Poll: Less than half of Americans think Obama loves this country

Could there be a stupider topic that's made the news recently? This is quite a clever attack on the prez by Gulliani as it's a difficult and annoying thing to disprove. I haven't seen the prez comment on it nor should he. The only people who really care about this are right wing folks like yourself that think this is a fun thing to smear the prez with and it can't go on long enough. I'd think that the right's time could be better spent attacking Hillary or some other prospective Dem prez candidate.
Exactly. I wonder if Obama still beats his wife?

Still, that poll shows 47 thinks he does, 35 thinks he doesn't. I hope they have another poll on the wife-beating issue.
This poll is a survey of all American attitudes, not only of right wingers. Roughly half of independents don't believe Obama loves this country. I ask the simple question: what do you think?
I think it's ludicrous to suggest any POTUS doesn't love the country

It's ridiculous.
Re: I'll tell you what I know....

Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

more than 50% voted for him for President. Twice.
Splitting hairs ... but that's technically not true since not everybody votes. Everybody sure has a stupid opinion to share though.
Polls show liberals are less patriotic

Yes, Liberals Are Less Patriotic By Rich Lowry

The survey data are clear: There is a patriotism differential between the Right and the Left. Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani instantly became the most notorious man in America when he said at a conservative dinner in Manhattan that President Barack Obama doesn't love America. He gamely tried to defend the remark for a few days before issuing a semi-mea culpa in the Wall Street Journal regretting his "bluntness" and saying that he "didn't intend to question President Obama's motives or the content of his heart." That was probably the inevitable end point once the words came out of his mouth, since it is an unwritten rule of American public life that only liberals are allowed to call their adversaries "unpatriotic." Rudy Giuliani isn't Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid, who have both unloosed the "un-American" bomb on conservative opponents without any risk of getting hounded from polite society. The reaction to Giuliani's comment was so harsh in part because he referred to Obama's upbringing. This was taken as a sign that - in the wince-inducing argot of people constantly inventing a new vocabulary for their grievances - he was "othering" Obama, or playing to dark fears about the president's past. Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth. But no "othering" is necessary. To be less patriotic than the average American doesn't require any elaborate backstory or exotic beliefs - it is, as a matter of fact, a standard characteristic of the typical American liberal. The survey data are clear: There is a patriotism differential between the Right and the Left. Which doesn't mean that liberals don't love the country in their own fashion, but their love is not reflected in old-fashioned pride in country. A Pew Research survey last year found that 46 percent of "steadfast conservatives" believed that the U.S. stands above all other countries; only 11 percent of "solid liberals" believed the same. Seventy-two percent of steadfast conservatives said they often feel proud to be an American; only 40 percent of solid liberals said they do. Gallup headlined its write-up of a 2010 survey "One in Three Americans 'Extremely Patriotic': Republicans, conservatives, and seniors most likely to say so." According to Gallup, 52 percent of Republicans and 48 percent of conservatives called themselves extremely patriotic; only 20 percent of Democrats and 19 percent of liberals did. As a general matter, patriotic sentiment becomes more attenuated the further left you go. The late distinguished philosopher Richard Rorty, hardly a McCarthyite, once wrote a New York Times op-ed titled "The Unpatriotic Academy."He praised the Left on campus for its championing of marginalized groups, before stipulating that "there is a problem with this left: it is unpatriotic. In the name of 'the politics of difference,' it refuses to rejoice in the country it inhabits. It repudiates the idea of a national identity, and the emotion of national pride."Edmund Burke famously said that "to make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely." For the Left, America is lovely to the extent it corresponds to a progressive vision of a European-style welfare state that leads from behind in international affairs and pounds its chest less about its own greatness and exceptionalism. The America it can feel proud of exists not in actuality, but in prospect, as a vessel for a distinct ideological vision. Needless to say, it is hard to pursue this project while simultaneously feeling what George Orwell, in his definition of patriotism, called "devotion to a particular place and particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world."None of this means that questioning any particular politician's patriotism will ever be considered in bounds - it smacks of questioning motives that are ultimately unknowable. But if Giuliani had stood up before that room of conservatives and said that liberals don't feel about this country the way we do, he would have been on unassailable ground, and had the data to prove it.
This has been a running theme with the far right....character beating....

"He doesn't love his country"--(said at a Scott Walker campaign dinner). There's no substance to it, just a empty flame to run amok through right wing media.
What's ironic is that the conservatives consider themselves most patriotic

Yet fight against the very ideals the country was founded on and what's in the constitution. (other than the 2nd amendment of course, the far right love that one, but refer to the bible for everything else even if it conflicts with the constitution.
Re: This has been a running theme with the far right....character beating....

I think there is plenty of substance:

1. He campaigned on fundamentally transforming this country. If you love something, why do you need to transform it? Transform is not a subtle change, it is an enormous one.

2. He was raised in an environment hostile to capitalism. His grandfather introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis, whom Obama referred to in his book as Uncle Frank. Davis is a well known communist and was very influential on Obama. Obama was and is close to Ayers and Dorn, both communists.

3. Obama has, over and over again, blasted America and our history, not defender her. He has apologized for America. He does not believe in American exceptionalism.

I never had any doubt that Clinton loved this country even though I disagreed with most of his policies. The same with Jimmy Carter. But Obama does not possess, imo, that same level of patriotism. And I attribute that to his upbringing. In fact, in Maraniss' book (which was a love story to Obama), he interviewed Obama's friends who admitted that Obama knew he needed to become more "American" if he hoped to run and win office.
Re: What's ironic is that the conservatives consider themselves most patriotic

Nothing can be further from the truth. Conservatives revere the Constitution. It is the liberals that tend to want to circumvent it. Take the first amendment, which conflicts with political correctness. Thus, you have universities that deny first amendment rights, except for very small free speech zones. In another huge example, the framers sought a very small central government with clearly enumerated powers. Liberals want an enormous central government that intrudes into the lives of Americans in almost every conceivable way.

The poll results speak for themselves. Conservatives tend to have much greater affection for the country than do liberals.
True. But the sample size was much broader

130 million in the surveys I was referring to.
how do you verify love of country?

that's like someone here saying they love christ. Okay, now what? Hate everyone else that doesn't?
Nice bottle of wine... Kenny G... and sweet sweet love makin. **

Re: What's ironic is that the conservatives consider themselves most patriotic

Originally posted by WVPATX:
Nothing can be further from the truth. Conservatives revere the Constitution. It is the liberals that tend to want to circumvent it. Take the first amendment, which conflicts with political correctness. Thus, you have universities that deny first amendment rights, except for very small free speech zones. In another huge example, the framers sought a very small central government with clearly enumerated powers. Liberals want an enormous central government that intrudes into the lives of Americans in almost every conceivable way.

The poll results speak for themselves. Conservatives tend to have much greater affection for the country than do liberals.
So, conservatives would have no issue with the acceptance of a Muslim? Particularly in a position of power? I can't tell you how many conservatives say that we should rid the country of all Muslims.

You clearly don't understand the constitution if you trot out universities. Is the US Government prosecuting these people, or is it just a University policy? Big difference.

Equal rights for all? Not on the far right, hell no. No problem with 2nd marriages (even though the bible forbids it). No problem with a convicted murderer on death row being able to get married. But two gay people in a committed relationship? "Not in 'Murica"
Re: This has been a running theme with the far right....character beating....

Originally posted by WVPATX:
I think there is plenty of substance:

1. He campaigned on fundamentally transforming this country. If you love something, why do you need to transform it? Transform is not a subtle change, it is an enormous one.
Rudy Guiliani, who bubbled this talk to the surface again, ran on the exact same principles as it pertains to NYC. So, apparently he doesn't love NYC and never did.

Let's say you have a kid with a disorder. Bipolar disorder. Do you love that kid more by trying to help him/her to be the best person they can be by getting them proper treatment? Or do you love them more by just saying "eh, that's the way it is, no sense trying to help"?
Re: how do you verify love of country?

I posted the poll and asked the question. You may not like the poll results, but the poll asked Americans their opinion and they responded. Not sure why you are getting so upset. Opinions are formed by people for a variety of reasons, some rational, fact based and some gut reactions.
Re: What's ironic is that the conservatives consider themselves most patriotic

Not sure what that has to do with the Constitution. But the poll results speak for themselves. Liberals tend to be less patriotic than conservatives and by a wide margin. You may not like the results, but you need to hash this out with your fellow liberals.
Hilarious. There is a long list of draft-dodging Republicans...

who helped get us into Iraq 10 years ago. Cheney being the most glaring one. Patriotic indeed. Chickenhawks.
That's simply not true.

The country was founded on the belief of self rule, however the distinction between "parties" had more to do with Federalism (Adams) and Anti-Federalism (Jefferson).

Progressive... Liberal... Conservative... it's all hot air.

Hell, the religious radicals in the mid 1800's were the abolitionists, the Republicans, who held beliefs that would have been considered "Progressive".
Re: What's ironic is that the conservatives consider themselves most patriotic

Originally posted by WVPATX:
Not sure what that has to do with the Constitution.
That doesn't surprise me at all.
Conservatives love America so much never disrespect a President!

Lol. What bullshit.
I didn't say I didn't like the results

but I have likely decades of more experience than you using research and any evidence created from it and know very well many have the intent to attack others with it creating falsehoods. It's called propaganda.
Wrong again

Rudy NEVER ran on fundamentally transforming NYC. He ran on a platform of dramatically reducing crime in which he was highly successful.

Fundamental transformation is an enormous change. Obama felt the country needed this enormous change. Again, if you love your country, why the need for the enormous change. That is very different than the love for a child that has a disease. Natually, everyone would want to heal the disease. Did Obama think that America was diseased, in your opinion?
"No problem with 2nd marriages (even though the bible forbids it)"

No it doesn't
Re: Define "Patriotic" Lol

Some examples:

1. Love of country
2. Willingness to serve the country in times of need
3. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country
4. Pledge allegiance with pride
5. Show respect for the flag
6. Honor the country here and abroad
Re: I didn't say I didn't like the results

Don't know your gig, but I do believe I have seniority. I collected evidence in a major city and used it in court.
Re: "No problem with 2nd marriages (even though the bible forbids it)"

Originally posted by TarHeelEer:
No it doesn't
Yes it does. It is considered adultery which is condemned by the bible.