Police are revenue collectors. Dangerous revenue collectors.


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Belmont, Ohio
They are not here to protect us. They do not serve us. They serve the government. Anyone who trusts cops should have their heads examined.

And any minority who is stopped by a cop is in danger of harm.
Only if they decide to be non-compliant and indignant. Comply with all directions and respond yes sir and no sir and there is nothing to fear. Of course a good start would also be to not put yourself in a situation that would bring the attention of the authorities.:
Posted from Rivals Mobile
To be fair

Originally posted by countryroads89:

Just ask 50-year-old Walter Lamer Scott of Charleston, SC.
He did struggle with the cop, and then ran away. I'm sure he wasn't instructed to do either of those things by the officer.

I'm not saying he deserved to be shot, I still think a murder charge is justified, but you aren't really making a good point by using this as a counter to DvlDog's post.

I'm interested in everything that happened leading up to that. It isn't on the video, and the police already tried lying about the events so we'll probably never really know. It was a traffic stop. How did it escalate to a struggle?

I've been pulled over many times. I've been respectful each time, even if I didn't do what I was being pulled over for I didn't argue with them because I knew I'd have a court case and arguing would only make things worse in that moment.

Maybe he had some legitimate reason to struggle with the cop, but we probably won't know now.
You mean he was instructed by the cop to fight with him and run away? Fascinating. Regardless, it still doesn't justify his being shot, at least from what I can tell thus far.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
That is the correct answer

People normally write their own ticket. They have the opportunity to treat assholes like assholes. Show respect and you will receive the same. That does not mean you will not be cited for the original offense.
What injustice have you received ffrom an officer?

Specifically, what was the exchange. I will attempt to refrain from committing the same offense.
Re: To be fair

The eyewitness that video recorded the tragedy said he was trying to avoid being tazed. There was no mention of a struggle. You all did see the POS murderer attempt to plant the tazer gun, right?
Re: To be fair

There was a struggle for the raser or the cop just threw it on the ground on his own. It was on the ground near where the cop shot the man.
Re: To be fair

I dont know who said it but either the.police report or the eyewitness said that the guy didnt want to be tased and it seemed like the officer and the guy either struggled or he knocked the tser away. Who really knows. My only thought was that the taser was laying a couple feet away from the cop when he shot the guy. I dont see where it makes much difference other than suggesting maybe the guy didnt follow directions well so the cop shot him.
Re: To be fair

Crazy situation for sure

Surprised the guy filming it kept at it . I'm not sure I would have done The same
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: To be fair

Im glad he did. Evidence makes a case like this much easier to prosecute or defend.
Re: To be fair

You could see an object rolling when they first disengaged, but you cannot see who dropped it. Officer retrieved it and dropped it near the body. Attempt to plant or just securing the gun?
Re: To be fair

Originally posted by countryroads89:
The eyewitness that video recorded the tragedy said he was trying to avoid being tazed. There was no mention of a struggle. You all did see the POS murderer attempt to plant the tazer gun, right?
Did see them plant the tazer gun, and if I recall correctly a second officer was standing there when it happened. I wonder if there will be charges against him if he backed up Slager's story. I don't see it being accessorty to murder, but maybe obstruction of justice or something like that. Not sure.

The struggle ... I'm getting that from the cop's original statement, so take that for what it's worth. His claim was that the guy tried to take his tazer, which I don't believe, however, I don't understand how the tazer comes into play at all unless there was a struggle. I don't care to watch the video again, but it seemed like the victim broke away from the cop before starting to run, which would have involved some kind of struggle.

So, anyway, that's where my statement about the struggle came from. It seems logical that there must have been some kind of struggle, but it's impossible to know how/why it started in the first place. I can't give any statements from the cop any credibility at this point.