I see what you're saying but I just don't see a lack of preparation from that UK game, though I admit I don't remember much details of the game other than we got our heads bashed in and it was embarrassing beyond belief just as it was yesterday.
But you notice how a lot of people will point to a lack of preparation just because a team loses? But just because a team loses doesn't mean they were necessarily unprepared.
I'm just arguing here. But I don't think Huggs' teams the past two years are as mentally tough as everyone has made them out to be. They seem to fold when things don't go there way. Not that they never make comebacks and they looked awesome at Iowa St and that was no slouch victory. But in other times against real quality opponents like UK last year and UVA this year, they couldn't re-adjust to the adjustment of the other team.
I think Hugg's needs to adapt more flexibility in his strategy because there's more than one way to play the game but from his comments he doesn't seem to have confidence in his team to adapt to other styles considering he's got a deep team with different individual styles within. It's just odd to me.
OK .... you're actually closer to what I have been saying.
Think about the KY game this way ... the guys prepared by running their mouth in the press.
They simply did not respect their opponent during prep time.
Think about SFA this way. They admitted that they did not respect SFA after the fact.
In each instance they did not respect the other team and they lost in pathetic fashion. That's all that I am saying. They did not properly respect and prepare for each team.