector companies added 497,000 jobs in June, more than double expectations, ADP says

The market is certainly taking it the same way you are...
Remind me. How many jobs did Trump create when he was in office?
That’s right, he lost 3 million jobs.

I guess you don’t understand the stock market. Great jobs numbers like these mean the Fed is more likely to raise interest rates and that drives stock prices down.. Trump never had to worry about that.
Remind me. How many jobs did Trump create when he was in office?
That’s right, he lost 3 million jobs.

I guess you don’t understand the stock market. Great jobs numbers like these mean the Fed is more likely to raise interest rates and that drives stock prices down.. Trump never had to worry about that.
I'm guessing you have forgotten about a little virus called covid .
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Remind me. How many jobs did Trump create when he was in office?
That’s right, he lost 3 million jobs.

I guess you don’t understand the stock market. Great jobs numbers like these mean the Fed is more likely to raise interest rates and that drives stock prices down.. Trump never had to worry about that.

He didn't lose 3 million jobs, dumbass, lockdowns took them away.

And now that they are coming back after Democrat COVID lockdowns, you're dumb enough to believe they are jobs being created.

You're just a dumbass, dumbass.
I'm guessing you have forgotten about a little virus called covid .

He didn't forget, he's just using the opportunity to prop up the pedophile he voted for, because Pedo-Joe has nothing else.

Soaring Bleater supports pedophilia, trannys and child mutilation.
He didn't lose 3 million jobs, dumbass, lockdowns took them away.

And now that they are coming back after Democrat COVID lockdowns, you're dumb enough to believe they are jobs being created.

You're just a dumbass, dumbass.
He is a socialists and believes only in government.
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Remind me. How many jobs did Trump create when he was in office?
That’s right, he lost 3 million jobs.

I guess you don’t understand the stock market. Great jobs numbers like these mean the Fed is more likely to raise interest rates and that drives stock prices down.. Trump never had to worry about that.
Every time you post this, it just solidifies it more and more in my mind that lock downs were designed specifically for this talking point.

To date, the only benefit proving to come from lockdowns is the ability for you to continue with this narrative. It certainly had no benefit to COVID
Remind me. How many jobs did Trump create when he was in office?
That’s right, he lost 3 million jobs.

I guess you don’t understand the stock market. Great jobs numbers like these mean the Fed is more likely to raise interest rates and that drives stock prices down.. Trump never had to worry about that.
The one thing you recalcitrant Leftists refuse to take into account when pimping these job numbers is we're simply recovering from the "FORCED LOCKDOWNS as a result of the fake plandemic...and so many people lost their jobs during that scam that many of them simply gave up trying to find new ones or they were paid well enough to just sit on their asses doing nothing. Need proof? Look at the recent high numbers of folks still applying for jobless benefits despite all of these "record" new jobs?

You miserable desperate Leftists also refuse to acknowledge how well the economy was actually performing before the fake plandemic, even though all you do is blame Trump for the job losses it alone created. 😏 Want proof of that? Name the policy creepy Joe has since implemented to create all of these new jobs? Please don't say the "stimulus" because that piece of pointless work gave us this runaway inflation, which has had more to do with our current economic unsteadiness than anything else that incompetent ogre did!

100% guarantee you cannot name what he's done to "create" one job. (not honestly)

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Every time you post this, it just solidifies it more and more in my mind that lock downs were designed specifically for this talking point.

That's exactly what the scamdemic is being used for. Designed or an opportunity, that's what Democrats are using it for and their bleaters are bleating it up. Soaring Bleater 74 for instance.
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He didn't lose 3 million jobs, dumbass, lockdowns took them away.

And now that they are coming back after Democrat COVID lockdowns, you're dumb enough to believe they are jobs being created.

You're just a dumbass, dumbass.
Do you ever hear any of these mindless Leftists talking about how many jobs existed BEFORE the fake plandemic? Had to be an incredible amount of jobs created if that many were lost...right? Remember, on the Left our outstanding economy pre fake plandemic was because of Obama. The job losses were because of Trump. Covid didn't exist while we were losing jobs as businesses were FORCED to close down! 😏

Matter of fact (according to the Left) there were almost NO jobs before you came along right Zero?
That's exactly what the scamdemic is being used for. Designed or an opportunity, that's what Democrats are using it for and their bleaters are bleating it up. Soaring Bleater 74 for instance.
Government creates a disaster...
Government feeds during the disaster
Government fixes the disaster...
See we need the Government..
Socialists failures fall for it every time ..
Government, a necessary evil needs socialism/ communism to be in total control ...
Government creates a disaster...
Government feeds during the disaster
Government fixes the disaster...
See we need the Government..
Socialists failures fall for it every time ..
Government, a necessary evil needs socialism/ communism to be in total control ...
So, let’s get rid of the government.
And taxes.
And the military.
And border guards.
And schools (WVU included).
And highways.
And airports.
And the Veterans Administration.
And water systems.
And police.
And parks.
And trout stocking.
And wildlife management.
And courts.
And …

Sounds like Paradise! Before Europeans came to America.
So, let’s get rid of the government.
And taxes.
And the military.
And border guards.
And schools (WVU included).
And highways.
And airports.
And the Veterans Administration.
And water systems.
And police.
And parks.
And trout stocking.
And wildlife management.
And courts.
And …

Sounds like Paradise! Before Europeans came to America.

Leave it to a bleater to totally miss the point.

Government works for us, it doesn't rule us.

Move to Russia.
So, let’s get rid of the government.
And taxes.
And the military.
And border guards.
And schools (WVU included).
And highways.
And airports.
And the Veterans Administration.
And water systems.
And police.
And parks.
And trout stocking.
And wildlife management.
And courts.
And …

Sounds like Paradise! Before Europeans came to America.
You don't need Government for any of those things. Maybe independent contract review boards in disputes involving property rights or breaches of contracts but you don't need Courts for anything but ruling on Law or the Constitution.

Police can be privately most wealthy folks do paying for their own private security.

The Constitution calls for a well regulated militia. Our armed forces already are all voluntary.

You need a sales tax to pay for essentials, but not the income tax and it's bizzare tax code to finance income redistribution. Scrap it.

Roads, parks, bridges, water systems can all be privately built, maintained, and financed. Look at most Golf clubs. Most parks are built and maintained by private contractors anyway paid for by taxpayers.

Ths hub and spoke system run by the FAA is inefficient and bloated. We can get by on scores of privately run commuter airports offering private flights anywhere at anytime by private pilots, just like Uber and Lyft drivers offer on demand rides to anyone anywhere 24/7 365.

Government schools are a joke. Privatize all schools and shut the Department of Education down. We'll get higher quality at less cost.

Wildlife and fish will get along just fine without USF&W, Dept of interior, BLM and other useless pencil pushing bureaucrats. They don't run the Oceans or Jungles of Africa or South America. The Wildlife in those places manages to run just fine.

Government doesn't do anything well. It makes nothing, produces nothing, and creates nothing. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Government destroys all it gets involved in, particularly the Liberty & Freedom all individuals are born with.

You want to live under all encompassing Government? Cuba is 90 miles from the US. Try it, sounds like your kind of place.😏
So, let’s get rid of the government.
And taxes.
And the military.
And border guards.
And schools (WVU included).
And highways.
And airports.
And the Veterans Administration.
And water systems.
And police.
And parks.
And trout stocking.
And wildlife management.
And courts.
And …

Sounds like Paradise! Before Europeans came to America.
And that went right over your socialists head ...
Our government is over bloated and has become a burden in many sectors.
As George Washington said federal government is a necessary evil. 99% of everything you said should be ran by state government.
All but the military the government mismanaged.
I don't have a problem with paying taxes for infrastructure have a problem with tax dollars going to most other stuff . Way to many bureaucracy in federal government, to many agencies and to many agencies in personal lives .
I get paying taxes and yes most government agencies was born with good intentions but in short time they get corrupt at the federal level. Social security is a big one , EPA comes in next and the list is endless.
Border that's some funny sh!T right there ..... good people working it bad government running it .
Wildlife is needed but very much could be state run .
  • Love
Reactions: 30CAT
So, let’s get rid of the government.
And taxes.
And the military.
And border guards.
And schools (WVU included).
And highways.
And airports.
And the Veterans Administration.
And water systems.
And police.
And parks.
And trout stocking.
And wildlife management.
And courts.
And …

Sounds like Paradise! Before Europeans came to America.

The Government doesn’t need to stick it’s fat nose in everyone’s asses. except you’d like that and lick the shit off their Dick’s in the process
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  • Like
Reactions: 30CAT
And that went right over your socialists head ...
Our government is over bloated and has become a burden in many sectors.
As George Washington said federal government is a necessary evil. 99% of everything you said should be ran by state government.
All but the military the government mismanaged.
I don't have a problem with paying taxes for infrastructure have a problem with tax dollars going to most other stuff . Way to many bureaucracy in federal government, to many agencies and to many agencies in personal lives .
I get paying taxes and yes most government agencies was born with good intentions but in short time they get corrupt at the federal level. Social security is a big one , EPA comes in next and the list is endless.
Border that's some funny sh!T right there ..... good people working it bad government running it .
Wildlife is needed but very much could be state run .
And that went right over your socialists head ...
Our government is over bloated and has become a burden in many sectors.
As George Washington said federal government is a necessary evil. 99% of everything you said should be ran by state government.
All but the military the government mismanaged.
I don't have a problem with paying taxes for infrastructure have a problem with tax dollars going to most other stuff . Way to many bureaucracy in federal government, to many agencies and to many agencies in personal lives .
I get paying taxes and yes most government agencies was born with good intentions but in short time they get corrupt at the federal level. Social security is a big one , EPA comes in next and the list is endless.
Border that's some funny sh!T right there ..... good people working it bad government running it .
Wildlife is needed but very much could be state run .
The Government doesn’t need to stick it’s fat nose in everyone’s asses. except like that and lick the shit off their Dick’s in the process
Spoken like a true Christian! I thought I was reading a passage from the New Testament.
What is it about Leftists @30CAT who constantly criticize Christians for allegedly not being Christian yet they want absolutely nothing to do with Christianity or actually being a Christian?

Is that not the most bassackward attitude one can imagine? Don't answer that, we're talking about Leftists. You can get confused trying to decifer their confusion. 😕
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Ok, you’ve already conceded the argument when you referred to sales taxes to pay for essentials. As there is no Federal sales tax, you have acknowledged the need for state and local government.

When you pay those sales taxes, how are you paying them? With bushels of corn, bags of coal. The Federal government literally makes the US currency, so no government, no money. Would you have each community, or county, or state take over the printing of their own local money? We could go back to company script. You might suggest we use crypto-currency, but how would you acquire it with no money. Even if you could get your hands on crypto, if your broker decided to steal it (as we’ve already seen), what’s you recourse? No courts, remember.

Same with a state or local bank. Maybe you think you can write a check on a Welch bank for a purchase in Roanoke, but what if they don’t take “Welch Dollars”? Any reasonable person would agree that having a recognized currency makes every day commerce possible and efficient.

Maybe you want to use gold coins and silver coins? Who mints them? Who insures the minted coins meet the purity standards? If someone pays you with a gold-plated coin. What do you do? There are no federal treasury agents, remember?

Highways. You ever notice highways with signs like US 40, US 50, US 60, US 19, US 119? Yep, federally funded highways. Just like our interstate highways. You think private investors would have come in and built those roads in WV? No, West Virginia is too small and too poor to give an attractive return on investment for private highways.

Defense. We’ll go with militias! When Elkins is invaded by China the locals can get their deer rifles and shoot down those Gen 5 fighters, and take out those tanks. We don’t need no stinkin’ Navy! You know the Chinese just love met coal, and they have a BIG navy. Those big coal vessels we send to Europe and Asia could just be pirated without US Navy protection. Think of what’s going on with Iran now.

Schools. Schools are mainly funded by state and local governments. What federal funding there is, probably isn’t essential for public school survival. Let’s go to 100% private education! Only $10,000 per year per student. Reading is an over-rated skill anyway. And some of our leaders love the under-educated.

Health and Safety. Do we really need food inspection? Those illegal Central American immigrants working in Iowa meat packing plants wouldn’t allow the manure to get into your breakfast sausage, would they? And mine inspection. We don’t need mine inspectors. Coal mine owners and operators never sleep because all they ever think about is worker safety. Right?

I’ll be the first to admit that all government is bloated, Federal, State, and local. And I think that replacing income tax with a VAT is certainly worth discussion. However, a Federal government is essential to the well-being and prosperity of the American people. If you prefer anarchy over government, you’d love Afghanistan.
Ok, you’ve already conceded the argument when you referred to sales taxes to pay for essentials. As there is no Federal sales tax, you have acknowledged the need for state and local government.

When you pay those sales taxes, how are you paying them? With bushels of corn, bags of coal. The Federal government literally makes the US currency, so no government, no money. Would you have each community, or county, or state take over the printing of their own local money? We could go back to company script. You might suggest we use crypto-currency, but how would you acquire it with no money. Even if you could get your hands on crypto, if your broker decided to steal it (as we’ve already seen), what’s you recourse? No courts, remember.

Same with a state or local bank. Maybe you think you can write a check on a Welch bank for a purchase in Roanoke, but what if they don’t take “Welch Dollars”? Any reasonable person would agree that having a recognized currency makes every day commerce possible and efficient.

Maybe you want to use gold coins and silver coins? Who mints them? Who insures the minted coins meet the purity standards? If someone pays you with a gold-plated coin. What do you do? There are no federal treasury agents, remember?

Highways. You ever notice highways with signs like US 40, US 50, US 60, US 19, US 119? Yep, federally funded highways. Just like our interstate highways. You think private investors would have come in and built those roads in WV? No, West Virginia is too small and too poor to give an attractive return on investment for private highways.

Defense. We’ll go with militias! When Elkins is invaded by China the locals can get their deer rifles and shoot down those Gen 5 fighters, and take out those tanks. We don’t need no stinkin’ Navy! You know the Chinese just love met coal, and they have a BIG navy. Those big coal vessels we send to Europe and Asia could just be pirated without US Navy protection. Think of what’s going on with Iran now.

Schools. Schools are mainly funded by state and local governments. What federal funding there is, probably isn’t essential for public school survival. Let’s go to 100% private education! Only $10,000 per year per student. Reading is an over-rated skill anyway. And some of our leaders love the under-educated.

Health and Safety. Do we really need food inspection? Those illegal Central American immigrants working in Iowa meat packing plants wouldn’t allow the manure to get into your breakfast sausage, would they? And mine inspection. We don’t need mine inspectors. Coal mine owners and operators never sleep because all they ever think about is worker safety. Right?

I’ll be the first to admit that all government is bloated, Federal, State, and local. And I think that replacing income tax with a VAT is certainly worth discussion. However, a Federal government is essential to the well-being and prosperity of the American people. If you prefer anarchy over government, you’d love Afghanistan.

Dumbass, no one is saying we don't need a government. It's in the Constitution. What we don't need is an overreaching government.

We need a government that works for us, not rule over us, just as the Constitution says.
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Ok, you’ve already conceded the argument when you referred to sales taxes to pay for essentials. As there is no Federal sales tax, you have acknowledged the need for state and local government.

When you pay those sales taxes, how are you paying them? With bushels of corn, bags of coal. The Federal government literally makes the US currency, so no government, no money. Would you have each community, or county, or state take over the printing of their own local money? We could go back to company script. You might suggest we use crypto-currency, but how would you acquire it with no money. Even if you could get your hands on crypto, if your broker decided to steal it (as we’ve already seen), what’s you recourse? No courts, remember.

Same with a state or local bank. Maybe you think you can write a check on a Welch bank for a purchase in Roanoke, but what if they don’t take “Welch Dollars”? Any reasonable person would agree that having a recognized currency makes every day commerce possible and efficient.

Maybe you want to use gold coins and silver coins? Who mints them? Who insures the minted coins meet the purity standards? If someone pays you with a gold-plated coin. What do you do? There are no federal treasury agents, remember?

Highways. You ever notice highways with signs like US 40, US 50, US 60, US 19, US 119? Yep, federally funded highways. Just like our interstate highways. You think private investors would have come in and built those roads in WV? No, West Virginia is too small and too poor to give an attractive return on investment for private highways.

Defense. We’ll go with militias! When Elkins is invaded by China the locals can get their deer rifles and shoot down those Gen 5 fighters, and take out those tanks. We don’t need no stinkin’ Navy! You know the Chinese just love met coal, and they have a BIG navy. Those big coal vessels we send to Europe and Asia could just be pirated without US Navy protection. Think of what’s going on with Iran now.

Schools. Schools are mainly funded by state and local governments. What federal funding there is, probably isn’t essential for public school survival. Let’s go to 100% private education! Only $10,000 per year per student. Reading is an over-rated skill anyway. And some of our leaders love the under-educated.

Health and Safety. Do we really need food inspection? Those illegal Central American immigrants working in Iowa meat packing plants wouldn’t allow the manure to get into your breakfast sausage, would they? And mine inspection. We don’t need mine inspectors. Coal mine owners and operators never sleep because all they ever think about is worker safety. Right?

I’ll be the first to admit that all government is bloated, Federal, State, and local. And I think that replacing income tax with a VAT is certainly worth discussion. However, a Federal government is essential to the well-being and prosperity of the American people. If you prefer anarchy over government, you’d love Afghanistan.

Not getting into a pointless argument with you over "essential" governmemt functions. You're a Leftist and you think nothing happens without a large and powerful bureaucracy being run of course by "social justice" warriors on the Left. You don't see any government functions as "non essential"!

I'll in fact concede for the purpose of avoiding a pointless argument that some functions of government are indeed "essential" primarily to protect Liberty and Freedom. Unfortunately the size, shape, & function of our current Leviathan monstrosity does the exact opposite.

If you were reasonable and not marinated in the philosophy of an all encompassing administrative State (so obvious from your arguments for schools, roads, food regulation, etc) we could agree on the limits set fourth in the Constitution as to what "essential" Government can and in fact must do.

However, Leftists such as yourself see the Constitution as an archaic anachronism unsuited to address the myriad functions Socialists discover daily to control everything they deem "essential" in modern life.....all the way down to the very air we breathe!😏

That type of "essential" government can and hopefully will be eliminated because it's left us hopelessly divided, balkanized, in debt & financially destitute to the point we're barely functioning as a Representative Republic with limits on the shape, size and functions of the Federal government exactly as the Constitution proscribed.
Every time you post this, it just solidifies it more and more in my mind that lock downs were designed specifically for this talking point.

To date, the only benefit proving to come from lockdowns is the ability for you to continue with this narrative. It certainly had no benefit to COVID
The lockdowns were also designed to get Trump out of office and Biden elected by killing the economy and artificially increasing the misery index. It almost worked. They still had to cheat to win the election.
Not getting into a pointless argument with you over "essential" governmemt functions. You're a Leftist and you think nothing happens without a large and powerful bureaucracy being run of course by "social justice" warriors on the Left. You don't see any government functions as "non essential"!

I'll in fact concede for the purpose of avoiding a pointless argument that some functions of government are indeed "essential" primarily to protect Liberty and Freedom. Unfortunately the size, shape, & function of our current Leviathan monstrosity does the exact opposite.

If you were reasonable and not marinated in the philosophy of an all encompassing administrative State (so obvious from your arguments for schools, roads, food regulation, etc) we could agree on the limits set fourth in the Constitution as to what "essential" Government can and in fact must do.

However, Leftists such as yourself see the Constitution as an archaic anachronism unsuited to address the myriad functions Socialists discover daily to control everything they deem "essential" in modern life.....all the way down to the very air we breathe!😏

That type of "essential" government can and hopefully will be eliminated because it's left us hopelessly divided, balkanized, in debt & financially destitute to the point we're barely functioning as a Representative Republic with limits on the shape, size and functions of the Federal government exactly as the Constitution proscribed.
Bravo bravo ...well said ...
  • Like
Reactions: 30CAT
So, let’s get rid of the government.
And taxes.
Most taxes

And the military.
And border guards.
And schools (WVU included).
And highways.
And airports.
And the Veterans Administration.
And water systems.
And police.
And parks.
And trout stocking.
And wildlife management.
And courts.
And …

Sounds like Paradise! Before Europeans came to America.

And the military - Yep, we shouldn't have a standing army
And border guards - Nope, feds responsibility
And schools (WVU included) - Not the feds
And highways. - Still not the feds
And airports. - Still not the feds
And the Veterans Administration. - Nope, this is their's
And water systems. - Still not the feds
And police. - Still not the feds
And parks. - Still not the feds
And trout stocking. - Still not the feds
And wildlife management. - Still not the feds
And courts. - Still not the feds
  • Like
Reactions: 30CAT and atlkvb
Most taxes

And the military - Yep, we shouldn't have a standing army
And border guards - Nope, feds responsibility
And schools (WVU included) - Not the feds
And highways. - Still not the feds
And airports. - Still not the feds
And the Veterans Administration. - Nope, this is their's
And water systems. - Still not the feds
And police. - Still not the feds
And parks. - Still not the feds
And trout stocking. - Still not the feds
And wildlife management. - Still not the feds
And courts. - Still not the feds
For all the things Leftists claim are "essential" functions of the Federal Government, why can't any of them point out those functions detailed in our governing document ie: Constitution? Shouldn't that be the rules we operate the Government under?

Where is the Department of Education in the Constitution? Matter of fact go down the entire alphabet soup list of Federal agencies that currently empower the administrative State and point out any of them enumerated in the Constitution. Is it any wonder why Leftists hate it so much? 😏