President Trump hails US court decision upholding decision to end DACA


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
and end this hostage crisis...

owebama illegally made it law by EO...

Trump should end it...
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Lol, how do you think you come across when you answer your own posts multiple times? just curious, is that like talking to yourself?
Lol, how do you think you come across when you answer your own posts multiple times? just curious, is that like talking to yourself?

You sound pretty butthurt lol. Are ya triggered? lol
Help me understand your bigoted thoughts on why these two people should be deported:

1) A one year old is brought over illegally by his parents in 1980. That one year old grew up to excel in school, earn a college degree, has a job, pays taxes, and is now 38 years old. As a high school senior, he knocked up his high school sweetheart who he is currently married to. He has lived 37 of his 38 years in the U.S. He and his wife have three children, all of whom live at home with them. Nobody in his immediate family has a police record.

2) A two year girl was brought over illegally by her parents. Both of her parents have passed away. She is now a 15 year old sophomore in high school near the top of her class and living with another family who has legal rights over her.
illegal IS illegal...

they've had 30+ years & 18 years to file the paperwork...

$500 & paperwork...

it's not difficult to understand the law...

everyone wants to be a Hilliary now...
illegal IS illegal...

they've had 30+ years & 18 years to file the paperwork...

$500 & paperwork...

it's not difficult to understand the law...

everyone wants to be a Hilliary now...

Where you going to send them? Please tell? You don't care. You are a fvking racist. You want an all-white, all-Christian US.
I really don't care where they go...

there will be millions returning to their OWN countries...

they know how America works....

all they have to do is duplicate it...
illegal IS illegal...

they've had 30+ years & 18 years to file the paperwork...

$500 & paperwork...

it's not difficult to understand the law...

everyone wants to be a Hilliary now...

You clearly don't know how the immigration and citizenship process works.
Help me understand your bigoted thoughts on why these two people should be deported:

1) A one year old is brought over illegally by his parents in 1980. That one year old grew up to excel in school, earn a college degree, has a job, pays taxes, and is now 38 years old. As a high school senior, he knocked up his high school sweetheart who he is currently married to. He has lived 37 of his 38 years in the U.S. He and his wife have three children, all of whom live at home with them. Nobody in his immediate family has a police record.

2) A two year girl was brought over illegally by her parents. Both of her parents have passed away. She is now a 15 year old sophomore in high school near the top of her class and living with another family who has legal rights over her.

Neither is a US citizen, and I'm guessing neither has completed the appropriate work to remain here legally. They have no legal right to be here, and as such, can be deported at any time.

Illegal immigrant isn't a race.
Neither is a US citizen, and I'm guessing neither has completed the appropriate work to remain here legally. They have no legal right to be here, and as such, can be deported at any time.

Illegal immigrant isn't a race.

As I thought, neither of you understand how it works.

Lets use that hypothetical two year I mentioned in my first post. She was brought here by her parents as a two year old and had excelled in school. Both of her parents are now deceased. Clearly, we don't blame a 15 year old for that circumstance. She graduates high school and either goes to a U.S. college or becomes employed as a tax payer. At 18, in this country, she can apply for citizenship. I'm sure many on here didn't even complete their own financial aid forms for college at 18 years old, but lets not give her the benefit of the doubt and assume all 18 year olds are mature and responsible for their situations:

Under current U.S. law, for that girl to be granted a green card and/or visa to legally stay in the U.S. for a certain length of time, she would first have to leave the country. So, now at 18 years old, she would have to leave everything she has known and find her own way to Mexico, find a way to survive down there, etc. She then would have to go to a consulate and apply for a green card. Those types of applications are currently being worked on for people who tried that in 2011. In other words, she would have to fend for her own at 18 years old in a country she hasn't lived in since she was two years old and would have to do that, away from any family/friends, for anywhere from 6-20 years. Already, that's quite a bit to throw on a kid. But it gets much, much better.

Our immigration system has a thing referred to as the three and ten year bans. Those bans apply to anyone who came to the U.S. illegally, then decided they wanted to do the right thing and become legal. In order to do so, they would first have to leave the U.S. They then would have to apply to enter (and stay) legally. Here is where the catch-22 is:

If anyone stayed in the U.S. illegally for more than six months (illegally entered, stayed past their visa, etc.) but less than a year, they are automatically barred from the country for a minimum of three years. If anyone stayed illegally for more than a year, they are barred from the country for a minimum of ten years.

Let me help you out here: that girl comes with her family at two years old. She is a bright girl who wants to do things the right way. Once she turns 18, she decides he wants to become legal to stay in the country he has known half of his life and where his family is. Since she stayed for more than a year (because her parents brought here here at two years old), to become legal, she has to first leave the U.S. and then wait a minimum of ten years before she is allowed in.

See the problem? We are forcing these kids - "dreamers" as they are referred to - to not only make a very tough ethical decision but to also leave the country for ten years before they can even be considered!

Now, tell me, how many of you would have left your family and the country you have known since fourth grade to go by yourself for a minimum of ten years before you can see any loved one again? Exactly.

Now, there are some appeals. However, those appeals are just as shitty and full of catch-22s. Assume she got married at 20 to a U.S. citizen, they started a family the following year, and they became great contributors to society (paid taxes, no criminal record, etc.). She, at the age of 21, decides she wants do become legal and do things the right way. Well, we already know he would have to wait at least a decade for that to happen, in which time, she wouldn't be able to see her husband/children. They try the appeal since it allows a spouse of a U.S. citizen to bypass the ten year ban. In order to even apply, she must leave the country. She then has to go through the initial process, then the appeal process, hopefully earn an extreme hardship waiver, get all of those approved and then wait . . . and wait . . .and wait some more, many times taking years.

Now, do you see how fvcked up our immigration system is, why it needs major reform, and why morons like you have no clue what you're talking about? Then, like what happened in her case, you have to hope that immigration attorneys, the consulate, the government employees, etc. don't fvck up any of the documents or else you start back at square one.

How many of you would have, at the age of 18 or 21, left your family and country you have known your entire life and almost assuredly not see them for at least ten years? Your parents, siblings, wife, children, friends, job . . . gone. All of it gone for ten years.

These two year olds - the dreamers - aren't coming over legally when they aren't even old enough to wipe their own ass.

And those are the people your president is deporting and dangling as a bargaining tool in front of the other side. It's as unethical of a political move as one can develop.
As I thought, neither of you understand how it works.

Lets use that hypothetical two year I mentioned in my first post. She was brought here by her parents as a two year old and had excelled in school. Both of her parents are now deceased. Clearly, we don't blame a 15 year old for that circumstance. She graduates high school and either goes to a U.S. college or becomes employed as a tax payer. At 18, in this country, she can apply for citizenship. I'm sure many on here didn't even complete their own financial aid forms for college at 18 years old, but lets not give her the benefit of the doubt and assume all 18 year olds are mature and responsible for their situations:

Under current U.S. law, for that girl to be granted a green card and/or visa to legally stay in the U.S. for a certain length of time, she would first have to leave the country. So, now at 18 years old, she would have to leave everything she has known and find her own way to Mexico, find a way to survive down there, etc. She then would have to go to a consulate and apply for a green card. Those types of applications are currently being worked on for people who tried that in 2011. In other words, she would have to fend for her own at 18 years old in a country she hasn't lived in since she was two years old and would have to do that, away from any family/friends, for anywhere from 6-20 years. Already, that's quite a bit to throw on a kid. But it gets much, much better.

Our immigration system has a thing referred to as the three and ten year bans. Those bans apply to anyone who came to the U.S. illegally, then decided they wanted to do the right thing and become legal. In order to do so, they would first have to leave the U.S. They then would have to apply to enter (and stay) legally. Here is where the catch-22 is:

If anyone stayed in the U.S. illegally for more than six months (illegally entered, stayed past their visa, etc.) but less than a year, they are automatically barred from the country for a minimum of three years. If anyone stayed illegally for more than a year, they are barred from the country for a minimum of ten years.

Let me help you out here: that girl comes with her family at two years old. She is a bright girl who wants to do things the right way. Once she turns 18, she decides he wants to become legal to stay in the country he has known half of his life and where his family is. Since she stayed for more than a year (because her parents brought here here at two years old), to become legal, she has to first leave the U.S. and then wait a minimum of ten years before she is allowed in.

See the problem? We are forcing these kids - "dreamers" as they are referred to - to not only make a very tough ethical decision but to also leave the country for ten years before they can even be considered!

Now, tell me, how many of you would have left your family and the country you have known since fourth grade to go by yourself for a minimum of ten years before you can see any loved one again? Exactly.

Now, there are some appeals. However, those appeals are just as shitty and full of catch-22s. Assume she got married at 20 to a U.S. citizen, they started a family the following year, and they became great contributors to society (paid taxes, no criminal record, etc.). She, at the age of 21, decides she wants do become legal and do things the right way. Well, we already know he would have to wait at least a decade for that to happen, in which time, she wouldn't be able to see her husband/children. They try the appeal since it allows a spouse of a U.S. citizen to bypass the ten year ban. In order to even apply, she must leave the country. She then has to go through the initial process, then the appeal process, hopefully earn an extreme hardship waiver, get all of those approved and then wait . . . and wait . . .and wait some more, many times taking years.

Now, do you see how fvcked up our immigration system is, why it needs major reform, and why morons like you have no clue what you're talking about? Then, like what happened in her case, you have to hope that immigration attorneys, the consulate, the government employees, etc. don't fvck up any of the documents or else you start back at square one.

How many of you would have, at the age of 18 or 21, left your family and country you have known your entire life and almost assuredly not see them for at least ten years? Your parents, siblings, wife, children, friends, job . . . gone. All of it gone for ten years.

These two year olds - the dreamers - aren't coming over legally when they aren't even old enough to wipe their own ass.

And those are the people your president is deporting and dangling as a bargaining tool in front of the other side. It's as unethical of a political move as one can develop.

Blah, blah, blah, she should be pissed at her parents. Law don't care about your feelings either. Dems controlled all three branches with a near supermajority in Senate, why didn't they do something about it?
Blah, blah, blah, she should be pissed at her parents. Law don't care about your feelings either. Dems controlled all three branches with a near supermajority in Senate, why didn't they do something about it?


It's quite telling when illegals have better grammar than you do.

Pissed at her parents, fine. But we don't punish children for the mistakes of their parents. If so, you'd be incarcerated for your parents birthing you.

So, this is what it comes to you with your side? "Well, you guys should do something about it." And they did do something about it. That's why Obama ordered non-violent offending illegals from not being deported. It is why he continually extended DACA. Your president is doing the exact opposite.

This is the problem with both sides. There is little critical thinking taking place and simply emotion-based attempts at arguments.

There is no reason to not extend DACA; absolutely none. Your side is simply using something that shouldn't be up for negotiating as a bargaining tactic. It's disgusting.
Well, well, another contender for the countrywrong award.

So, this is what it comes to you with your side? "Well, you guys should do something about it." And they did do something about it.

Scratch "they", insert "Obama". "They" didn't do anything, they couldn't get it through Congress. "They" didn't even try.

That's why Obama ordered non-violent offending illegals from not being deported.

Wrong, he did not. If he did, that would be a direct violation of the law and wouldn't have stood 2 minutes.

It is why he continually extended DACA. Your president is doing the exact opposite.

Wrong again. He extended preferred treatment as a political tool. It really didn't do anything. If ICE came to do the door, they were still taking you. Obama prioritized the targets, that's all he did.

This is the problem with both sides. There is little critical thinking taking place and simply emotion-based attempts at arguments.

There is no reason to not extend DACA; absolutely none. Your side is simply using something that shouldn't be up for negotiating as a bargaining tactic. It's disgusting.

There are multiple reasons to not extend DACA, and the biggest, you are witnessing. It was an ultimatum to Congress to do something, and guess what? They're working on it.

Trump offered a very generous proposal today. I bet you didn't even see it.
Scratch "they", insert "Obama". "They" didn't do anything, they couldn't get it through Congress. "They" didn't even try.

"They" referred to Democrats. Obama was the leader of the Democrats and rightfully represents them. Hence, "they" represents Obama's actions, just like cheeto represents the actions of Republicans.

Wrong, he did not. If he did, that would be a direct violation of the law and wouldn't have stood 2 minutes.

He did do that. Just like with marijuana enforcement in states that legalized it, he made sure that certain laws weren't being enforced.

You can argue semantics all night, but when push-comes-to-shove, it is the same thing.

There are multiple reasons to not extend DACA, and the biggest, you are witnessing. It was an ultimatum to Congress to do something, and guess what? They're working on it.

It worked so well the government shut down. Brilliant.

DACA is a program that should not be a negotiating tool. It should be policy that is unequivocally supported by all sides.
DACA is a program that should not be a negotiating tool. It should be policy that is unequivocally supported by all sides.
I agree with your sentiments on DACA.

Strict border security, immigrations caps, a merit based system for entry, and not having a visa lottery based on chance are also things that should be policy and unequivocally supported by all sides. I also think we should have a pathway to citizenship.

Unfortunately, we live in the real world, and these things need to be debated, negotiated, and voted on to ensure all sides represented have equal input. Basically, that whole pesky foundation of a Democratic Republic.
Unfortunately, we live in the real world, and these things need to be debated, negotiated, and voted on to ensure all sides represented have equal input. Basically, that whole pesky foundation of a Democratic Republic.

And until that time, cheeto can do what is right; make sure that certain things aren't enforced so that the right thing can be implemented. Instead, he is using it as a negotiating tactic. Anyone who can support that is a piece of shit.
And until that time, cheeto can do what is right; make sure that certain things aren't enforced so that the right thing can be implemented. Instead, he is using it as a negotiating tactic. Anyone who can support that is a piece of shit.

Eh, I say deport them. Build the wall.
And until that time, cheeto can do what is right; make sure that certain things aren't enforced so that the right thing can be implemented. Instead, he is using it as a negotiating tactic. Anyone who can support that is a piece of shit.
We have a method for doing things in this country. What Trump did by sending DACA to Congress for debate and a true democratic solution enacted (it doesn’t have to be right or what you agree with, it has to be done by our process). What the previous doofus did was incorrect and likely unconstitutional.

You don’t kick the can down the road or just choose to not enforce something. If you don’t like it, we have a process in this country to correct it. If you aren’t getting the results from our elected officials, then you need to work towards electing individuals who are more inline with your position.

Again, I 100% agree with you about DACA. I believe the Cheeto is on record as wanting a solution for them as well.
We have a method for doing things in this country. What Trump did by sending DACA to Congress for debate and a true democratic solution enacted (it doesn’t have to be right or what you agree with, it has to be done by our process). What the previous doofus did was incorrect and likely unconstitutional.

You don’t kick the can down the road or just choose to not enforce something. If you don’t like it, we have a process in this country to correct it. If you aren’t getting the results from our elected officials, then you need to work towards electing individuals who are more inline with your position.

Again, I 100% agree with you about DACA. I believe the Cheeto is on record as wanting a solution for them as well.

There are plenty of absurd, archaic laws on the books that aren't enforced in numerous states. Should the police still arrest violators for these crimes? Of course not. Likewise, not enforcing unethical laws also is not a bad thing.

The problem is that your side (and don't give me this libertarian bullshit; you're as republican as they come) refuses to pass reasonable measures. Your side tries to negotiate and manipulate these issues by piggy-backing them on unrelated bills.
There are plenty of absurd, archaic laws on the books that aren't enforced in numerous states. Should the police still arrest violators for these crimes? Of course not. Likewise, not enforcing unethical laws also is not a bad thing.

The problem is that your side (and don't give me this libertarian bullshit; you're as republican as they come) refuses to pass reasonable measures. Your side tries to negotiate and manipulate these issues by piggy-backing them on unrelated bills.
I’ve never claimed to not be a Republican. I’m actually a very moderate Republican, at least on social issues. You don’t like pork on bills? Neither do I. Are you insinuating the GOP are the only ones who add in pork or add in “bill killers”? Surely you aren’t that naive. How bout line item veto authority?

Dreamers were made an issue when Obama enacted DACA with a pen. Had he not done so, things would likely have continued without any discussion like the last 13 and 30+ years in your examples. However, he chose to try and circumvent our system with an unconstitutional act and rule by executive fiat, ironic considering he was a Constitutional law guy and all. So now, the Cheeto, the very same guy you all hate and caution with every breath that he’s the next Hitler or wannabe dictator, kicked the process to Congress to be worked by our system of laws and governance as prescribed by the Constitution.