President Trump hails US court decision upholding decision to end DACA

Help me understand your bigoted thoughts on why these two people should be deported:

1) A one year old is brought over illegally by his parents in 1980. That one year old grew up to excel in school, earn a college degree, has a job, pays taxes, and is now 38 years old. As a high school senior, he knocked up his high school sweetheart who he is currently married to. He has lived 37 of his 38 years in the U.S. He and his wife have three children, all of whom live at home with them. Nobody in his immediate family has a police record.

2) A two year girl was brought over illegally by her parents. Both of her parents have passed away. She is now a 15 year old sophomore in high school near the top of her class and living with another family who has legal rights over her.

Help me understand the Left's logic on partial birth abortion:

Under one scenario (currently legal and Hillary supported it) a full term Baby can be held 12 inches inside a Mother's uterus and have it's soft skull punctured so the brains can be sucked out. Pefectly Legal.(in some parts of the country where it has not been banned)

Under another scenario, that same full term Baby can be fully delivered from the Mother's birth canal, and held exactly 12 inches from her cervix and that exact same procedure if performed the exact same way is now considered murder.

It's the same Baby, same procedure, separated only by a mere foot! The Left and Democrats admit one is a horrific murder, yet they locically argue the other is just another day in their self described world of "women's health" ie: unwanted pregnancies.

So what's the difference besides 12 inches before or after the Mother's cervix?

The Left argues it's about "choice". I'd say it's more like insanity.
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Pull the 50 vote card and watch the libs squirm.

I've said offer dreamers a chance to stay here, but they can't vote. At least not until they pay fines, and go through a legal process to become citizens which includes getting in line behind others who are applying for citzenship LEGALLY. Dems would reject it. They want those votes...that's all they care about.
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And those are the people your president is deporting and dangling as a bargaining tool in front of the other side. It's as unethical of a political move as one can develop.

All of those innocent American Babies your side allows to be slaughtered simply for the "convenience" of Mothers who don't want to be bothered with the responsibility from reproducing their sexual offspring is as unethical a political move as one can develop.
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imagine being this stupid AND being a US Senator...

owebamatraitor set the date YEARS ago...

But Monday's ruling by a judge in Maryland does not alter a nationwide injunction issued by a federal judge in San Francisco. The earlier decision requires the administration to continue renewing work permits granted these immigrants under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Trump had set Monday as DACA's end date.

Trump tweeted Tuesday: "Federal Judge in Maryland has just ruled that 'President Trump has the right to end DACA.' President Obama had 8 years to fix this problem, and didn't. I am waiting for the Dems, they are running for the hills!"

Trump blames Democrats for the failure to reach an immigration deal.

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