Please tell me that Republicans are embarrassed by Greene, Perry, etc….

To be clear, the “don’t say gay” mantra is a lie. That you’re referencing it that way shows you’re ignorant of the legislation.

The legislation is designed to not allow discussing sex Ed to Pre-K - 3rd grade. The legislation is more aptly named, anti-grooming. So, if you’re in favor of grooming, you’re on your own island.

Get smart on the legislation instead of allowing yourself to be lied to. As you know, I’m pro-gay rights, and after I read the bill, I was fine with it.
The bill wasnt introduced to fix a problem, it was introduced to get bitches like you all riled up. Show me where “grooming” is an issue
To be clear, the “don’t say gay” mantra is a lie. That you’re referencing it that way shows you’re ignorant of the legislation.

The legislation is designed to not allow discussing sex Ed to Pre-K - 3rd grade. The legislation is more aptly named, anti-grooming. So, if you’re in favor of grooming, you’re on your own island.

Get smart on the legislation instead of allowing yourself to be lied to. As you know, I’m pro-gay rights, and after I read the bill, I was fine with it.
And i didnt say anything about the legislation in my post, to be clear, i just referenced Desantis going after Disney, when the CEO spoke out against it. Or was that not free speech?
If government didnt intervene in our capitalistic system, where would we be? Ask Teddy Rosevelt. True cost needs to be assessed to businesses for their choices, and consumers need to assess their true price for products.
I always relied on the Republican Party to keep the government in line as it came to spending, and ensuring the free market is as “free” as it can be. Cant rely on that anymore
You mean FDR? Without him and his government overreach of minimum wage, we would still have jobs and probably mothers at home to manage our kids. Fathers working and providing for their families on a single income. Flint Michigan would probably still be flourishing as well as Youngstown Ohio and many more industrial cities. We’d probably not have a drug epidemic destroying the inner cities. We’d probably not have built China into a super power by outsourcing our manufacturing of the products we depend upon over there. We’d have American made here. We’d have restored American pride. You losers can deflect all you want, but these are facts and a good case of cause and effect. Your tribe of libtards created this and your party will be noted by historians forever to have been responsible for the fall of America.
No matter how much you all phrase it, and press it, I don’t care. I don’t think J6 was an existential threat to Democracy or any of the other bullshit narrative you all have claimed.

Moreover, after watching the results of the Whitmer investigation, it is highly more likely there was Fed involvement and pushing this than there was Trump. With respect to the people who broke through the ropes, prosecute them. I have no allegiance to them. But J6 is nothing like it’s being portrayed by the left. The left is just lying and you all are too insulated to see how little anyone outside of your bubble care.
So…..there wasnt a plan researched and discussed amongst senior officials to have Pence delay the certification?
Trump didnt call for Pence to do exactly that at the rally prior to the SAME CROWD going over to delay the certification themselves?
Trump and all you fvcking babies are still claiming election fraud, with NO EVIDENCE, and claiming our democracy is already compromised?
And none of this is a threat to our democracy and our Constitutional processes?
Talk about ignorance….you do everything big and bold i see.
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You mean FDR? Without him and his government overreach of minimum wage, we would still have jobs and probably mothers at home to manage our kids. Fathers working and providing for their families on a single income. Flint Michigan would probably still be flourishing as well as Youngstown Ohio and many more industrial cities. We’d probably not have a drug epidemic destroying the inner cities. We’d probably not have built China into a super power by outsourcing our manufacturing of the products we depend upon over there. We’d have American made here. We’d have restored American pride. You losers can deflect all you want, but these are facts and a good case of cause and effect. Your tribe of libtards created this and your party will be noted by historians forever to have been responsible for the fall of America.
I was referencing the “trust busting” legislation implemented by Teddy, but yeah sure……nice whatifism there, just genius.
Ridiculous? It's not even true, bleater. Show us Florida's "don't say gay" legislation and I'll support Democrats for the rest of my life. You are spreading a bold-faced lie.

You're a brainwashed bleater.
What isnt true?
I think the rights of a minority is the same as the rights for anyone else. But unfortunately in our nation, only the rights of the minority have been systematically suppressed, sorry.
Please…what fvcking rights of minorities are oppressed right now? If anything, minorities have more opportunity than whites today. And most certainly more opportunities in America than anywhere else in the world.
Please…what fvcking rights of minorities are oppressed right now? If anything, minorities have more opportunity than whites today. And most certainly more opportunities in America than anywhere else in the world.
Ask the Minneapolis PD
MTG can come or go, no real strong feeling on her. DeSantis should be our leading candidate. How is taking special privileges Disney has taken advantage of "attacking"?

The Republican Party is the same as it's been for 20 years. You're the indoctrinated ones that have gone off into left left left field.
You're really out of touch. It's the MAGA party now and the far right leads it. The majority of congressional Repubs have been scared into silence by the extreme MAGA element. MTG is the face of the Repub party. Obviously DeSantis is attacking Disney and the LGBTQ folks. You should read the news occasionally.
Who is going down in flames? You're still watching MSNBC aren't you? Nobody cares about J6.

If you mean the Democratic party, you're correct. Identify as whatever gender you like, and the rest of the world has to accommodate you? Canceling student debt? Pronouns? Ministry of Truth? Refuse to open up drilling, but pushing billions into green energy which still to this day is not sustainable? Giving out billions of dollars while tanking and inflating our economy all at the same time? Food shortages due to Biden's war, resource shortages(we handed out billions, remember?), and distribution issues?

We will be lucky if we're still a country by the next presidential election at this point.
:joy: :joy::joy::joy:
I was referencing the “trust busting” legislation implemented by Teddy, but yeah sure……nice whatifism there, just genius.
“Whatifism “? Really? So, you think a federal minimum wage mandate is good for Example: small businesses of less than 5 employees? And it should be the same as Example: Walmart? You think small business will survive? Do you think large corporations employing thousands of Americans didn’t leave the US to go overseas to take advantage of low wages? Minimum wage is anti capitalist. The capitalist market determines your worth and pay. And that is the correct way. If you want high pay, learn a valuable skill. It’s that simple. Otherwise, flip my burger and STFU
So…..there wasnt a plan researched and discussed amongst senior officials to have Pence delay the certification?
Trump didnt call for Pence to do exactly that at the rally prior to the SAME CROWD going over to delay the certification themselves?
Trump and all you fvcking babies are still claiming election fraud, with NO EVIDENCE, and claiming our democracy is already compromised?
And none of this is a threat to our democracy and our Constitutional processes?
Talk about ignorance….you do everything big and bold i see.

Dossier threat >>>> J6 threat
I think the rights of a minority is the same as the rights for anyone else. But unfortunately in our nation, only the rights of the minority have been systematically suppressed, sorry.
Suppressed? WTF? You, I, anyone, has the legal protections under the Constitution. But if you are trying to say let men use female restrooms just because they "identify" as such is being suppressed? Then you have no f**king clue what that even means. Go back and look at Jim Crow, that's being "suppressed".
Trump and Co. tried everything they legally could to fight the election, as every other campaign this century has as well. It wasn't successful, and he left office when he was supposed to. It was not an InSuRreCtIoN.

There was a mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol that Trump wasn't even at. You still have people locked up awaiting trial for a parade through the building, where security let them in.

I do care about the funds Zuckerberg spent on increasing the vote count in specific districts, and the ballot drop boxes that came along with it. That is illegal to fund as a private entity.

If you don't care about that (which the left doesn't), you're pathetic.
If BLM protesters had taken over the Capitol building and tried to interfere with Trump taking office in 2016, you all would have lynched every one of them. Jan 6th rioters get what they deserve. Why isn't Zuck in jail for his "illegal" activities?
So…..there wasnt a plan researched and discussed amongst senior officials to have Pence delay the certification?
Trump didnt call for Pence to do exactly that at the rally prior to the SAME CROWD going over to delay the certification themselves?
Trump and all you fvcking babies are still claiming election fraud, with NO EVIDENCE, and claiming our democracy is already compromised?
And none of this is a threat to our democracy and our Constitutional processes?
Talk about ignorance….you do everything big and bold i see.
or the limo sent for Pence to take him away from the Capitol where he wasn't done fulfilling his official duties to certify the vote.
I think the rights of a minority is the same as the rights for anyone else. But unfortunately in our nation, only the rights of the minority have been systematically suppressed, sorry.

AYFK? The past 10 years we've seen nothing but the systematic suppression of the majority voice to protect the feelings of the minority. Not protect the rights of the minority, just their feelings.
If BLM protesters had taken over the Capitol building and tried to interfere with Trump taking office in 2016, you all would have lynched every one of them. Jan 6th rioters get what they deserve. Why isn't Zuck in jail for his "illegal" activities?
Lynched? Really? When was the last lynching in America? For godsakes, put the pipe down. Your party is responsible for those heinous acts in our dark history.
Real strong convictions these reps have: Greene doesn’t remember calling for Marshal Law?

And how about DeSantis attacking Florida’s largest private employer over a CEO voicing an opinion?

I dont recognize the Republican Party any longer. I think it is only about beating the other side now, not about conservatism.
Someone call the squad 🙄
“Whatifism “? Really? So, you think a federal minimum wage mandate is good for Example: small businesses of less than 5 employees? And it should be the same as Example: Walmart? You think small business will survive? Do you think large corporations employing thousands of Americans didn’t leave the US to go overseas to take advantage of low wages? Minimum wage is anti capitalist. The capitalist market determines your worth and pay. And that is the correct way. If you want high pay, learn a valuable skill. It’s that simple. Otherwise, flip my burger and STFU
Thank you Judge Smails, I know the world needs ditch diggers too, but maybe they can earn enough to live well at least.
Exactly what I said. Your claim is Florida has a "Don't say gay" bill and that is absolutely false. No where does it say you can't say gay.....Yet Disney, leftists and their bleaters are pushing that lie.
It is backlash legislation aimed at identity politics and creating more divisiveness — thats all.
Thank you Judge Smails, I know the world needs ditch diggers too, but maybe they can earn enough to live well at least.
Again, it’s all about a valuable skill. Nobody forces you to dig that ditch. If nobody agrees to accept that job to dig the ditch, guess what happens? It becomes valuable and the wage goes up. Isn’t that the goal? You’re welcome for that basic lesson.
Do you know how many of my teachers in the 80's and early 90's talked about gays, sex, etc.? ZERO. There's no place for that in schools. Kids are too f**ked up the way it is with pressure to pick a career or get a 34 on the ACT by the age of 13.
Spoken by someone who believes that talking about homosexuality “fvcks kids up”. and you don’t know how many teachers talked about homosexuality and sex on the 80’s and 90’s — anyone can make shit up.

This was the design of the legislation in the first place - this discussion and more drawing of lines as to what constitutes America and righteousness.
And i didnt say anything about the legislation in my post, to be clear, i just referenced Desantis going after Disney, when the CEO spoke out against it. Or was that not free speech?
Spoke out or lied about it? Lie was the correct term and they have benefitted from special treatment. Should keep your mouth shut.
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Believe everything we see on the interwebs i see? How old are you?

So this doesn't happen, and FL's law that doesn't allow it to happen is an issue for you.

Got it!

AYFK? The past 10 years we've seen nothing but the systematic suppression of the majority voice to protect the feelings of the minority. Not protect the rights of the minority, just their feelings.
That is laughable. “Suppression of the majority voice”……victim mentality at it’s best. How horrible us straight, white, males have had it lately, hunh? Rough stuff
It is backlash legislation aimed at identity politics and creating more divisiveness — thats all.

Why did you call it a "Don't say gay" bill?

Also, the bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through 3rd grade and prohibits instruction that is not age appropriate for students and requires school districts to adopt procedures for notifying parents if there is a change in services from the school regarding a child’s mental, emotional or physical health or well-being.

How is that divisive? How is that identity politics?

Parents have a right to be included in their child's upbringing.

You're so brainwashed.
Spoke out or lied about it? Lie was the correct term and they have benefitted from special treatment. Should keep your mouth shut.
I dont think he lied, and that “special treatment” was part of a deal negotiated by the State, I think the State benefitted substantially.
Spoken by someone who believes that talking about homosexuality “fvcks kids up”. and you don’t know how many teachers talked about homosexuality and sex on the 80’s and 90’s — anyone can make shit up.

This was the design of the legislation in the first place - this discussion and more drawing of lines as to what constitutes America and righteousness.
1. I never said talking about homosexuality "f*cks kids up". I said that schools are not the place for it. Kids are being f**ked up because of a lot of things.

2. I said my teachers never talked about it. We never asked about it. Did we have gays in my graduating class? Absolutely. None of anyone's business, though. They didn't force it on me, I didn't force my being straight on them.

Can you explain to me why you think it is the job of an elementary/history/english/math teacher to talk to kids about sexuality? Are they experts in the field? Are you hoping that they sway kids opinions to match their own personal opinion (be careful with your answer)? Do they read from a government-mandated script? I don't understand how you think this can be a good thing.
Why did you call it a "Don't say gay" bill?

Also, the bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through 3rd grade and prohibits instruction that is not age appropriate for students and requires school districts to adopt procedures for notifying parents if there is a change in services from the school regarding a child’s mental, emotional or physical health or well-being.

How is that divisive? How is that identity politics?

You're so brainwashed.
Because it is not a problem that needed addressed - teachers “pushing” homosexuality on k-3rd students, if it exists at all, should be a matter of firing a teacher. Outlawing books that make mention of homosexuality as it pertains to tolerance? Anyone that wants that done, thinks homosexuality is wrong, plain and simple. It is a foolish law
That is laughable. “Suppression of the majority voice”……victim mentality at it’s best. How horrible us straight, white, males have had it lately, hunh? Rough stuff
So only whites have prospered lately? Since 2008, we’ve had a black representative in the WH all but 4 years. We have 2 black SCOTUS out of a total of 9 SCOTUS. There are more black millionaires in the US than anywhere else in the world. Blacks have major influence in decision making processes across the country and hold many high paying respectable jobs. All while only making up 13% of the US population. Please tell me more about their “suffering”.
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