President says what Democrats don't want to hear

I think it was McCain and Graham (S.Carolina)? Could be wrong.

Both of 'em are a couple of establishment wet noodles in my opinion who just don't like the fact Trump won.
Republicans are going to have to make up their minds what McCain is. In 2000 and 2008 he was a RINO - way to liberal on several issues. That's why he went with Palin as VP in 08. Now he's establishment. Perhaps he's a guy from a military family with a pretty distinguished military career who has concerns about outside governments allegedly trying to influence our elections.
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Perhaps he's a guy from a military family with a pretty distinguished military career who has concerns about outside governments allegedly trying to influence our elections.

Stop being rational ... there's no place for that here.
Republicans are going to have to make up their minds what McCain is. In 2000 and 2008 he was a RINO - way to liberal on several issues. That's why he went with Palin as VP in 08. Now he's establishment. Perhaps he's a guy from a military family with a pretty distinguished military career who has concerns about outside governments allegedly trying to influence our elections.

I thought I had him pretty well described as a "wet noodle".
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100% agreement. The whole process was unfairly distorted, and it was unfair to every voter who preferred someone other than Hillary to lead the Democrat party.

(I actually wanted Sanders to win...I thought he was a much richer target to contrast the two parties)
Think back to 2008. The DNC was pushing Hillary all the way back then until Obama surpassed her. If Bernie had won more primaries, the DNC would have gone with him. Hillary won a lot of primaries and she dominated the caucus states. I like Bernie the man. I disagree with many of his policy ideas. Unlike most politicians, I think he would have tried to make those policy.
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I also have agreed on this board several times already. But the Russian hacking allegations need to be fully investigated and resolved. It is more than an election issue. It is National Security issue of the highest regard and the president elect needs to understand that basic principle.
It's not just the Russians. This administration has KNOWN for years that the Russians, Chinese, North Korea and, and others have perpetually attempted to gain information through cypher spying. KNOWN IT and did little to beef up the security. Private agencies such as the DNC and RNC also KNEW there were being attempts to invade their systems. The RNC, apparently, took actions that kept the intruders from gaining access that would lead to information. The DNC, not so much, and a whole lot of damning information was obtained and distributed. Not sure we need much of an investigation. We already know the spying is happening. It is for US to take precautions to avoid those spying from gaining valued info. Mch worse is the Hillary goof in using an unsecured server for her State business. We might surmise that this server was invaded; we just do not have evidence of what was obtained because no release of the information has been made. The Podesta e-mails are juicy but are, most likely, harmless to National Security. Hillary's State business should be laced with secret information that could well damage a lot of our Government. Not prosecuting her for STUPIDITY is also a major crime against our Nation. So, why are we now acting like this spying is such a horrid act? Obama refused to take actions during his 8 years. Is it ONLY because Golden Girl screwed up and lost the election? They now must act like this is something new even though they are also admitting they have known? Is it that the general media has failed to do their jobs and be independent, reporting on happenings and the ramifications rather than be the voice of the Democrat Party? Basically, so much to do about nothing new until someone is willing to actually take definitive actions against that which we already are well aware. Maybe Trump WILL drain this infested swamp.
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Unlike most politicians, I think he would have tried to make those policy.

I agree with you, and I think this is what scared the Democrat party power brokers.

They no more wanted his (Sanders) brand of "social justice" than Republican establishment types wanted Trump's "drain the swamp" rhetoric. So they made sure the fix was in for Hillary because they actually felt only she could win, not Sander's and his off-the-wall message which could not be "spun" as centrist.

The difference is Republicans knew better than to rig their system against their own primary voters who were not interested in keeping anything the same either in the party or in Washington. That's why Jeb was almost instantly rejected in the first few primaries.

Democrats on the other hand were confident the Sander's people could just be squished like ants, and would enjoy their (Party leader's) benevolence once Hillary was back in the White house.

Republicans trusted their voters to decide how that dynamic played out through their primary process. Democrats didn't want to leave that up to their voters to decide in their own primary process. That's why they lost, not trusting or knowing the people.

Forget about hacked e-mails.
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It's not just the Russians. This administration has KNOWN for years that the Russians, Chinese, North Korea and, and others have perpetually attempted to gain information through cypher spying. KNOWN IT and did little to beef up the security. Private agencies such as the DNC and RNC also KNEW there were being attempts to invade their systems. The RNC, apparently, took actions that kept the intruders from gaining access that would lead to information. The DNC, not so much, and a whole lot of damning information was obtained and distributed. Not sure we need much of an investigation. We already know the spying is happening. It is for US to take precautions to avoid those spying from gaining valued info. Mch worse is the Hillary goof in using an unsecured server for her State business. We might surmise that this server was invaded; we just do not have evidence of what was obtained because no release of the information has been made. The Podesta e-mails are juicy but are, most likely, harmless to National Security. Hillary's State business should be laced with secret information that could well damage a lot of our Government. Not prosecuting her for STUPIDITY is also a major crime against our Nation. So, why are we now acting like this spying is such a horrid act? Obama refused to take actions during his 8 years. Is it ONLY because Golden Girl screwed up and lost the election? They now must act like this is something new even though they are also admitting they have known? Is it that the general media has failed to do their jobs and be independent, reporting on happenings and the ramifications rather than be the voice of the Democrat Party? Basically, so much to do about nothing new until someone is willing to actually take definitive actions against that which we already are well aware. Maybe Trump WILL drain this infested swamp.

Wow ... OK, where to start.
"KNOWN IT and did little to beef up security" -- simply not true. Security is beefed up on every government system every week of every year. All government systems have yearly accreditation processes that they go through that results in a deep dive into the systems to show where there might be risks and the system owners have to provide a Plan of Action and Milestones to address the findings and mitigate risks or provide justification as to why they have to just accept the risk (i.e. there's some critical function that won't work if x, y and z mitigations are put in place)

The RNC got hacked as well, but the information that was retrieved wasn't released. They didn't take actions that kept intruders from gaining access.

"much worse is the Hillary goof in using an unsecured server for her State business" -- this I completely agree with, this act on her part is inexcusable

"So, why are we now acting like this spying is such a horrid act? Obama refused to take actions during his 8 years. Is it ONLY because Golden Girl screwed up and lost the election?" -- no, it's because we have proof of a foreign adversary actually getting into these systems. It needs to be investigated and addressed, regardless of what impact it may or may not have had on the election. There are many GOP legislators that are in agreement with this.

"They now must act like this is something new even though they are also admitting they have known?" -- there are potential hacking attempts on government systems nearly every second of every day. The RNC and the DNC are private organizations, not government agencies, so the government doesn't really have much say in how secure or unsecure they want to make their systems.

"Maybe Trump WILL drain this infested swamp" -- I don't know how you reach that conclusion when he won't even admit that they did it. You have to accept that there is a problem before you can address it. I find his attitude towards this issue very concerning.
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Bull. You're saying the snark and the efforts to undercut Bernie somehow turned voters into Zombies for Hillary? Yes, the DNC threw its support behind Hillary, but they didn't manufacture those primary wins. If a national committee had that much influence, why wasn't someone other than Trump the GOP candidate? Surely you're not saying he's the one the RNC wanted.
The DNC wanted Trump, cuz they thought he'd be an easy "mark"..WRONG!! :joy::scream::flushed:[roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][thumbsup];):p:D
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Trump's primary appeal in my opinion WVPATX was to folks who were abandoned and betrayed by their elected representatives.

They didn't get to vote on the ACA it was forced on them, they don't approve of the massive deficit spending or waste of their hard earned money, they had no say when businesses closed up and moved away...then none came in to either replace the jobs or offers new & better ones, they saw illegal immigrants pouring across our boarder and eventually collecting social services needed by Americans displaced or economically struggling, they saw respect for us overseas, our Police, or other institutions like Marriage and Faith eroding, attacked & impugned, and they didn't see anyone speaking out against any of this or even upset by it until Trump came down that escalator in New York city last Summer and started talking about how all of this stuff just had everyone pissed off and needed to stop.

He wasn't seen as a part of those problems, and even if his solutions (wall, taxing outsourcing companies, beating Isis, etc) may not work, to many folks he was at least expressing their frustrations so they were willing to look past all of his other faults in order to see something finally being done about all of these things.

Then the Media compounded their frustrations by absolutely looking the other way when all of the stench of Clinton's and Dem's corruption came out, while they (Media) spent all of their time ganging up on Trump so everyone eventually just tuned them out. It didn't matter what Trump said, didn't matter what he did, they'd all had it with the Media's bias and as a result just totally ignored them.

I know this is an oversimplification, but in a nutshell it explains a great deal of why Trump has the Left now absolutely flummoxed and the political establishment absolutely terrified.
Trump's primary appeal in my opinion WVPATX was to folks who were abandoned and betrayed by their elected representatives.

They didn't get to vote on the ACA it was forced on them, they don't approve of the massive deficit spending or waste of their hard earned money, they had no say when businesses closed up and moved away...then none came in to either replace the jobs or offers new & better ones, they saw illegal immigrants pouring across our boarder and eventually collecting social services needed by Americans displaced or economically struggling, they saw respect for us overseas, our Police, or other institutions like Marriage and Faith eroding, attacked & impugned, and they didn't see anyone speaking out against any of this or even upset by it until Trump came down that escalator in New York city last Summer and started talking about how all of this stuff just had everyone pissed off and needed to stop.

He wasn't seen as a part of those problems, and even if his solutions (wall, taxing outsourcing companies, beating Isis, etc) may not work, to many folks he was at least expressing their frustrations so they were willing to look past all of his other faults in order to see something finally being done about all of these things.

Then the Media compounded their frustrations by absolutely looking the other way when all of the stench of Clinton's and Dem's corruption came out, while they (Media) spent all of their time ganging up on Trump so everyone eventually just tuned them out. It didn't matter what Trump said, didn't matter what he did, they'd all had it with the Media's bias and as a result just totally ignored them.

I know this is an oversimplification, but in a nutshell it explains a great deal of why Trump has the Left now absolutely flummoxed and the political establishment absolutely terrified.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS BIG TIME ^^^^^^^^^^^^