Priddy, what's happened you ??


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2001
You've been a fairly typical run-of-the-mill Right-winger.....though with at least a touch of a sense of humor, which is totally atypical for most of your pals here.....since you've been here on the OTB full time. But recently, you've achieved PATX (who thankfully has gone away, at least temporarily) and 82's status for sheer numbers of new whack jobs posts. At least I think so, because I've truthfully conditioned myself NOT to open most of the threads you start.

Smart-assedness aside, what's happened that's prompted you all of a sudden to become this I'll-post-10-brand-new-threads-a-day-direct-from-the-front-page-of-the-whacko-song-book kind of individual ??
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You've been a fairly typical run-of-the-mill Right-winger.....though with at least a touch of a sense of humor, which is totally atypical for most of your pals here.....since you've been here on the OTB full time. But recently, you've achieved PATX (who thankfully has gone away, at least temporarily) and 82's status for sheer numbers of new whack jobs posts. At least I think so, because I've truthfully conditioned myself NOT to open most of the threads you start.

Smart-assedness aside, what's happened that's prompted you all of a sudden to become this I'll-post-10-brand-new-threads-a-day-direct-from-the-front-page-of-the-whacko-song-book kind of individual ??
Typical liberal. Comes to OT board, doesn't read threads he knows he'll disagree with. More evidence of the left still not understanding why they lost the election.
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Typical liberal. Comes to OT board, doesn't read threads he knows he'll disagree with. More evidence of the left still not understanding why they lost the election.
Lump em all together than bitch about how they assume too much....
It's becoming more and more difficult to defend the trump bullshit so he's (priddy) losing some sanity.
It's becoming more and more difficult to defend the trump bullshit so he's (priddy) losing some sanity.
Hahahahaha! Well, now I'm gonna have to dismantle you again, Destroyer. You wouldn't know the difference between emoluments and emollients. Now go wipe off your face. LOGAN ACT! LOGAN ACT!
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You've been a fairly typical run-of-the-mill Right-winger.....though with at least a touch of a sense of humor, which is totally atypical for most of your pals here.....since you've been here on the OTB full time. But recently, you've achieved PATX (who thankfully has gone away, at least temporarily) and 82's status for sheer numbers of new whack jobs posts. At least I think so, because I've truthfully conditioned myself NOT to open most of the threads you start.

Smart-assedness aside, what's happened that's prompted you all of a sudden to become this I'll-post-10-brand-new-threads-a-day-direct-from-the-front-page-of-the-whacko-song-book kind of individual ??
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Oh, c'mon obvious Mensa of your caliber can do better than THAT, can't you ?? Check with DD; he can probably help you out.
MENSA? Unlike some on here I've never claimed to be anything but dumb.Wow! You can type stuff other than lol. Next thing, you'll be trying to have valid discussions. You can start by explaining how large centralized government is good for societies. I'm looking forward to that convo.
You can't defend Biff at this point. Partly why I don't pay any attention to any of his minion's BS on here. He's FOS and american's are catching on.
America is indeed catching on. Please keep your Trump referendum going. It's working.
America is indeed catching on. Please keep your Trump referendum going. It's working.

Amazing how these same approval rating polls were accepted by the right wingers when it was Obama or Clinton, but they are not accepted by them when it's on Trump. He is OUR president, I'm fine with that. But his 6 months in office has been far from "great", or even "good". And every time someone writes about him and one of his scandals, he quickly goes on the attack against Hillary......which is funny because the typical response from the Trump supporters on here is "Hillary lost". She did, maybe Trump should figure that out, too.
Amazing how these same approval rating polls were accepted by the right wingers when it was Obama or Clinton, but they are not accepted by them when it's on Trump. He is OUR president, I'm fine with that. But his 6 months in office has been far from "great", or even "good". And every time someone writes about him and one of his scandals, he quickly goes on the attack against Hillary......which is funny because the typical response from the Trump supporters on here is "Hillary lost". She did, maybe Trump should figure that out, too.
The only poll that had Trump winning has him at 50% approval. Not bad for a President under constant attack by the establishment politicians, News and Hollywood.
The only poll that had Trump winning has him at 50% approval. Not bad for a President under constant attack by the establishment politicians, News and Hollywood.

Constant attack? So, he doesn't deserve any of these "attacks"? Come on......if the shoe was on the other foot and a Democrat were in Trump's situation, you'd be going apesh!t crazy for an investigation and hearing or impeachment.
Constant attack? So, he doesn't deserve any of these "attacks"? Come on......if the shoe was on the other foot and a Democrat were in Trump's situation, you'd be going apesh!t crazy for an investigation and hearing or impeachment.
Too weak. Don't aver what I would be doing. Make a point or be quiet.
Too weak. Don't aver what I would be doing. Make a point or be quiet.

I don't have to assume or predict, I know because of your pattern ....I've noticed that your rhetoric has changed since a lot more information has been coming out on Trump Jr. and now the dismal approval ratings.....something that Trump felt the need to lie about, again (saying "40%" when it was actually 36%)..........:popcorn:
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I don't have to assume or predict, I know because of your pattern ....I've noticed that your rhetoric has changed since a lot more information has been coming out on Trump Jr. and now the dismal approval ratings.....something that Trump felt the need to lie about, again (saying "40%" when it was actually 36%)..........:popcorn:
Wow, you just did it again. I think your Pattern Detector may be broken.
I don't have to assume or predict, I know because of your pattern ....I've noticed that your rhetoric has changed since a lot more information has been coming out on Trump Jr. and now the dismal approval ratings.....something that Trump felt the need to lie about, again (saying "40%" when it was actually 36%)..........:popcorn:
Typical liberal. Comes to OT board, doesn't read threads he knows he'll disagree with. More evidence of the left still not understanding why they lost the election.

this is every thread now...

it's comical...

tunnel vision'd...

media bubble'd...

Lump em all together than bitch about how they assume too much....
Well, considering 100% of the board reds continue the same behavior as before the election, it's pretty evident you all collectively haven't learned. The referendum was on the nanny state and shaming through application of ism when confronted with defiance. You all treat our defiance of globalism and progressive ideals as a byproduct of being uneducated and displaying bigotry towards minorities coupled with our insatiable greed.

Now, honestly, out of what I just typed, which of you bucks that trend? How many times have you personally attributed one or most of those towards those of us on here you disagree with? You have RPJ and Cunty bashing our understanding of the world when I guarantee I've seen and experienced more parts of it than both combined. You harp on our greed on a daily basis. Then you the White Dude from the Barbershop movies (MountaineerWV) hair triggered to scream racists like the little black kid in the .gif. ATL is black, and even his "blackness" has been questioned by 2 white dudes on here. Hilarious. Pax is married to a Lebanese woman, I've spent time all over the Middle East interacting with the locals (actually in Saudi right now), Cajun has a Doctorate in Middle Eastern archaeology and has spent years over here, etc. And yet, we're the uneducated and scared old white dudes. Yea, you all collectively, still haven't learned. You all have zero tolerance for opposing beliefs. That is why you all have had your asses handed to you in the last 3 elections. We'll see if the trend continues in the mid-terms.
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You've been a fairly typical run-of-the-mill Right-winger.....though with at least a touch of a sense of humor, which is totally atypical for most of your pals here.....since you've been here on the OTB full time. But recently, you've achieved PATX (who thankfully has gone away, at least temporarily) and 82's status for sheer numbers of new whack jobs posts. At least I think so, because I've truthfully conditioned myself NOT to open most of the threads you start.

Smart-assedness aside, what's happened that's prompted you all of a sudden to become this I'll-post-10-brand-new-threads-a-day-direct-from-the-front-page-of-the-whacko-song-book kind of individual ??
I'll speak for him and countless thousands of us who are tired of all the l
You've been a fairly typical run-of-the-mill Right-winger.....though with at least a touch of a sense of humor, which is totally atypical for most of your pals here.....since you've been here on the OTB full time. But recently, you've achieved PATX (who thankfully has gone away, at least temporarily) and 82's status for sheer numbers of new whack jobs posts. At least I think so, because I've truthfully conditioned myself NOT to open most of the threads you start.

Smart-assedness aside, what's happened that's prompted you all of a sudden to become this I'll-post-10-brand-new-threads-a-day-direct-from-the-front-page-of-the-whacko-song-book kind of individual ??
l" ll speak for him and countless millions of us who are tired of the lies and bullsh** spread by liberals against a duly elected president . Had the same thing happened to you god obama you would have been screaming for jail time for all of advice would be stop whining and making stuff up and get with helping restore America to greatness after the disaster of the past 8 years
this is every thread now...

it's comical...

tunnel vision'd...

media bubble'd...


I remind you, it's our president who continues to stalk and bring up Hillary on every occasion......even going after Chelsea........I think everyone on here has said this: "Hillary lost, we know".
Well, considering 100% of the board reds continue the same behavior as before the election, it's pretty evident you all collectively haven't learned. The referendum was on the nanny state and shaming through application of ism when confronted with defiance. You all treat our defiance of globalism and progressive ideals as a byproduct of being uneducated and displaying bigotry towards minorities coupled with our insatiable greed.

Now, honestly, out of what I just typed, which of you bucks that trend? How many times have you personally attributed one or most of those towards those of us on here you disagree with? You have RPJ and Cunty bashing our understanding of the world when I guarantee I've seen and experienced more parts of it than both combined. You harp on our greed on a daily basis. Then you the White Dude from the Barbershop movies (MountaineerWV) hair triggered to scream racists like the little black kid in the .gif. ATL is black, and even his "blackness" has been questioned by 2 white dudes on here. Hilarious. Pax is married to a Lebanese woman, I've spent time all over the Middle East interacting with the locals (actually in Saudi right now), Cajun has a Doctorate in Middle Eastern archaeology and has spent years over here, etc. And yet, we're the uneducated and scared old white dudes. Yea, you all collectively, still haven't learned. You all have zero tolerance for opposing beliefs. That is why you all have had your asses handed to you in the last 3 elections. We'll see if the trend continues in the mid-terms.
Any desire to retain the status quo in the face of natural change in economic forces, by those that have established wealth, loses all credibility, imo. Those unwilling to expand vision to create an open and adaptable future, because it creates an uncomfortable feeling, are illogical. Those that think their knowledge in one field trumps all others in different fields are foolish. Those that fail to recognize historical factors that contribute to current social issues are probably uneducated in the fields of history, sociology, and psychology. Those that seek to create rage and unrest against a set of laws, that allow them the freedom to exhibit their dissent without reprisals, are unappreciative of freedom. Those that contribute to a mass disgust of a race or religion, out of fear or some desire for "victory" against them, are bigots. And those that choose to denounce all others that do not share their view, but never listening to the opposing viewpoints are hypocrites. Left or right. There's plenty of wrong on both sides, there's plenty of right.

And the fact that the Democrats allow Pelosi and Shumer to be our "leaders" in Congress is a big reason they've been kicked around. I'm not Democrat, I'm not Republican. I'm registered Independent and willing to vote for any candidate that takes environmental policy seriously, isn't unwilling to try solutions, and takes equality seriously. I see balance in most successful things. Both sides are saying and doing a lot of dangerous bullsh1t right now.
Sooooooo.....what difference does it make? Last I checked he is the President.
I think it makes a difference when trying to implement your agenda on the Hill. Especially in the reactionary House, lawmakers would be willing to ride Trump's coattails if they were big enough. His infrastructure agenda, for example, would be easily implemented. But if those numbers continue to drop, lawmakers have a way of distancing themselves from the WH in order to prevent bad numbers from impacting their election (or War chest).

I think many GOP lawmakers wish Pence was in the oval right now, which isn't going to matter unless Mueller finds something legit, but if Trumps numbers were rocking.....the GOP would be doing anything they could to be a part of his progress. It matters, at least a little.
What the Hell does Jimmy Carter have to do about anything? Last I checked, Carter wasn't leading our great nation! [eyeroll]
He used to be the worst President before Obama spied on 30 million Americans and targeted taxpayers based on political affiliation. Got caught spying on European leaders. But you're right we should leave him out of the current discussion which is about ME, ME, ME! Crap, I think I just went all Democrat. Sorry, moment of WEAKNESS.
He used to be the worst President before Obama spied on 30 million Americans and targeted taxpayers based on political affiliation. Got caught spying on European leaders. But you're right we should leave him out of the current discussion which is about ME, ME, ME! Crap, I think I just went all Democrat. Sorry, moment of WEAKNESS.

So, Bush didn't spy on anyone either? Huh....didn't know that.